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Results 4231-4280 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
4231 Adams, John Quincy 9th. Tuesday. 1782-04-09 This forenoon I went with Mr. D. to the French minister’s hotel. Mr. Normandes the Spanish Chargé...
4232 Hopkinson, Francis Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Francis Hopkinson, 20 April … 1785-04-20 Your Favour of the 13. Jany. last did not get to hand before the 16. Instt. I am much obliged to...
4233 Franklin, Benjamin Huske, John From Benjamin Franklin to John Huske, 6 September 1772 1772-09-06 ALS (letterbook draft): American Philosophical Society I have deferred Writing to you agreable to...
4234 Washington, George Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … From George Washington to Major General Lafayette, 5 … 1780-08-05 I have received your two letters of the 31st of July & 1st of August and approve the steps you...
4235 Washington, George [Diary entry: 2 November 1789] 1789-11-02 Monday 2d. Having made previous preparations for it—About 8 Oclock attended by the President, Mr....
4236 Jefferson, Thomas United States Senate From Thomas Jefferson to United States Senate, 17 March … 1806-03-17 I nominate John Stephen of Maryland to be Attorney for the US. in the district of Maryland. Peter...
4237 Gorman, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Gorman, 12 June 1823 1823-06-12 M r Jefferson I will Do one floor for you on the terms you purposed If you will Board me while...
4238 Stiles, Ezra Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Ezra Stiles, 30 December 1761 1761-12-30 Draft: Yale University Library I once more attempt to reach you with a Letter, which the Fate of...
4239 Jefferson, Thomas Provenchere, Pierre Thomas Jefferson to Pierre Provenchere, 8 January 1810 1810-01-08 Th: Jefferson presents his respectful salutations to Mons r Provenchere , and with pleasure...
4240 Washington, George Custis, John Parke From George Washington to John Parke Custis, 12 October … 1778-10-12 I have now—at your request—given my full consent to the Sale of the Lands wch I hold in right of...
4241 Dandridge, Bartholomew Jr. Knox, Henry Bartholomew Dandridge, Jr., to Henry Knox, 11 January … 1794-01-11 B. Dandridge has the honor by the Presidents order, to send the enclosed Proceedings of the...
4242 Coffee, William John Adams, John To John Adams from William John Coffee, 10 November … 1818-11-10 I Som three weeks ago took the liberty of writing to you in Concequen ce of the Advice of Mr...
4243 The Case of Enoch Crosby, Professedly Cooper’s Spy … John Jay’s role directing or supervising intelligence activities as a member and sometime...
4244 De Hart, William Washington, George To George Washington from Major William De Hart, 27 … 1776-12-27 In Consequence of your Excellencys Orders And Request by Genl Maxwell I have this Day begun the...
4245 Meredith, Samuel Washington, George To George Washington from Samuel Meredith, 23 January … 1790-01-23 I have the honor of transm[it]ting to you my Accots as Treasurer of the U: States settled to the...
4246 Madison, James Moody, John M. From James Madison to John M. Moody, 12 November 1801 1801-11-12 I have receivd Your letter respecting the capture of the Schr Marcus, as far as the wrong done to...
4247 Boÿreau, J. J. Madison, James To James Madison from J. J. Boÿreau and Others, 14 July … 1813-07-14 14 July 1813, Baltimore. “The Undersigned humbly state that they are Subjects of France and...
4248 Wood, Joseph Madison, James Joseph Wood to James Madison, 16 February 1836 1836-02-16 In attempting to write the Life of my Father in law, the late Chief Justice Ellsworth, I am under...
4249 Washington, George Irvine, William From George Washington to William Irvine, 6 August 1782 1782-08-06 I have to acknowlege the Receipt of your two Letters of the 1st & 11th of July—the former...
4250 Barnes, Joseph Madison, James To James Madison from Joseph Barnes, 8 June 1803 … 1803-06-08 8 June 1803, Paris . Wrote JM last on 20 Dec. 1802 from Leghorn; expected to be in Sicily at his...
4251 Gore, Christopher Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Christopher Gore, 20 April … 1795-04-20 I have hitherto delayed answering the letter, you did me the honor to write under date 28 Febry,...
4252 Hodgdon, Samuel Washington, George To George Washington from Samuel Hodgdon, 11 December … 1783-12-11 Want of time this Morning prevented my giving the reasons that operated in my mind against the...
4253 Trumbull, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Trumbull, 21 July 1789 1789-07-21 On the other side you have the only articles of interesting intelligence which I can find in...
4254 Hamilton, Alexander Lee, Charles From Alexander Hamilton to Charles Lee, 9 April 1791 1791-04-09 Mr. Lowrey a Merchant in your district presented at the Treasury some time ago the within...
4255 Malcom, William Washington, George To George Washington from Colonel William Malcom, 3 … 1780-10-03 I returned to this post last Night with Vanscheacks Regt—on Thursday they will reach Albany—I...
4256 Jarvis, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Jarvis, 5 February 1808 1808-02-05 Some further detention of the Brig Da Bailes affords me an opportunity of enclosing to you the...
4257 Huntington, Samuel Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Samuel Huntington, 21 March … 1781-03-21 Philadelphia, 21 Mch. 1781 . Encloses proclamation of 20 Mch. recommending that Thursday, 3 May...
4258 Washington, George General Orders, 19 November 1778 1778-11-19 Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
4259 Jay, John Vergennes, Charles Gravier, comte de From John Jay to Vergennes, 9 May 1780 1780-05-09 The Letter which your Excellency did me the Honor to write on the 13 th . March last, was...
4260 Steuben, Friedrich Wilhelm Ludolf Gerhard … Washington, George To George Washington from Steuben, 25 April 1778 1778-04-25 With regard to the first question —We are to examine whether the Enemy may expect formidable...
4261 Inhabitants of Belpre Washington, George To George Washington from the Inhabitants of Belpre, 14 … 1793-03-14 To George Washington President ⟨mutilated⟩ States, the Memorial & Petition of the Subscrib...
4262 Jefferson, Thomas Jones & Howell From Thomas Jefferson to Jones & Howell, 2 June 1807 1807-06-02 Yours of May 27. is recieved and I now supply the omission of my former letter by stating that it...
4263 Hull, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Hull, 16 May 1789 1789-05-16 Amidst the general Joy and Congratulations of my fellow-Citizens on your Excellencys Appointment...
4264 Wythe, George Madison, James To James Madison from George Wythe, February 1785 1785-02-01 Letter not found. February 1785, Williamsburg . This letter informed JM that the honorary degree...
4265 Coxe, Tench Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Tench Coxe, 4 June 1782 1782-06-04 ALS and LS : American Philosophical Society I take the liberty of troubling your Excellency with...
4266 Jefferson, Thomas Garth, Thomas From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Garth, 7 March 1790 1790-03-07 The situation in which I have left Colo. Nichs. Lewis leaves me not without pain and doubt for...
4267 Whipple, Abraham American Commissioners Abraham Whipple to the American Commissioners, 19 … 1778-08-19 ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: National Archives <On board the Providence , Brest,...
4268 Carr, Frank Jefferson, Thomas Frank Carr to Thomas Jefferson, 21 July 1815 1815-07-21 M r Garrett has just had the misfortune to lose his youngest child . It is the request of M rs...
4269 Lear, Tobias Madison, James To James Madison from Tobias Lear, 22 October 1801 … 1801-10-22 22 October 1801, Cap Français . No. 13. Encloses decree of Toussaint opening some ports to...
4270 Hamilton, Alexander Church, Angelica From Alexander Hamilton to Angelica Church, 27 December … 1793-12-27 I embrace this opportunity, My Dear Friend, by Mr. Marshall, to tell you that my health which had...
4271 Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Lafayette, 1 July 1781 1781-07-01 I Have Been Honoured with your favor of the 14th and while I am to thank you for the pains You...
4272 Greene, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Greene, 2 May 1782 1782-05-02 I this day receiv’d Your Excellencys Letter of the 27th of April and have laid the same before...
4273 Lambert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Lambert, with Enclosure, 29 … 1787-12-29 I have the honour, Sir, to send you a copy of an Arret passed in Council, for encouraging the...
4274 Washington, George Lincoln, Benjamin From George Washington to Benjamin Lincoln, 12 June … 1783-06-12 I have the Honor to transmit to you, Copies of a Memorial of sundry Officers of the Invalid...
4275 Smith, Margaret Bayard Jefferson, Thomas Margaret Bayard Smith to Thomas Jefferson, 21 July 1816 1816-07-21 Will you allow me to recall to your y m ind one, whom a long absence may have almost obliterated...
4276 Jarvis, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Jarvis, 20 August 1807 1807-08-20 The two foregoing covered two letters from Mr. Erving, and i n closed go the two which...
4277 Washington, George General Orders, 14 June 1778 1778-06-14 In General Orders of the 12th instant the Commissary General of Issues was, thro’ mistake...
4278 Jefferson, Thomas Reibelt, Philippe From Thomas Jefferson to Philippe Reibelt, 31 January … 1805-01-31 The books mentioned in your letter of Jan. 25. are safely recieved. in your Catalogue No. 3. pa....
4279 Adams, John Quincy 28th. 1786-03-28 Mr. Williams, this day, gave us, the first Lecture, upon Experimental Philosophy. It was upon the...
4280 Johnson, Thomas Virginia Assembly I. Petition of Thomas Johnson, [before 11 November … 1777-11-11 To the Honl. The Speaker and Delegates of the Common Wealth of Virginia. The Petition of Thomas...