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Results 4221-4230 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I being very desirous of becomeing a member of Central College & not being able to ascertain what is requisite to enter the different classes and also what, board, tuition &c will cost, have taken the liberty to write to you, to request you to inform me, If sir you will be so very condescending as to comply with my request you will confer a peculiar favor, one, which will ever be remembered...
I am requested by the President of the Bank of Virginia to inform you that it affords him much pleasure to have it in his power to furnish you with Bills of Exchange on England &c for the whole amount or any portion of the Fifty Thousand Dollars due from the President & Directors of the Literary Fund to the Rector & Visitors of the University With affectionate esteem MHi .
Yours of the 29 ulto: is now before me—when the articles from D r Green how of New York are rec d I will forward them, by a careful Boat, to Milton or shadwell mills, if possible, I will pay his dft: for the same, when presented, as you direct—the remittance from Mr. Brockenbrough, of $100 Dolls:, as mentioned in yours, was not made by last mail, but it no doubt will be, in due time— MHi .
I have recd. the letter with which you favored me on the 26th. Ult. In the application made in that to which it is an answer, I was misled by what I understood to be occasionally done by Banks possessing affluent funds, and apprehending neither ultimate loss, nor an early pressure. Of the System adopted by the Bank of the U.S. as explained by you, I can not speak but with entire approbation;...
I have recd. your favor inclosing the printed animadversions on an Article in the English “Quarterly Review.” Whatever may be the difficulty or the result of efforts to empart to the Indians the blessings of civilized life, as it is due to humanity to make them, it is due also to our Govt. to repel the unfounded charges brought agst. it. For this purpose, your publication is well adapted, its...
I have duly recd. the copy of the “Life of General Lafayette” kindly supplying the miscarriage of that first sent, of which nothing has been heard. I return my thanks, Sir, for this valuable and seasonable tribute to illustrious merit. I have read it with great pleasure, & with a wish that it could be universally read by our fellow Citizens. It could not but strengthen by enlightening their...
I wrote you about ten Days since that I had receivd the sum of Fifty thousand Dollars from the Treasurer of the United states on account of advances made by this state for the use of the Gen: Government during the late War; and that whenever the Pr: & Dir s of the Literary Fund should direct that Sum to be paid to your draft I would give a check therefor on the Bank of Virginia, (with a claim)...
The deposition of Thomas Jefferson taken at his House in the County of Albemarle this second day of May in the year One thousand eight hundred and Twenty five, to be read as evidence in a suit depending in the Supreme Court of law holden for the County of Wythe wherein Esther & Sam who sue in forma pauperis are Plts and Henry Umbarger is Def t agreeable to Notice herewith annexed—The said...
M r Benson safely delivered the little vol. of poems you were so kind as to commit to him for me. the spirit of pure patriotism which the Potomac muse breathes is worthy of high approbn. great justice is certainly done to the many worthies of our country and more than justice to one at least whose pretensions go not beyond that zeal for the rights of man which was so eminently displayed by our...
Our books arrived in January and as soon as they were opened and arranged on their shelves a Librarian was appointed to take charge of them. the compensn was fixt at first at 50. D. a year only, but the Visitors at their meeting in March raised it to 150. D. but without any other emolument, not even a lodging room. it was supposed that one of the Professors would always take it as adding a...