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Results 4231-4260 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
The deposition of Thomas Jefferson taken at his House in the County of Albemarle this second day...
The frequent and violent attacks of sickness which assail me my Dear George render me a wretched...
I am almost most ashamed to acknowledge to you my tardy obligation, for your handsom Edition of...
It is with much pleasure that I avail myself of this occasion in Sending you an address deliver’d...
I regret extremely, that absence, has prevented my earlier reply to your letters of 3 d & 16 th...
Your favor of the 21 st was rec d yesterday, but I must pray to be excused from entering into the...
Your favor of the 23 d is just now rec d that of Dec. 27 th was laid before the Visitors at their...
Permit me to indulge my feelings in grateful acknowledgments for the very kind & polite rec e...
M r Campbell Dear Sir is too well known and too much respected here, and especially by myself, to...
Your favor of Oct. 10. came to hand in December, and was soon followed by the rec t of the...
Before the rec t of your favor of Sep. 29. the public papers had announced the unwelcome tidings...
Your letter of the 23 d is rec d and I immed ly wrote to Col o Peyton to answer the draught which...
I take the liberty of introducing to your Acquaintance Charles Sigourney Esq r of Hartford...
It occurs to me that it may be desirable to the directors of the V a University to acquire the...
The author of the manuscript, which I sent you sometime ago, appears very anxious to know, the...
Having occasion to apply to Doct r Greenhow of N.Y. to procure for the university some anatomical...
The Literary Fund board has this day directed the 2 d Auditors to issue a warrant in favor of the...
I have recd. your letter of the 23d. inclosing a copy of your prospectus of a biography of J. P....
Deem me not imprudent nor give me the name of a daring intruder when I a Stranger & one too who...
Th: Jefferson requests mr Brockenb rough to have the annexed paragraph inserted in the Central...
I send you Doctor Emmets statement of the value of his apparatus ($500) which he wishes the...
The University of Virginia has, at different times, recieved from public-spirited citizens, as...
I thank you, Dear Sir, for the Extract of your Review from the North American. it is instructive...
I take the Liberty to introduce to your acquaintance and Attention M r Benjamin Walker the Son,...
Your kind & most acceptable remembrance of the 4 th inst. calls for all my thanks. It gave me the...
I have read with interest and admiration the history of your life—your assidious toils in gaining...
I have delayed answering the letter which you did me the honor to write to me on the 16th inst,...
I take the liberty of enclosing to you the National Journal of this morning. I am led to do so by...
In reply to your letter of the 23 d ins t , received today, I have to inform you, that the...
I hand herewith your ℀ current to date, agreeable to your request, & regret that I should have...