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Results 4241-4250 of 184,431 sorted by author
4241[August 1771] (Adams Papers)
Have loitered at home the most of the past Week, gazing at my Workmen. I set ’em upon one Exploit, that pleases me much. I proposed ploughing up the Ground in the Street along my Stone Wall opposite to Mr. Jos. Fields, and carting the Mould into my Cow Yard. A few Scruples, and Difficulties were started but these were got over—and Plough, Cart, Boards, Shovells, Hoes, &c. were collected, and...
Your Address, and Memorial, to the President, the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States has been presented to me, by one of your representatives in Congress Mr. Sitgreaves— The sentiments and determination expressed in this Address, are such as become the sincere Lovers of their Country in dangerous times; In proportion to your satisfaction, with the endeavors of your own...
You will see by the public Papers, that your Committee of Correspondence is making greater progress in the World, and doing greater things in the political World than the Electrical Rod ever did in the Physical. Ireland and England have adopted it, but mean Plagiaries as they are, they do not acknowledge who was the Inventor of it. Mr. Lee and Mr. Izard will go with this Letter in the...
The President, with deep regret announces to the army the death of its beloved Chief J. General George Washington. Sharing in the grief which every heart must feel for so heavy and afflicting a public loss, and solicitous desirous to express his high sense of the vast debt of gratitude which is due to the virtues talents and ever memorable services of the illustrious deceased, he directs, that...
I have the Honour to acquaint your Excellency, that I have received from Congress, full Powers and Instructions to treat with the States General, and to conclude a Treaty of Amity and Commerce, consistent with the Relations already formed between the United States and France. And, that I have also received a Letter of Credence, as a Minister Plenipotentiary to their High Mightinesses; and...
The sight of your well known hand writing in your favour of 25. Feb. last, gave me great pleasure, as it proved your arm to be restored and your pen still manageable—may it continue till you shall become as perfect a calvinist as I am in one particular. Poor Calvins infirmities his rheumatism his gouts and sciatics made him frequently cry out Mon dieu Jusque au quand Lord how long! Prat once...
42471778. March 4. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Fair Weather, but an Adverse Wind, from the N.E., which ob liges Us to go to the Southward of the S.E. which is out of our Course. Nantes, ancienne, riche, et tres considerable Ville de Fran ce, la seconde de la Bretagne, avec un riche Evêché suffrag an de Tours, une Université, et un Hôtel des Monnoies. C’ est une de Villes les plus commercantes du Royaulme. Les Marchands ont une Sociéte avec...
I thank you for your Address of the Twentieth of this Month, transmitted according to your request by your worthy Governor and presented to me by your senators and Representatives in Congress. The Conduct of France towards the United States which you describe with such Energy of Language and Dignity of sentiment is capable of no Justification Extenuation or Apology, that I can imagine: and not...
4249Decr. 2. (Adams Papers)
Captn. Bernard. Says There are Two hundred and Thirty Sail of Merchand Ships lying at the Mother Bank, near Spithead, ready to sail to the West Indies, loaded with all Kinds of Provisions and dry Goods, and Warlike Stores. They are to be joined by about Thirty Sail that now lay in the Downs. They are to sail the first Wind after the two Fleets join. The Wind must be easterly. They all go to...
I am happy that you esteem, the measures pursued by the Executive Authority, respecting our relations with the different Nations of Europe, to be judicious. I could not justify it to myself, if I should conceal from my fellow Citizens, my full Belief which corresponds entirely with yours, that Harmony will not Speedily be restored, between the Republick of France and America. The Interruption...