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Results 4241-4250 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Letter not found: from Robert Cary & Co., 19 Oct. 1761. On 28 May 1762 GW wrote to Robert Cary & Co. : “Your unacknowledged favours of the 26th June . . . and the 19th of Octr following now lye before [me].”
Printed form with blanks filled in: The Franklin Inn, Philadelphia At Thirty Days Sight of this our Fourth per Exchange (our First, Second and Third, of the same Tenor and Date, unpaid) pay unto   John Reynell  or Order,   Three hundred  Pounds Sterling, for Value received, and charge it to the Province of Pennsylvania; but if it is not paid at said Thirty Days Sight, then pay   Interest  on...
Since my last of the 14th July I have in appearance been very near my last gasp—The Indisposition then spoken of Increasd upon me and I fell into a very low and dangerous State—I once thought the grim King woud certainly master my utmost efforts and that I must sink in spite of a noble struggle but thank God I have now got the better of the disorder and shall soon be restord I hope to perfect...
MS not found; reprinted from John Thomson, An Account of the Life, Lectures, and Writings of William Cullen, M.D. (Edinburgh and London, 1859), I , 140. I hear, that since I had the pleasure of seeing and conversing with you on the subject, you have wrote some of your sentiments of Fire, and communicated them to the Philosophical Society. If so, as it may be some time before their publication,...
LS : Scottish Record Office It is long since I have afforded myself the Pleasure of writing to you. As I grow in Years I find I grow more indolent, and more apt to procrastinate. I am indeed a bad Correspondent; but what avails Confession without Amendment! When I come so late with my Thanks for your truly valuable Introduction to the Art of Thinking, can I have any Right to enquire after your...
At a General Court held at the Capitol the Twenty first day of October One thousand Seven hundred and Sixty one. George Washington Esqr. is appointed Guardian to John Parke Custis and Martha Parke Custis Infants, Orphans of Daniel Parke Custis Esqr. deceasd and thereupon he together with Peyton Randolph Ralph Wormeley and Burwell Bassett Esqr. his Securities entered into and acknowledgd Bond...
4247[Diary entry: 22 October 1761] (Washington Papers)
Octr. 22d. Began Captn. Posey’s Barn with Turner Crump & Six Carpenters. Turner Crump was hired by GW in Dec. 1760 to oversee GW’s slave carpenters at a wage of £30 per year. This construction project apparently marked the first time GW contracted Crump and his slave carpenters out to do work for others.
This Indenture made this Twenty 2d Day of October in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty one Between John Askew, Joiner of the County of Fairfax of the one part and George Washington of the County of Fairfax Gentleman of the other part Witnesseth That the said John Askew for and in consideration of the Sum of Thirty eight pounds Seventeen shillgs & Eleven pence to him in...
ALS : American Philosophical Society My dear Polly’s good Mama bids me write two or three Lines by way of Apology for her so long omitting to write. She acknowledges the Receiving two agreable Letters lately from her beloved Daughter, enclosing one for Sally Franklin which was much approv’d (excepting one Word only) and sent as directed. The Reasons of her not Writing are; That her Time all...
Your favors of the 2d of Decr 6th of March 3d of Apl 27th of July and first of Augt came very safe to hand. In that of July I am sorry to find that you were in such a bad state of health, and that neither Mr Greens nor Hamiltons prescriptions had then the desired effect. The latters it seems you had but just begun and consequently could not expect an immediate cure, but I hope long before this...