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Results 4211-4240 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
4211[Diary entry: 8 September 1761] (Washington Papers)
Septr. 8. Sowed 12 Bushels of Ray Grass Seed and 2 Bushels of Hop Trafoil in the Inclosure...
4212[September 1761] (Adams Papers)
Spent Evening at Zabs with the Parson. Wibirt . I have seen a Picture of Oliver Cromwell, with...
4213Septr. 10th. 1761. (Adams Papers)
Spent Evening at Zabs with the Parson. Wibirt . I have seen a Picture of Oliver Cromwell, with...
Draft: American Philosophical Society I don’t know whether to say I fear or I hope this won’t...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote to you just before we left London, that we were...
Letter not found: from Robert Cary & Co., 16 Sept. 1761. On 28 May 1762 GW wrote to Robert Cary &...
I arrived here last Saturday in Compy with Doctor Stuart who laid a State of your case before...
Letter not found: from Robert Cary & Co., 19 Sept. 1761. On 28 May 1762 GW wrote to Robert Cary &...
4219[Diary entry: 21 September 1761] (Washington Papers)
[21] Cattle bought at My Bro. John Washington’s Sale 21st. Septr. 1761. 1 Cow and Calf £ 2.10 1...
I don’t doubt but you have thought me very negligent in giving you no account of my Proceedings...
An Indisposition which I have been under 3 or 4 Months inducd me to take a trip Northward to try...
Duplicate: American Philosophical Society; letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania A...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Calling at the Board this Morning, I was informed that...
Draft: Historical Society of Pennsylvania We have now to Acquaint You that by a Resolve of the...
Inclos’d we have sent thy Accot Current to 1st Augt last—please to Examine the same, and not to...
Since mine of the 23d Ulto the Inclosd Bill from my friend, who I instructed to negotiate the...
A true Inventory of the Estate whereof John Adams late of Braintree Gent. dec ease d died seized...
ALS : Library of Congress I am extreamly concern’d at the News of the Death of my dear Friend Mr....
Copy (incomplete): American Philosophical Society In the summer of 1761 Franklin took his...
LAS: Yale University Library I have received your obliging Favours of July 16. and Augt. 15. for...
Inclosd you have my measure for Boots—please therefore to send me two pair of them; one of which...
Herewith you will receive sundry Invoices for Goods wanted, those for my own and the Childrens...
Invoice of Sundry Goods to be sent by Robert Cary Esqr. and Co. for the use of George...
4234[October 1761] (Washington Papers)
Octr. 15th. Sowed a Bushel of Ray grass seed, a gallon of clean Timothy Seed, and abt. half a...
4235[Diary entry: 15 October 1761] (Washington Papers)
Octr. 15th. Sowed a Bushel of Ray grass seed, a gallon of clean Timothy Seed, and abt. half a...
4236[October 1761] (Adams Papers)
Read in Just inian and Lancelot. I began Lancelotts Institute last Jany., and have read no...
4237Octr. 17th. 1761. (Adams Papers)
Read in Just inian and Lancelot.
4238Octr. 17th. 1761. (Adams Papers)
I began Lancelotts Institute last Jany., and have read no farther than Lib er 3. Ti tulus 8. De...
4239Octr. 18th. 1761. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Arose at 6. Read in Popes Satyrs. Nil Admirari &c. I last night read thro, both of Dr. Donnes...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I find my Last of the 30th of September mist...