Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to Theodorick Bland, 24 February 1806

Washington Feb. 24. 06.


I sometime ago recieved a letter from you signifying a wish to be appointed a judge of Orleans. the necessity of the judges of that territory understanding French as well as English, the pleadings the juries & witnesses being of both languages, obliged me to fill that bench with gentlemen possessing both languages. the place of judge in Michigan is now vacant, & Judge Griffin of Indiana has sollicited to be removed to Michigan. should the Senate consent to this, his place in Indiana will be vacant. Would it be within your views to accept of that, or if Judge Griffin is not translated, to accept the vacancy in Michigan? it is true the salary is far inferior to that of Orleans, but so are the expences; and salubrity of climate is in favor of the Northern positions. of these circumstances however you will be the judge for yourself, and I will ask the favor of you to resolve me in as few days as you can. Accept my salutations & respects.

Th: Jefferson

DLC: Papers of Thomas Jefferson.

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