James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Richard O’Brien, 21 January 1806 (Abstract)

From Richard O’Brien, 21 January 1806 (Abstract)

§ From Richard O’Brien. 21 January 1806, Washington. “Dureing The Three weeks I have lattirly remained at Washington I have had frequent oppertunities of Knowing Lieut. Wormley he haveing been one of the officers; prisoners in tripoli.1 I think he posseses Capacities and Knowledge of That govt. which Cannot be acquired but by experience—and, Should you Consider The Same Permit me to Observe Sir That he would be adequate to be charged with our affairs at tripoli.”

RC (DNA: RG 59, LAR, 1801–9, filed under “Wormeley”). 1 p.; docketed by Jefferson.

1Hugh Wallace Wormeley had been a midshipman in the U.S. Navy during the Quasi-War, after which he was discharged. He served as midshipman again from 1802 until 1 Sept. 1805, when he was appointed second lieutenant in the Marines, which position he resigned 20 May 1806. His insult to William Eaton’s step-daughter at a ball held at his commanding officer’s house that spring caused a duel between two Washington residents that was reported in the papers (Knox, Register of Officer Personnel, 61, 66; Springfield, Mass., Hampshire Federalist, 13 May 1806; Boyd, Papers of Thomas Jefferson description begins Julian P. Boyd et al., eds., The Papers of Thomas Jefferson (41 vols. to date; Princeton, N.J., 1950–). description ends , 10:620 n.).

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