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Results 4231-4240 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
By some means or other it would seem that one of my Letters to you have been lost—perhaps you had better enquire at the Post Office—I answered you immediately after you wrote about the desk and recommended you to take the one offered by Louisa Smith—I send you the dates of my Letters that you may ascertain whether any of them are missing 11th. 22d 29th March 18th and 23d April 24th. & 25th of...
You will recieve this at a Moment, when you will again find yourself surrounded by your amiable Family— it is a pleasing Circumstance, and I congratulate you on the occasion. We are much obliged to M rs . Adams for having honored us tho for a little while with her Company— it has confirmed the Esteem which her Character had inspired.— If wishes were not vain, I should wish you all well settled...
I have neglected writing to you perhaps more than I Should have done had I not supposed that your Numerous correspondents had become a burden to you. indeed our Country has afforded but little lately to write upon. I have been here seventeen days on a mission to settle by a way of Compromise with the State of N York a Controversy between our Commonwealth and them respecting the Western...
Three long and dangerous illnesses within the last 12. months must apologise for my long silence towards you. The paper bubble is then burst. this is what you & I, and every reasoning man, seduced by no obliquity of mind, or interest, have long foreseen. yet it’s disastrous effects are not the less for having been foreseen. we were laboring under a dropsical fulness of circulating medium....
Dans ma Lettre d’hier il y a une erreur qui doit être redressée. Ce n’est point parce qu’on attend un Courier de Petersbourg, que le Manifeste n’a pas encore été publié, mais parce que les villes d’Amsterdam et de Dort ne sont point contentes de celui qui est dressé, ne le trouvent pas assez fort, et veulent qu’on en fasse un autre. Voilà la seule raison qui a retardé celui-ci; et l’on en fera...
je réponds bien tard, Monsieur, à la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’ecrire le 14 de ce mois; c’est que j’esperois de vous porter moi même ma réponse. je me suis flatté de cette douce esperance, mais de jour en jour la fortune à rompu nos projets. Tantot le temps a été trop détestable pour oser se mettre en route, et tantot M rs les Abbes de Chalut, arnoux et moi nous avons été...
It is a very long time my dear venerated father since I have written to you; but the events of yesterday were altogether so interesting I cannot refrain from giving you an account of them— The genl in his travels through this Country has been so much the publick idol, and the devotion of the people has been continued with so much fervour until the last moment of his residence among us, he...
You will have seen from today’s supplement to the Gazette de Leyde that I followed your instructions to the letter and had the extracts concerning Mr. Laurens inserted. Only the last two or three lines, where White-Eyes is charged with the ignominious treatment inflicted upon Mr. Laurens, have been omitted, for including them would have risked exposing ourselves. Moreover, I am very grateful,...
I have addressed to you, by the Post office, the first no. of the “Biography &c. ” —of which I have now hazarded the publication; & which I beg the favour of you to accept, with my grateful acknowledgements, at the same time, for your kind attention to my former letter. This vol. has been hurried into the world but “half made up”, to meet the conveniences of printers & publishers. It has been...
Après avoir présenté à Votre Excellence, dans une précédente, l’expression de mes sentimens sur son élevation au Poste éminent qu’Elle occupe, permettez, Monsieur, qu’en les confirmant j’y ajoute aujourd’hui de nouvelles félicitations sur les dignes Coopérateurs au bien public, qu’Elle vient d’acquérir par la nomination aux Postes éminents de Secretaire d’Etat, Chef de Justice, & Trésorier gen...