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Results 4231-4260 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
42319th. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
This forenoon I went with Mr. D. to the French minister’s hotel. Mr. Normandes the Spanish Chargé d’affaires came to pay a visit to Mr. D. In the afternoon I went to the Shops with Mr. Artaud, but found them all shut-up because of the Esther holidays. We went to see some of their diversions. We went also to Mr. Rimbert’s, to see how Mr. Montreal does. Mr. D. went to carry his letter to be sent.
Your Favour of the 13. Jany. last did not get to hand before the 16. Instt. I am much obliged to you for the philosophical Intelligence you gave me which I have communicated to Mr. Rittenhouse. He is determined to watch carefully the appearances of the Star Eta of Antinous. I have written two or three Letters to you which I hope will get to hand. In one of them I enclosed a model of my further...
ALS (letterbook draft): American Philosophical Society I have deferred Writing to you agreable to the Caution you gave me, till this safe Opportunity offered. America is infinitely oblig’d to you for your continual good Wishes and Schemes for her Advantage: But I am sorry to tell you that she is here become an Object of Jealousy, and that the obtaining Money from our poor Treasury to forward...
I have received your two letters of the 31st of July & 1st of August and approve the steps you have taken. I am sorry however to find that The Chevalier De Ternay is so averse to entering the harbour in case of superiority. I believe he will find it impracticable without entering, effectually to interrupt supplies and blockade the enemy; and in my opinion, our principal chance of success is in...
4235[Diary entry: 2 November 1789] (Washington Papers)
Monday 2d. Having made previous preparations for it—About 8 Oclock attended by the President, Mr. Langden & some other Gentlemen, I went in a boat to view the harbour of Portsmouth; which is well secured against all Winds; and from its narrow entrance from the Sea, and passage up to the Town, may be perfectly guarded against any approach by water. The anchorage is also good & the Shipping may...
I nominate John Stephen of Maryland to be Attorney for the US. in the district of Maryland. Peter A. Schenck of New York to be Surveyor for the port of New York Philip De Peyster of New York to be a Consul for the US. in the island of Curaçoa DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
M r Jefferson I will Do one floor for you on the terms you purposed If you will Board me while laying and Cutting which will not Belong as I will Cut the most of them in the qarry N.B I will Require a hand from you to assist in laying and by this fall I will try and Get one floor Done and as for the steps I will see you shortly about them But at present I will Be Getting some steps for you....
Draft: Yale University Library I once more attempt to reach you with a Letter, which the Fate of war has I suppose hitherto intirely prevented. We are extremly sorry to know that Mr. Pitt has resigned the Seals: and have scarcely yet learned enough about the Earl of Bute (except from Scotsmen) to form an Idea of him. The only obnoxious Thing in Mr. Pitts Character that any in this Country...
Th: Jefferson presents his respectful salutations to Mons r Provenchere , and with pleasure complies with the request of M. Silvestre , with whom he has the advantage of a correspondence by sending him the inclosed letter , lately recieved under cover from M. Silvestre . PoC ( MHi
I have now—at your request—given my full consent to the Sale of the Lands wch I hold in right of Dower in a Tract in the County of York—to a Water Grist Mill thereon—To Lotts in the City of Williamsburg—and others in James Town—As also to your Renting, or otherwise disposing, of the other Dower Lands & Slaves which I am possessed of in the County of King William upon the terms which have been...
B. Dandridge has the honor by the Presidents order, to send the enclosed Proceedings of the Senate, on the subject of the Treaty with the Wabash & Illinois Indians, to the Secretary of War for his information. AL , DLC:GW ; LB , DLC:GW . The enclosure has not been identified, but it contained a copy of the resolution passed on 9 Jan., in which the Senate refused, by a vote of 21 to 4, to give...
I Som three weeks ago took the liberty of writing to you in Concequen ce of the Advice of Mr Jefferson’s but he I fear will no longer have Permission to give Advice he being given Over by his Physicians, but that Sad news you no doubt—Sir are too well aquainted with now Sir as I must Shortly go to Washington and the Cold wether would hinder my proceeding in The Modeling Sir will your goodness...
John Jay’s role directing or supervising intelligence activities as a member and sometime chairman of the Committee for Detecting Conspiracies bore literary fruit when he served as the inspiration and source for James Fenimore Cooper’s first successful novel, The Spy: A Tale of the Neutral Ground , published in 1821. After that book’s publication, speculation about the model for the Patriot...
In Consequence of your Excellencys Orders And Request by Genl Maxwell I have this Day begun the Recruiting Service of the first Jersey Regt And Shall Expedite it with All Possible Speed, Had I been Determin’d to Remain longer in the Jersey Service I Should long before have done it, And Nothing but your Excellencys Request & this Critical Period of time Should have Induced Me to have done it...
I have the honor of transm[it]ting to you my Accots as Treasurer of the U: States settled to the first of January 1790. It is not in the same form as the one I at first rendered, which was an exact transcript of my Books, but such as the Officers were desirous of having, it being of little moment to me (only in the delay) in what way it was rendered, the balances being the same, to form which...
I have receivd Your letter respecting the capture of the Schr Marcus, as far as the wrong done to you proceded from the agency of the Spanish officers at Campeache or from the unlawful conduct of Spanish Subjects (and this appears to be the principal feature of the case) redress must be Sought from the King of spain. To this effect a negotiation is now on foot at Madrid, calculated to obtain,...
14 July 1813, Baltimore. “The Undersigned humbly state that they are Subjects of France and Refugees from the French and Spanish Colonies who have exhausted their Means of Existence and cannot procure passages to their Native Country in the ordinary way. “They humbly pray, Your Excellency will give Permit to one of the Petitioners, to go on board of the Commanding Officer of the British forces...
In attempting to write the Life of my Father in law, the late Chief Justice Ellsworth, I am under the necessity of resorting for materials to the small remnant yet with us, of that venerable band of Patriots and Statesmen who were colabourers with him in the organization of our Government—For that purpose I take the liberty to address you at this time—And were it not for the great distance...
I have to acknowlege the Receipt of your two Letters of the 1st & 11th of July—the former containg the plan of a proposed Expedition, of which you mention your being solicited to take the Command, & covering a Copy of your Letter to the Secretary at War on that proposition—I have not given you my Ideas on this Expedition, as the plan, if adopted, must probably have began its Execution, before...
8 June 1803, Paris . Wrote JM last on 20 Dec. 1802 from Leghorn; expected to be in Sicily at his post by now. The loss of his business caused the delay but has given him the opportunity to travel to Paris and speak with Monroe and Livingston “on objects of the United States.” Hopes “good will result from it.” After the date of his last letter, went to Naples and presented his commission to the...
I have hitherto delayed answering the letter, you did me the honor to write under date 28 Febry, in hopes of being able to obtain such information on the subject as woud be agreeable to you, & afford a reasonable expectation of an adoption, by the government, of your propositions respecting the unsubscribed debt. But I am sorely mortified to find that many from whom you had a right to expect...
Want of time this Morning prevented my giving the reasons that operated in my mind against the delivery of the duplicate Cannon inscribed for Count De Grass—duty obliges me to inform your Excellency that the two pieces ordered by Congress were executed in this City and forwarded by the Ship Washington previous to any knowledge of those now on hand being preparing in the vicinity of camp—On...
On the other side you have the only articles of interesting intelligence which I can find in Boston Papers so late as the 15th. June. There is a Gentleman in Town who left N York the same day: I have not seen him but am told he brings nothing of Consequence. The Congress continue with great unanimity in their Attention to the Revenue establishment in which their progress is as rapid as can be...
Mr. Lowrey a Merchant in your district presented at the Treasury some time ago the within certificate of your Deputy when he was informed that the direction to refund at the office where the Tonnage was received had been given in a circular letter to the Collectors of the 20th. August 1790. To prevent further difficulty a memorandum of the date of the letter was made on the back of the...
I returned to this post last Night with Vanscheacks Regt—on Thursday they will reach Albany—I have push’d them on to Albany without one Moments delay—There Col. Vanscheak will take Charge & Move as he thinks proper. On my way up to Fort scuyler, with Harpers Regt I Met with a body of the Enemy, Sent to destroy the Settlements which remain on the River, they were well posted, but I Orderd the...
Some further detention of the Brig Da Bailes affords me an opportunity of enclosing to you the fourth de cree of the first instant, the three first of which were put under cover with my Official letter by the Vessel of the 29 ulo plublished to day, levying a co ntribution of Twenty millions of Dollars on Portugal. From what I understand to day General Junot has not any new title conferred on...
Philadelphia, 21 Mch. 1781 . Encloses proclamation of 20 Mch. recommending that Thursday, 3 May 1781, be observed as a day of humiliation, fasting, and prayer. FC ( DLC : PCC , No. 15); at head of text: “Circular.” The enclosed proclamation, attested by Charles Thomson, was printed in Va. Gaz. Virginia Gazette (Williamsburg, 1751–1780, and Richmond, 1780–1781). Abbreviations for publishers of...
4258General Orders, 19 November 1778 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
The Letter which your Excellency did me the Honor to write on the 13 th . March last, was delivered to me by the Count D’Montmorin on my Arrival at Madrid. I should not have thus long have delayed the Pleasure of replying to it, if I could have prevailed upon myself to have given your Excellency complimentary Professions, instead of sincere Assurances. Unreserved Confidence in an Embassador of...
With regard to the first question —We are to examine whether the Enemy may expect formidable Succours—if that be the case we ought to reinforce the army with the greatest dispatch, and strike a daring blow before those Succours arrive—The enemys force is estimated at 10000 men—if ours is under 20000 rank and file, the enterprise would be hazardous, and by exposing ourselves to a general action...