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Results 4231-4280 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
By some means or other it would seem that one of my Letters to you have been lost—perhaps you had...
You will recieve this at a Moment, when you will again find yourself surrounded by your amiable...
I have neglected writing to you perhaps more than I Should have done had I not supposed that your...
Three long and dangerous illnesses within the last 12. months must apologise for my long silence...
Dans ma Lettre d’hier il y a une erreur qui doit être redressée. Ce n’est point parce qu’on...
je réponds bien tard, Monsieur, à la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’ecrire le 14 de...
It is a very long time my dear venerated father since I have written to you; but the events of...
You will have seen from today’s supplement to the Gazette de Leyde that I followed your...
I have addressed to you, by the Post office, the first no. of the “Biography &c. ” —of which I...
Après avoir présenté à Votre Excellence, dans une précédente, l’expression de mes sentimens sur...
A Fever having confind me to my lodgings some days, debar’d me of the pleasure of waiting on your...
I feel myself much gratified, and highly honoured, by the sympathy which you express with me on...
I have had the honour of your last Letter to which the least return was a quiker aknowledgement...
That I may prove to you and my Dear Mrs Adams, the high estimation of the value I attach to the...
At the time when the contest for the Presidency, produced a general discussion relative to the...
The same Opinion of your Abilities and Zeal for our country which made me rejoice in your...
Doctor Edwards the bearer of this letter, is a native of Pennsylvania, late a member of the...
Here I am after a six Months Session at Annapolis, on my Way to Massachusetts, & altho my...
your truely affectionate Letter of the 27th ultimo met me at this place by last mail, and I use...
The young Gentleman who is the Bearer of this has acted for about 7 months in the capacity of...
The undersigned having been appointed by the Subscribers to the inclosed Address to transmit it...
I Expected to write to You By c ll franks, But as His departure Has Been daily differed, I will...
Mr. John Adams To Jacob Beninghove s d To 1 Carrot pigtail Tobacco 2 6 To 6 lb. Cutt Do. @ 12d...
Not haveing anything worth troubling you with for sometime have been silent. The late Affair of...
I thank you for giving me the perusal of the enclosed.—The details are interesting.—The Picture...
You cannot Immagine the comfort your Letter of 22d Ultimo gave me I fear’d Indisposition had so...
Our enemies, for their own further security, as well as to bring the town into the most complete...
Shortly after we had the pleasure of paying you our respects under date of the 30 April, we were...
I have just this Moment receivd your Excellencys Letter of the 23d. Instant, it Honors and...
In doing myself the honor to submit to your consideration the ideas contained in the inclosed...
Since I had the pleasure of seeing You last, I have conversed with my Father on the plan you...
I thought that I should postpone answering the letter of 18 December, which Your Excellency did...
In a letter which I had the honour to write you dated the 22d inst. I submitted the names of...
When the dispute between America & the English ministry, first commenced; I summon’d a meeting of...
Your letter of the 28th was handed to me yesterday. That, which you did me the honor to write to...
I Hope this will meet you in good Health at Nantes and that you will find every thing there...
(domestic News) I have received by the packet some Medals inclosed in a Letter directed for You...
I have the honour to acknowledge the President’s Letter of July 22d:—The Commission for Colo....
I have the honour to inclose, a submission to the Heads of Departments, in conformity with your...
I am desired by Mr J Cartwright, whom I beleive you know by his writings, a firm honest &...
Impressed with the importance of union in sentiment and action at the present momentous crises of...
I have the honour to transmit herewith a Letter from the Comptroller of the Treasury dated the...
I enclose you a small publication which contains an account of a new auxillary or palliative...
We beg leave to recommend William Lee Alexander Esquire of North Carolina as a person highly...
It is with the greatest pleasure that I will forward your correspondence, and that I accept the...
Monsieur Weibert who was orderd by Congress to this Post has requested me to apply in his Behalf...
Your Favour of the 30 Nov came to hand last Evening for which I most sincerely thank you. I wrote...
Whereas the happy Moment is arrived that the united States of America are or in Short shall be...
I have just received the enclosed letter and address. General Badgley of Hampton, lives near...
The canvass of the votes for Senators for this district and for Members of Assembly to Represent...