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Results 42101-42150 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
42101 Washington, George [Diary entry: 1 November 1773] 1773-11-01 Novr. 1. Went to Willmsburg. after Dinner. Spent the Evening in my own Room.
42102 Madison, James Morris, Robert Motion on Instruction to Robert Morris, [20 November] … 1782-11-20 MS ( NA : PCC , No. 36, I, 441). In JM’s hand. Docketed by him, “Motion passed Novr 1782.” He...
42103 Hollins, John Brockenbrough, Arthur S. Enclosure: Account of John Hollins with University of … 1819-09-03 D r     26  June 1819 To cash—see above receipt 90 30 〃 〃 To D o —passage money D o
42104 Grand, Rodolphe-Ferdinand Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Ferdinand Grand, 10 February … 1781-02-10 LS : American Philosophical Society J’ai lhonneur de vous renvoyer sous ce pli une traite du Loan...
42105 Jefferson, Thomas Washington, George XIII. Thomas Jefferson to George Washington, 10 April … 1791-04-10 I had the honor of addressing you on the 2d. inst. which I presume would overtake you at...
42106 Paulze, Jacques Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Jacques Paulze, 17 July 1777 1777-07-17 ALS : American Philosophical Society Je m’adresse à vous, Monsieur, avec confiance. Si ma demande...
42107 Jefferson, Thomas Gibson, Patrick Thomas Jefferson to Patrick Gibson, 21 January 1813 1813-01-21 Your favor of Jan. 13. is recieved and a statement of my account to the 1 st inst. when I...
42108 Ducher, Gaspard Joseph Amand Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Gaspard Joseph Amand Ducher … 1792-10-22 Je joins ici, Monssicur, plusieurs pièces authentiques pour vous faire connoitre La verité sur...
42109 Washington, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Washington, 13 … 1779-09-13 I have the honor to inclose your Excellency the Copy of a Letter from Mr. Loring British...
42110 Washington, George Laurens, Henry George Washington to Henry Laurens, Joseph Spencer, and … 1779-08-20 West Point, August 20, 1779. Suggests combining duties of muster department with those of...
42111 Jefferson, Thomas Clark, Sheldon From Thomas Jefferson to Sheldon Clark, 5 December 1825 1825-12-05 I thank you for the pamphlets you have been so kind as to send me; but I cannot comply with your...
42112 Adams, John Quincy 5th. 1787-09-05 Took an early breakfast, and walk’d with Cranch to Cambridge. We got to Packard’s chamber, just...
42113 Livingston, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Livingston, 30 April … 1777-04-30 I learn that Mr Fell one of the Members of the Council of this State was lately taken out of his...
42114 Jefferson, Thomas Notes on a Cabinet Meeting, 18 February 1804 1804-02-18 1804. Feb. 18. Present the 4. Secs. & Atty Genl. it is agreed we shall consider the settlements...
42115 Madison, James Rodgers, John From James Madison to John Rodgers, 4 December 1814 1814-12-04 I have duly recd. yours of the 29th. Ult. The wishes conveyed in mine which it answers, are far...
42116 Madison, James United States Congress From James Madison to United States Congress, 27 … 1806-11-27 I have the satisfaction to inform you that the negociation on foot between the U. States & the...
42117 Buell, John H. Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from John H. Buell, 20 June 1800 1800-06-20 I received your order of the 23rd. Ulto. on the 9th. Instant, and gave Orders accordingly. Seven...
42118 Adams, John [Tuesday Feb. 27. 1776.] 1776-02-27 On Tuesday Feb. 27. 1776. The order of the day was renewed, but nothing done.
42119 Niles, Nathaniel Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Nathaniel Niles, 12 February … 1801-02-12 Permit me to indulge a very sensible pleasure in congratulating my Country on the prospect, which...
42120 Jefferson, Thomas Hening, William Waller Thomas Jefferson to William W. Hening, 13 June 1822 1822-06-13 Your favor of May 14. was a fortnight on it’s passage to me. the volumes of Manuscripts I...
42121 Washington, George [Diary entry: 26 August 1770] 1770-08-26 26. At home all day alone.
42122 McMinn, Joseph Madison, James To James Madison from Joseph McMinn, 30 October 1815 1815-10-30 Owing to the melancholy death of Genl. John Sevier, who was acting as one of the Commissioners...
42123 Adams, John Quincy Shaw, William Smith From John Quincy Adams to William Smith Shaw, 21 … 1817-12-21 The Bearer, Mr. N. Pope Delegate in Congress from the Territory of Illinois, and Brother of Mr....
42124 Dinwiddie, Robert Washington, George To George Washington from Robert Dinwiddie, 27 June … 1754-06-27 Yr Letter without Date I recd am sorry You have occasion to complain for want of Flouer &ca it...
42125 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 8 August 1806 1806-08-08 Your’s of the 4th. is recieved. I think the course which has been taken for sending MelliMeni...
42126 Jefferson, Thomas Hawkesworth, William From Thomas Jefferson to William Hawkesworth, 16 May … 1824-05-16 your favor of the 11 th is just recieved. our University will be opened on the 1 st day of...
42127 Hamilton, Alexander Coxe, Tench From Alexander Hamilton to Tench Coxe, 30 May 1796 1796-05-30 Some days since I received your letter in which you mention to me that Mr. Wheelen pursuant to...
42128 Jefferson, Thomas Short, William I. To William Short, 13 April 1800 1800-04-13 I wrote to you on the 26th. of Mar. by a conveyance which occurred suddenly, merely to inform you...
42129 Adams, John Pickering, Timothy From John Adams to Timothy Pickering, 17 August 1798 1798-08-17 Inclos’d is an answer to the address from the Inhabitants of Hamilton County, which you will...
42130 Fitzgerald, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Fitzgerald, 23 October … 1793-10-23 Hearing this Morning that the Surveyor of this District was about to resign, I could not in...
42131 Cary, Richard Washington, George To George Washington from Richard Cary, 27 October 1789 1789-10-27 Charlestown [Mass.] Honoured and much Esteemed Sir, Octor 27 1789 I am prevented by the Weather...
42132 Madison, James To James Madison from an Unidentified Correspondent, 6 … 1813-02-06 On reading in one of our Public prints a definition of Treason given as by one of the Circuit...
42133 Coolidge, Ellen Wayles Randolph Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Ellen Wayles Randolph … 1808-04-14 I have at length guessed right my Dear Grandpapa, about the pen, and am very glad to find it is...
42134 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Madison, 1 June 1794 1794-06-01 The Stamp act was poisoned by the ingredient of the tax on transfers. The centinels of Stock...
42135 Adams, John Willard, Joseph From John Adams to Joseph Willard, 1 January 1793 1793-01-01 The inclosed letter from Mr Taylor one of the Senators from Virginia, as it contains Information...
42136 Washington, George [Diary entry: 20 August 1786] 1786-08-20 Sunday 20th. Mercury at 69 to day, Morng.—at 74 at Noon and 70 at Night. Very little Wind at any...
42137 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 3 August 1808 1808-08-03 The letter from me respecting the Leonidas was with the papers returned. I considered it as a...
42138 Knox, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Knox, 26 November 1790 1790-11-26 Dublin, 26 Nov. 1790 . On the 17th instant his appointment as consul for Dublin approved by the...
42139 Marat, Jean-Paul Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Marat, 30 March 1779 1779-03-30 ALS : American Philosophical Society MM. les Comissaires seront libres de tenir Seance jeudy,...
42140 Hamilton, Alexander Hunewell, Richard From Alexander Hamilton to Richard Hunewell, 6 January … 1800-01-06 Until I am officially informed, either by Mr. Waters or yourself, of his resignation, I cannot...
42141 Commissioners of the Sinking Fund Report of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, [18 … 1794-11-18 The vice President of the United States and President of the Senate, the Chief Justice, the...
42142 Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … American Commissioners Lafayette to the American Commissioners, 8 April 1785 1785-04-08 In Consequence of Your desire, I Have Endeavoured to Collect informations Relative to the...
42143 Franklin, Benjamin Managers of the Pennsylvania Hospital From Benjamin Franklin to a Committee of the Managers … 1772-08-22 ALS (letterbook draft): American Philosophical Society I suppose Mr. Barclay has acquainted you...
42144 Washington, George [Diary entry: 13 April 1767] 1767-04-13 13. Clear & cool. Wind at No. West.
42145 Jefferson, Thomas Thomas Jefferson’s Bill for Establishing a System of … 1817-10-24 N o 1. A Bill for establishing a system of public education. 1. For establishing schools at which...
42146 Washington, George Kosciuszko, Tadeusz (Thaddeus) Andrzej Bonawentura From George Washington to Colonel Thaddeus Kosciuszko … 1780-08-03 I have been favd with yours of the 30th July. The Artificers are drawn from the post at West...
42147 Davis, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Davis, 18 September 1807 1807-09-18 You do me unspeakable honour in finding time to acknowledge having received the Pamphlet which I...
42148 Jefferson, Thomas Breckinridge, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Breckinridge, 13 March … 1806-03-13 Th: Jefferson asks the favor of the Attorney General to meet him with the heads of department...
42149 Jefferson, Thomas Birkman, Peter From Thomas Jefferson to Peter Birkman, 30 May 1823 1823-05-30 I thank you, Sir, for your chart of German grammar simplified, which I shall preserve for the use...
42150 Trustees of the General Loan Office Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from the Trustees of the General … 1761-10-20 Printed form with blanks filled in: The Franklin Inn, Philadelphia At Thirty Days Sight of this...