Adams Papers

C. W. F. Dumas to John Adams: A Translation, 7 November 1780

C. W. F. Dumas to John Adams: A Translation

The Hague, 7 November 1780


You will have seen from today’s supplement to the Gazette de Leyde that I followed your instructions to the letter and had the extracts concerning Mr. Laurens inserted.1 Only the last two or three lines, where White-Eyes is charged with the ignominious treatment inflicted upon Mr. Laurens, have been omitted, for including them would have risked exposing ourselves.

Moreover, I am very grateful, sir, for this communication, of which I have made such good use prior to its publication here, which makes a difference. For this reason, as well as my personal interest in the fate of Mr. Laurens, I ask for your continued generosity in sharing any further news you receive. I promise to publish or suppress it, depending upon what you judge necessary for the welfare of Mr. Laurens, whose ill health concerns me the most. I hope to make a small trip to Amsterdam and see you there in perfect health. In the meantime, I am with great respect, sir, your very humble and very obedient servant,


RC (Adams Papers).

1With his letter of 3 Nov. (LbC, Adams Papers), JA had sent Dumas extracts from Thomas Digges’ letters of 6, 10, and 17 Oct. (all above). For copies, apparently by Dumas, of JA’s letter and the extracts, see PCC, No. 101, I, f. 109–113.

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