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Results 4231-4280 of 184,431 sorted by author
You are hereby requested to convey a certain Square, parcel or lot of Ground in the City of Washington, bounded as follows—Beginning in the line of the east side of eleventh Street east, at the distance of ninety feet south of the south-west corner of Square numbered nine hundred and eighty eight—thence east eight hundred and twenty six feet, six Inches—thence south four hundred and forty...
This Measure of Imbecility, the second Petition to the King embarrassed every Exertion of Congress: it occasioned Motions and debates without End for appointing Committees to draw up a declaration of the Causes, Motives, and Objects of taking Arms, with a view to obtain decisive declarations against Independence &c. In the Mean time the New England Army investing Boston, the New England...
When I sat down to write you, yesterday I really intended to write a sober Letter: but fell insensibly into my habitual playful Strain. I will now try the experiment, whether I can write a Serious Letter to you without any thing Sportive or extravagant in it. I cannot See with you that “a declaration of War against France as well as England would probably unite Us.” On the contrary, it appears...
42341778 [i.e. 1780] Aug. 5. (Adams Papers)
Lodged at the Mareschall De Turenne. Dined with Mr. Dubblemets. Went to see the Statue of Erasmus, the Exchange, the Churches &c. Mr. Dubblemets sent his Coach in the Evening and one of his Clerks. We rode, round the Environs of the Town, then to his Country Seat, where We supped.—The Meadows are very fine, the Horses and Cattle large. The Intermixture of Houses, Trees, Ships, and Canals...
I nominate William Willis our Consul at Venice to be Consul of the United States at Barcelona in Spain DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
I have received the Letter you did me the honor to write to me on the 27 th. of January—and several others before that some of which contained Letters for America, which I sent with my first dispatches. I have not answered any of those Letters because they related to a subject with which I have nothing to do. I am not come to this Country Sir—to solicit emigrations to the United states of...
4237[October 1st. 1776.] (Adams Papers)
October 1st. 1776. Resolved that a Committee of four be appointed to confer with Brigadier General Mifflin. The Members chosen Mr. R. H. Lee, Mr. Sherman, Mr. J. Adams and Mr. Gerry. Some time in the month of October 1776, I cannot from the Journals ascertain the day, worn down with continual Application, through all the heats of a Summer in Philadelphia, anxious for the State of my family and...
The Day before Yesterday, We arrived here, in two Days from Nantes, all well. There is a Frigate now turning into this Port, which is said to be Le Sensible, and if this is true, I hope, it will not be a long Time before We get to sea. The Chevalier de La Luzerne I hope is sensible of the Value of every Moment in the last half of the Month of May towards a Voyage to America. If We wait untill...
It is worth the while of a Person, obliged to write as much as I do, to consider the Varieties of Style. . . . The Epistolary, is essentially different from the oratorical, and the Historical Style. . . . Oratory abounds with Figures. History is simple, but grave, majestic and formal. Letters, like Conversation, should be free, easy, and familiar. Simplicity and Familiarity, are the...
Inclosed is a letter or petition from the Indian proprietors of Gay head, recommending Mr. Nathaniel Mayhew to be keeper of the light house, which I pray you to file and consider with all other applications on the same subject. MHi : Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.
4241[August 1771] (Adams Papers)
Have loitered at home the most of the past Week, gazing at my Workmen. I set ’em upon one Exploit, that pleases me much. I proposed ploughing up the Ground in the Street along my Stone Wall opposite to Mr. Jos. Fields, and carting the Mould into my Cow Yard. A few Scruples, and Difficulties were started but these were got over—and Plough, Cart, Boards, Shovells, Hoes, &c. were collected, and...
Your Address, and Memorial, to the President, the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States has been presented to me, by one of your representatives in Congress Mr. Sitgreaves— The sentiments and determination expressed in this Address, are such as become the sincere Lovers of their Country in dangerous times; In proportion to your satisfaction, with the endeavors of your own...
You will see by the public Papers, that your Committee of Correspondence is making greater progress in the World, and doing greater things in the political World than the Electrical Rod ever did in the Physical. Ireland and England have adopted it, but mean Plagiaries as they are, they do not acknowledge who was the Inventor of it. Mr. Lee and Mr. Izard will go with this Letter in the...
The President, with deep regret announces to the army the death of its beloved Chief J. General George Washington. Sharing in the grief which every heart must feel for so heavy and afflicting a public loss, and solicitous desirous to express his high sense of the vast debt of gratitude which is due to the virtues talents and ever memorable services of the illustrious deceased, he directs, that...
I have the Honour to acquaint your Excellency, that I have received from Congress, full Powers and Instructions to treat with the States General, and to conclude a Treaty of Amity and Commerce, consistent with the Relations already formed between the United States and France. And, that I have also received a Letter of Credence, as a Minister Plenipotentiary to their High Mightinesses; and...
The sight of your well known hand writing in your favour of 25. Feb. last, gave me great pleasure, as it proved your arm to be restored and your pen still manageable—may it continue till you shall become as perfect a calvinist as I am in one particular. Poor Calvins infirmities his rheumatism his gouts and sciatics made him frequently cry out Mon dieu Jusque au quand Lord how long! Prat once...
42471778. March 4. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Fair Weather, but an Adverse Wind, from the N.E., which ob liges Us to go to the Southward of the S.E. which is out of our Course. Nantes, ancienne, riche, et tres considerable Ville de Fran ce, la seconde de la Bretagne, avec un riche Evêché suffrag an de Tours, une Université, et un Hôtel des Monnoies. C’ est une de Villes les plus commercantes du Royaulme. Les Marchands ont une Sociéte avec...
I thank you for your Address of the Twentieth of this Month, transmitted according to your request by your worthy Governor and presented to me by your senators and Representatives in Congress. The Conduct of France towards the United States which you describe with such Energy of Language and Dignity of sentiment is capable of no Justification Extenuation or Apology, that I can imagine: and not...
4249Decr. 2. (Adams Papers)
Captn. Bernard. Says There are Two hundred and Thirty Sail of Merchand Ships lying at the Mother Bank, near Spithead, ready to sail to the West Indies, loaded with all Kinds of Provisions and dry Goods, and Warlike Stores. They are to be joined by about Thirty Sail that now lay in the Downs. They are to sail the first Wind after the two Fleets join. The Wind must be easterly. They all go to...
I am happy that you esteem, the measures pursued by the Executive Authority, respecting our relations with the different Nations of Europe, to be judicious. I could not justify it to myself, if I should conceal from my fellow Citizens, my full Belief which corresponds entirely with yours, that Harmony will not Speedily be restored, between the Republick of France and America. The Interruption...
I nominate the following List of Promotions and Appointments in the Army First Regiment of Artillerists and Engineers. Lieutenant Peter Talman Captain vice Elliott resigned. Prescott Barron of Rhode Island, Surgeon’s Mate Second Regiment of Artillerists and Engineers. Lieutenant John Hancock Captain vice Eddins resigned Moses Swett of Vermont, Lieutenant vice Hancock promoted. Stephen Thomas...
Your last Letter relates to a Subject of the last Importance, to America. The Continental Currency, is the great Pillar, which Supports our Cause, and if that Suffers in its Credit, the Cause must Suffer: if that fails the Cause must fail. The Subjects of Coin and Commerce, are the most nice, and intricate of any within the compass of political Knowledge, and I am very apprehensive We Shall...
In conformity with your request, I transmit you a return from the War office, of those officers, who have been appointed under the act, entitled an Act to augment the army of the United States & for other purposes, designating such officers, who have accepted their appointments & those who have declined accepting, resigned their commissions, died, &c. A report from the Secretary of War, which...
Mr Adams will Stay, at home, for the Gentleman in No. 10, whom he will receive at ten o Clock, this Day, Sans Ceremonie, provided the Gentleman is content the Conversation Should pass in presence of Mr Thaxter, Mr Adams’s Secretary. But Such is the Situation of Things here and elsewhere, that it is impossible for Mr. A. to have any Conversation with any Gentleman from England, without Witness....
I received yesterday two Letters from each of our Sons at the Hague, who were very well and in good Spirits on the 25 th of April: but the Letters contain So much Information, that I have been obliged to lend them to The Secretary of the Treasury: I shall inclose them to you however on Monday All the next Week will be taken up, I Suppose in further Investigations of the Subject before Senate,...
Samuel B. Malcom Esqr, is not wholly a Stranger to you. He was three years in my family in the Character of my private Secretary, and I believe his conduct appeared to you, as it invariably did to me ingenuous, candid faithful and industrious. His Friends in New York were among the most respectable; his Education was public and his Studies and in the Law and introduction to the Bar regular...
I thank you for your Address of the 4th of July which has been forwarded to me by Colonel Spencer, signed by your officers as you requested. That auspicious day on which the United States took a rank among the Nations, which they have maintained with Dignity and Honor for two and twenty years, was well chosen to take into consideration the Horrid depredations committed on the Property of your...
M r Samuel Watson, a Citizen of the United States of America and Settled at Charlestown South Carolina as a Merchant Sailed from thence about two Years ago on board a Vessell bound to the Havannah and nothing has been heard of him or Vessell Since, till lately, a Gentleman from the Havannah has reported that a M r Watson from Charleston was taken in the Bay of Mexico and carried into...
I have this morning received your favours of Jan. 7 and February the first with the Newspapers for which I thank you— I rec d some days ago a Letter with the Review and some other Papers. I thank you for all these Marks of your kind Attention. a few Lines from you are always acceptable as they are Information of your Health and Situation, but your long Letters are fraught with such Information...
I would not loose the Opportunity of writing to you—tho I must be short. Tedious, indeed is our Business.—Slow, as Snails. I have not been used to such Ways. We sit only before Dinner. We dine at four O Clock. We are crowded with a Levee in the Evening. Fifty Gentlemen meeting together, all Strangers, are not acquainted with Each others Language, Ideas, Views, Designs. They are therefore...
I thank you, my dear Sir for the promptitude of your Answer to my last Letter, and for inclosing the misterious one to you, which however has every Appearance of honesty about it. My Daughter Started the Idea that it might be our Friend Wm. Smith of Charlestown who married Miss Izzard: but the Date of the Letter is New York. My Daughter, upon my Receipt of your Letter wrote to her Husband on...
42621775. Decr. 10. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Rode from Bristol to Trenton, breakfasted, rode to Princetown, and dined with a Captain Flahaven, in Ld. Sterlings Regiment, who has been express to Congress from his Lordship. Flahaven’s Father lives in this Province. He has lived in Maryland. Says that the Virginia Convention granting the Scotch Petition to be neutral has done all the Mischief and been the Support of Lord Dunmore. He says...
The United States of America in Congress assembled. To the Honble. John Adams Esquire Greeting. Whereas by our commission to the Honble. Henry Laurens Esqr. bearing date the thirtieth day of October in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy nine, we have constituted and appointed him the said Henry Laurens during our pleasure, our Agent for and on behalf of the said United...
Although it would do no good to excite your Tears or my own, by Allusions to your late Afflictions or mine; I Sincerely condole and Sympathize with you. Instead of bewailing the past, it is better to think of the future, and Serve our Generation, as well as We can by the feeble Forces and few days that may be lent Us. I know of nothing better that I can attempt at this moment in this Way, than...
I have, just now received your favour of the 6th. Who, pray, has injured the Character of Commodore John Paul Jones? and in what manner? It would give me Pleasure to furnish any Evidence in my Power in vindication of his Character against any Injury: but I have no recollection of any Acknowledgement of Jones himself, that his Surname was Paul, though I remember that the English Publications...
Your two Letters of the 5th. of May I have recieved with more pleasure than You can imagine. They are the first Lines I have recieved from Philadelphia. Your Letter prepared my mind for the horrid History We have since recieved in the Court Gazette from London of the Surrender of Charlestown. This is the severest Blow We ever recieved. Yet We shall soon get over it. I hope it will arouse the...
At first I intended to encumber your paper with no Documents but such as were absolutely necessary for my own vindication. But as the peace with France in eighteen hundred was not only an event of great importance in itself, but produced demonstrations of the prejudices, passions, views, designs and systems of parties, more perhaps than any other; I hope you will allow me room for such other...
Page 21. The Abby Raynal Says “Les Habitants de Boston detruisirent, dans le Port meme, trois Cargaisons de Thé qui arrivoient d’Europe.” As the opposition to the landing, and Consumption of the Tea and the Payment of the Taxes upon it, was the immediate occasion of this War, and all the vast Chain of great Events, which have succeeded, this Business ought to be Stated in great detail, and...
I have carefully read all the applications & recommendations for the office of collector of Norfolk & although the list of candidates is numerous and their pretensions respectable I think I discover sufficient reasons in the papers to concur with you in opinion that Col William Davis ought to be appointed and pray you to send him a commission accordingly. His letters have a strong character of...
Amsterdam, December 25, 1781—wrote to congress: “There has appeared an ulterior declaration, in addition to the ordinances of the thirtieth of April and the third of November concerning the navigation and the maritime commerce of the subjects of Prussia, during the present war. The ordinances, which the king has caused to be published of the 30th of April and third of November of this year,...
The letter herewith transmitted will inform you that it has pleased Divine Providence to remove from this life our excellent fellow-citizen George Washington, by the purity of his character, and a long series of services to his country, rendered illustrious through the world. It remains for an affectionate and grateful people, in whose hearts he can never die, to pay suitable honors to his...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society The Day before Yesterday, were brought to my House, Fifty one Bills of Exchange, amounting to 40958 B. f. [Banco florins] all drawn on the 22 June 1781 at Six months Sight, on the Honble Henry Laurens Esqr, in favour of Mr John Ross. This is a Pheenomenon which none but you Philosphers can explain, at least, I can think of but one Hypothesis, which...
I have received your kind letter of the 12 March instant—the contents of which are entirely satisfactory to me. Your memory is quite as particular as I could expect any gentleman of the company to retain except myself. I must confess I was very sore on the subject of my mission to France. I was attacked by two armies—a french army & an English army—each working warring upon me to conquer me...
I thank you, dear Sir for your favours of 7. and 20th. Ult. Messrs Everett and Mr Ticknor will have the benefit of your Introductions. Oh! that I had been So introduced when I entered Holland a forlorn Pilgrim in 1780, without a Single Line of Introduction to any body. What a Knighterrant I have been? There has been too much Said about Franklins Plagiarism. If he was guilty, which I do not...
I have this moment written a Message to the Senate nominating you to be an Envoy Extraordinary to the French Republic. Knowing as I did Mr Dana’s aversion to the Sea, and his continual dread of his Mother’s fate, I was always apprehensive he would decline and should have nominated you at first, if I had not been overruled by the opinions of many Gentlemen that Mr. Dana’s Experience in this...
Inclosed are six Passports for American Vessels, one of which You will please to deliver to M r. de Neufville for the Firebrand Capt. Frazier— You will dispose of the rest as You judge proper. There is also inclosed a little Packet directed to You, which You will dispose of as directed requested.— You will accept my Congratulations upon the late addition of a Daughter to your Family— I have a...
I am much obliged by your favor of the 5th, & for your introduction of Aaron Putnam Esqr, with whose person & conversation, I have been much pleased. The preparations for a decisision on the great subject are so advanced, that I hope it will not be postponed much longer. But there are so many great objects involved in the question, and so many considerations, great & small to be attended to,...
I thank you for Dr Ware’s letter to Dr Mc Load which I have read with pleasure, they are worthy of his Father, & his Father in Law—Mc Load’s choice of a Text is in the true Character of a Jesuitical Priest-hood whose maxim is, that it is lawful to lie for pious purposes You must at least have had a pleasant Eevening, on your return from Montezillo—And I rejoice to hear that none of your days...
I have the Honour of transmitting to you, herewith enclosed a certified Copy of an Act of Congress of the 21. of March last, instructing me to communicate to M r St. Saphorin, the high Sense, the United States of America in Congress assembled, entertain of the liberal Decision made by his Danish Majesty, on the Question proposed to his Minister by me, respecting the ordination of American...
4280[February 1772] (Adams Papers)
Have omitted now for 3 months almost to keep any “Note of Time or of its Loss.” Thomas Newcomb dined with me. He says that Etter, the Stocking Weaver, told him about a fortnight ago, that he saw the Governor within these 3 Months, and told him, he hoped the People would be contented and easy now they had a Governor from among themselves. The Governor said, “there were some Discontents...