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Results 42421-42450 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
J’ai eû le plaisir, de recevoir ce Matin Vos ordres du 20 relat. aux Livres que Vous desirès pour le Moment—ils seront strictement executès. Vous avez eû la Grace, de m’honorer tout a la tete de cette Lettre d’un adjectif, qui me porte au Comble du bonheur— Apprendre, que je suis cher a l’homme, pour le quel je me suis—depuis tres longtems, et d’un moment a l’autre plus intimement (a tous...
Mr. Tracy’s motion for a Call for the Letter of Mr. Munroe has been under discussion & has been adjourned until tomorrow—Many Gentlemen have declared that they were absent when the letter was Read—others that they had not attended (all our friends)—I therefore take leave to Submit the propriety of Sending the Letter tomorrow early—It may be requested that (after reading) the Same shall be...
My last letter was dated on the 22d. of December. In that I stated the opening of a new negociation between France & Austria, and the most probable conjectures formed here with regard to the result. These you will now find realized by the treaty of Presburg concluded on the 26th. December and submitted to the senate on the 14th. instant. You will have heard that Rear Admiral L’Allemand on his...
§ From William C. C. Claiborne. 21 January 1806, New Orleans. “I lately reviewed the Battalion of Orleans Volunteers, and I can assure you Sir, that their appearance and conduct, on parade, warrant an opinion, that, in Peace or war, they will deserve well of their Country. “The native Citizens of the United States who reside in this City, have, of late, manifested a great share of military...
§ From George Davis. 21 January 1806, Washington. “By a letter from Consul Lear dated Algiers August 22d. 1804, (enclosing an extract from a communication of the Honb: The Secty. of State of the 6th. June 1804) I was directed to enquire into certain items of Mr. Eatons Accounts for which the regular vouchers could not be obtained. The result of my enquiries on this subject were communicated...
§ From George W. Erving. 21 January 1806, Madrid. No 7. “I have had the pleasure to receive your letter of Novr. 21st. but not delivered by the Mr. Smith therein referred to; & the newspapers which you have been so good as to send have not yet reached me. I do not know that I have any particular reason to complain of the stoppage or violation of my letters, but it is generally understood here...
§ From George W. Erving. 21 January 1806, Madrid. No. 4. “I had the honor to receive on the 14th, Inst. your letter of November 1st., 1805, in which you are pleased to instruct me as to the line of conduct to be observed with this Court, & find with great satisfaction that the language which I have held here upon all occasions, as well to individuals as in my public communications with the...
§ From Richard O’Brien. 21 January 1806, Washington. “Dureing The Three weeks I have lattirly remained at Washington I have had frequent oppertunities of Knowing Lieut. Wormley he haveing been one of the officers; prisoners in tripoli. I think he posseses Capacities and Knowledge of That govt. which Cannot be acquired but by experience—and, Should you Consider The Same Permit me to Observe Sir...
§ From James Simpson. 21 January 1806, Tangier. No. 105. “I had the honour of addressing you No 104 on the 26th. last Month with information on occurrences in this Country up to that time. I should have told you that in November Denmark paid Muley Soliman twenty five thousand dollars, corresponding with their Stipulation for 1803; thus two years are in Arrear. “Sweden has hitherto made her...
§ From Frederick Jacob Wichelhausen. 21 January 1806, Bremen. “I had last the honor of addressing you on the 28 Octr. and 7th Ult.; the first containing a circumstancial report respecting the answer given by the Government of Oldenburg on communicating to it the contents of your letter of the 13th May last, which concerns the Quarantaine regulations adopted in this country against vessels...
I have to acknolege the reciept of your favor of the 1st. inst. informg me that the A.P.S. had again elected me President of the Society for the ensuing year. for this mark of their continued favor I pray you to present them a renewal of my thanks and my profound respect. I have still to lament that my distance & other occupations leave me nothing but expressions of useless regrets that I have...
The United States are not in the practice of engaging in any manufactures but those of arms, within which description that of white lead, proposed by you, does not fall. they have lately come to the possession of the lead mines of Louisiana, the most valuable probably in the world: but how they will be employed has not yet been decided by Congress. Accept my respects DLC : Papers of Thomas...
Yesterday I was duly [noti]fied, that you was pleased to Appoint me a Justice of the peace, you will please to accept of my gratefull acknowlagement for the honor conferred on me by the Appointment & I am exceeding sorry to inform you that it is alltogether out of my power under present circumstances to Accept of that office. I am Sir most respectfully your Hue Sert. DNA : RG 59--State Department.
At the request of Captn. Willm. Silsbee of Salem Masstts. I enclose you the letter, addressed to you, of an Arabian merchant of distinction, residing in Moka in which you are informed that he had sent you two Camels, which I am sorry to add have both died on the passage, at least I presume, that on board the Ship Mary & Eliza has met with some accident, as no mention is made of it, altho’ the...
My friend, John Slocum, esquire, surveyor of this port, will have the honor to present to the President this letter, which is intended as an introduction, not only to the distinction with which every respectable man is received, but to the confidence of the President, if inclined to confer with him upon the affairs of this State. To take liberties like these may be considered as the height of...
I have this day delivered to Capt. John Gilpin, of the Schr Henrietta, bound to Alexandria, a box, containing the sample bottles mentioned in my letter of the 30th ultimo, to be delivered to the collector, and have requested him to forward the box immediately to you— Mr. Russel of the house of Post and Russel of this City, has requested me to say, that he would be glad to know your...
A pressure of business has prevented my acknolegement of the reciept of your favor of the 3d. and an earlier expression of my sensibility on the continued favor of the American Philosophical society in electing me to their chair. the interest I take in the advancement of the society is indeed without bounds, but my means, of contributing to it’s purposes very limited. such as they are, they...
This Memorial of the Subscriber most respectfully sheweth, that (with the utmost sorrow & reluctance, yet with the purest deference) necessity alone renders it imperatively indispensible that he should thus lay the facts of his Case before the first Magistrate of the Union. It unfortunately happen’d Sir that in the Spring of 1802 I was about to contract with the Navy Dept. for a Cargo of rough...
It is with reluctance that I offer a word in favor of any Person desireous of getting into Office, but in the instance which I am about to intrude on your notice, my duty as well inclination prompts me to serve a brother of my late Wife—Mr. Philip DePeyster of New York writes me that he is desireous of being appointed Consul in the Island of Curaco vacant by the death of Mr. Philips about 3...
Venant d’apprendre, que le Congress Vous avoit remise la Nomination des Officiers de toute espece de l’armeè navale, nomament çelle des Officiers de Santè — Je me presente aujourdhui devant Vous, pour, si cela faire se peut, Vous demander une telle place pour un excellent sujet, de Trêves, du Departement de la Sarre—qui a achevè ses etudes et pris le Grade de Docteur a l’Universitè de Vienne,...
I have recieved your favor of 14 Inst. with 30 D. enclosed In conformity to your wishes I have paid for the Freemans Journal up to 16 Sep. 1806 4 To Irwin & Kelly in full for Philad Repository 2 Richard Folwell for Spirit of the Rep to No 34 inclusive 2 he proposes to continue it—as it may be irregular I took the receipt in this way— Petit Censeur—The Editor Daudit has left town, as is...
Your letter closing the last and commencing the present year, has been several days in my hands, and has hitherto remained without reply, from a variety of causes; but the want of time has been the principal one. Business is thickening upon us very fast, and notwithstanding your injunction to me at the time when I was getting into the Carriage to come here, I have not been able to keep myself...
The inclosed Memorial which I hav⟨e⟩ the honor to forward to you, has been sent to me by the Memorialist for the purpose of obtainin⟨g⟩ a settlement of his demand against the U.States. The facts therein stated so far as my Knowlege extends are certainly correct. When Mr. Slade was first engaged to institute claims & appeals in the High Court of Admiralty & in the High Court of Appeals, by...
§ From Bradley & Mulford. 20 January 1806, New Haven. “We take the liberty of transmitting you Documents relative to Capture, likewise Sentence of Condemnation of part the Brig William’s Cargo taken on her passage from St. Croix to New York by the French Privateer Resouied, Peter Journan Commander, Commissiond, by General Ferrand from St. Domingo. “The particulars we shall here omit, they...
§ From Robert W. Fox. 20 January 1806, Falmouth. “Since my last respects of the   Decemr there have been detained the two following Vessels, the Oliver Woolcott Captn Richards from North Amboy with Sugars bound to Amsterdam, carried into the Mountsbay, and the Lucy Captn Peckham from Baltimore with a Cargo of Sugar, Coffee &ca bound to Nantes put into this port—on the arrival of the latter...
§ From John Mitchell. 20 January 1806, Paris. “In conformity to your instructions with My New Commission as Vice commercial Agent for Havre—I now cover you a Bond signed by my self and Mr. James Caldwell of the City of Philadelphia—as this Gentlemn. has considerable landed property in that City, it will I presume meet your approbation. “Notwithstanding my putting myself in rule, I have little...
§ From Anthony Terry. 20 January 1806, Cádiz. “Referring to my last via Marblehead & Lisbon —I now have the pleasure to inclose you the List of the American Vessels Arrived & Sailed in this Bay, San Lucar and Algeziras during the last Six months of the Year 1805 [not found]. “Under date of the 1st. November last, a Royal Decree came down from Madrid to this Board of Health, ordering that...
¶ From Zephaniah Woods. Letter not found. 20 January 1806. Acknowledged in Daniel Brent to Woods, 23 Jan. 1806 ( DNA : RG 59, Records on Impressed Seamen, 1794–1815, Misc. Correspondence, box 11), as regarding his son Thomas Woods. Brent informed Woods that the documents concerning his son had been sent to William Lyman with instructions to do all he could to obtain Thomas’s release. Addressed...
Stevens distr. Atty Maryld ^ Nathanl. Smith of R.I. to be Naval officer for the port of Providence ^ Simeon Theus of S.C. to be Collector of the district of Charleston ^ Cowles Mead of Georgia to be Secretary of the territory of Missisipi.
Received of the President of the U States Two Dollars for Eight months Subscription to the Spirit of the Press being from the commencement to No. 34 Inclusive— MHi : Coolidge Collection.