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Results 4231-4280 of 184,431 sorted by author
You are hereby requested to convey a certain Square, parcel or lot of Ground in the City of...
This Measure of Imbecility, the second Petition to the King embarrassed every Exertion of...
When I sat down to write you, yesterday I really intended to write a sober Letter: but fell...
42341778 [i.e. 1780] Aug. 5. (Adams Papers)
Lodged at the Mareschall De Turenne. Dined with Mr. Dubblemets. Went to see the Statue of...
I nominate William Willis our Consul at Venice to be Consul of the United States at Barcelona in...
I have received the Letter you did me the honor to write to me on the 27 th. of January—and...
4237[October 1st. 1776.] (Adams Papers)
October 1st. 1776. Resolved that a Committee of four be appointed to confer with Brigadier...
The Day before Yesterday, We arrived here, in two Days from Nantes, all well. There is a Frigate...
It is worth the while of a Person, obliged to write as much as I do, to consider the Varieties of...
Inclosed is a letter or petition from the Indian proprietors of Gay head, recommending Mr....
4241[August 1771] (Adams Papers)
Have loitered at home the most of the past Week, gazing at my Workmen. I set ’em upon one...
Your Address, and Memorial, to the President, the Senate and House of Representatives of the...
You will see by the public Papers, that your Committee of Correspondence is making greater...
The President, with deep regret announces to the army the death of its beloved Chief J. General...
I have the Honour to acquaint your Excellency, that I have received from Congress, full Powers...
The sight of your well known hand writing in your favour of 25. Feb. last, gave me great...
42471778. March 4. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Fair Weather, but an Adverse Wind, from the N.E., which ob liges Us to go to the Southward of the...
I thank you for your Address of the Twentieth of this Month, transmitted according to your...
4249Decr. 2. (Adams Papers)
Captn. Bernard. Says There are Two hundred and Thirty Sail of Merchand Ships lying at the Mother...
I am happy that you esteem, the measures pursued by the Executive Authority, respecting our...
I nominate the following List of Promotions and Appointments in the Army First Regiment of...
Your last Letter relates to a Subject of the last Importance, to America. The Continental...
In conformity with your request, I transmit you a return from the War office, of those officers,...
Mr Adams will Stay, at home, for the Gentleman in No. 10, whom he will receive at ten o Clock,...
I received yesterday two Letters from each of our Sons at the Hague, who were very well and in...
Samuel B. Malcom Esqr, is not wholly a Stranger to you. He was three years in my family in the...
I thank you for your Address of the 4th of July which has been forwarded to me by Colonel...
M r Samuel Watson, a Citizen of the United States of America and Settled at Charlestown South...
I have this morning received your favours of Jan. 7 and February the first with the Newspapers...
I would not loose the Opportunity of writing to you—tho I must be short. Tedious, indeed is our...
I thank you, my dear Sir for the promptitude of your Answer to my last Letter, and for inclosing...
42621775. Decr. 10. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Rode from Bristol to Trenton, breakfasted, rode to Princetown, and dined with a Captain Flahaven,...
The United States of America in Congress assembled. To the Honble. John Adams Esquire Greeting....
Although it would do no good to excite your Tears or my own, by Allusions to your late...
I have, just now received your favour of the 6th. Who, pray, has injured the Character of...
Your two Letters of the 5th. of May I have recieved with more pleasure than You can imagine. They...
At first I intended to encumber your paper with no Documents but such as were absolutely...
Page 21. The Abby Raynal Says “Les Habitants de Boston detruisirent, dans le Port meme, trois...
I have carefully read all the applications & recommendations for the office of collector of...
Amsterdam, December 25, 1781—wrote to congress: “There has appeared an ulterior declaration, in...
The letter herewith transmitted will inform you that it has pleased Divine Providence to remove...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society The Day before Yesterday, were brought to my House,...
I have received your kind letter of the 12 March instant—the contents of which are entirely...
I thank you, dear Sir for your favours of 7. and 20th. Ult. Messrs Everett and Mr Ticknor will...
I have this moment written a Message to the Senate nominating you to be an Envoy Extraordinary to...
Inclosed are six Passports for American Vessels, one of which You will please to deliver to M r....
I am much obliged by your favor of the 5th, & for your introduction of Aaron Putnam Esqr, with...
I thank you for Dr Ware’s letter to Dr Mc Load which I have read with pleasure, they are worthy...
I have the Honour of transmitting to you, herewith enclosed a certified Copy of an Act of...
4280[February 1772] (Adams Papers)
Have omitted now for 3 months almost to keep any “Note of Time or of its Loss.” Thomas Newcomb...