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Results 42051-42100 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
42051 Graham, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Graham, 6 August 1810 1810-08-06 I have the Honor to forward to you some English News Papers received at this office on Saturday....
42052 Bias, Cesario Jefferson, Thomas Enclosure: Thomas Jefferson’s Account with Bernard … 1822-01-22 Sales 50 Barrels Fine Flour by Bernard Peyton   Richmond  1822 for ℀ M r Th: Jefferson January 22...
42053 Delany, Sharp Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Sharp Delany, 6 January 1795 1795-01-06 [ Philadelphia, January 6, 1795. On January 15, 1795, Edmund Randolph wrote to George Hammond,...
42054 Adams, John Quincy 12th. 1782-02-12 Thermometer in the morning at 22 ½ degrees below.0. Stay’d at Home all day.
42055 Jefferson, Thomas United States Congress From Thomas Jefferson to United States Congress, 7 … 1807-12-07 Having recently recieved from our late Minister Plenipotentiary at the court of London a...
42056 Trumbull, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Trumbull, 1 May 1789 1789-05-01 I am to beg your forgiveness for having so long omitted to write you—but a proof accompanies this...
42057 Fenner, Arthur Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Arthur Fenner, 3 February … 1791-02-03 Your letter of the 14th Jany. I recd. In February 1786 a Committee appointed by the Legislature...
42058 Bayley, Jacob Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Jacob … 1780-08-31 One party for intelligence to Canada returned yesterday; they have been longer out than I...
42059 Brown, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Brown, 23 December 1807 1807-12-23 I have the honor to request your acceptance of my resignation of the office of District Attorney...
42060 Jefferson, Thomas Muter, George From Thomas Jefferson to George Muter, 2 March 1781 1781-03-02 The Board has considered your request that they should make an Enquiry into your Conduct as...
42061 Stirling, Lord (né William Alexander) Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Stirling, 1 … 1778-11-01 By the enclosed letters your Excellency will find that the Enemy are in Motion notwithstanding...
42062 Reed, Joseph Washington, George To George Washington from Joseph Reed, 16 February 1780 1780-02-16 Our reluctance to take any step which may add to the many cares and embarrassments that...
42063 Washington, George [Diary entry: 4 July 1773] 1773-07-04 4. At home all day. Mrs. Peake & her daughter dind here. Mrs. Peake’s daughter is probably the...
42064 Franklin, Benjamin Spangenberg, Augustus Gottlieb From Benjamin Franklin to Augustus Gottlieb … 1756-03-01 ALS : Archives of the Moravian Church, Bethlehem As the Forts are built, and the Ranging...
42065 Chase, Samuel Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Samuel Chase, 19 January 1784 1784-01-19 ALS : American Philosophical Society On Fryday last I had the Honour to receive your letter of...
42066 Adams, John Quincy John Quincy Adams, Lists of Deeds Estate of John Adams … 1826-09-20 Salt-Marsh— Acres— Qurs Rods Adams—Elihu to John Adams. 30. March 1772 3. Crosby—Joseph to John...
42067 Washington, George General Orders, 4 April 1778 1778-04-04 The Brigade Commissaries are to make an exact return of the horns delivered into the Quarter...
42068 Washington, George Commissioners for the District of Columbia From George Washington to the Commissioners for the … 1793-01-31 (Private) Gentlemen, Philadelphia January 31st 1793 I have had under consideration Mr Hallet’s...
42069 Crowninshield, Jacob Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Jacob Crowninshield, 21 April … 1807-04-21 Jacob Crowninshield has the pleasure to send Mr Jefferson a sample of fresh Guzerat Wheat...
42070 Adams, John Livingston, Robert R. From John Adams to Robert R. Livingston, 10 July 1783 1783-07-10 In the present violent heat of the Weather, and feverish state of my own health, I cannot pretend...
42071 Washington, George General Orders, 5 June 1776 1776-06-05 Lieut. John Riggs of Capt. McFarland’s Company, & Col. Nixon’s Regiment, tried at the General...
42072 Clarkson, Levinus Washington, George To George Washington from Levinus Clarkson, 6 April … 1789-04-06 Should your Excey find by a mature investigation of the subscriber character, during the late...
42073 Madison, James Pichon, Louis-André From James Madison to Louis-André Pichon, 31 October … 1803-10-31 31 October 1803, Department of State . “The Secretary of State … requests the favor of a passport...
42074 Lee, Ludwell Madison, James To James Madison from Ludwell Lee, 24 June 1811 … 1811-06-24 24 June 1811, Belmont. “A relation & friend of mine, Mr. Mordecai Booth of Winchester, wishing to...
42075 Franklin, Benjamin Cuming & Macarty From Benjamin Franklin to Cuming & Macarty, 7 April … 1782-04-07 AL (draft): American Philosophical Society; copy: Library of Congress I have just received the...
42076 Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton, Elizabeth From Alexander Hamilton to Elizabeth Hamilton, [23 … 1801-09-23 I am vexed and chagrined, My beloved Eliza, that I cannot come out to day as I intended. I had...
42077 Coffyn, Francis American Commissioners Francis Coffyn to the American Commissioners, 9 July … 1778-07-09 ALS : American Philosophical Society <Dunkirk, July 9, 1778: I refer you to my letter of...
42078 Ticknor, George Jefferson, Thomas George Ticknor to Thomas Jefferson, 21 March 1815 1815-03-21 I reached home yesterday morning , after a tedious and indeed a perilous journey, and found that...
42079 Wagner, Jacob Madison, James To James Madison from Jacob Wagner, 24 August 1801 1801-08-24 I was duly honored with your favor of the 15th. and another since received from Mr. Hooper. I am...
42080 Sedgwick, Theodore Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Theodore Sedgwick, 26 August … 1793-08-26 The inclosed will give you some pleasure as an indication of public opinion. It was delivered to...
42081 Hamilton, Alexander Washington, George From Alexander Hamilton to George Washington, [9 April … 1781-04-09 I had the inclosed letters for you in my Portmanteau without knowing it, as they were given me...
42082 Howe, Robert Washington, George To George Washington from Robert Howe, 21 Oct. 1779 … 1779-10-21 Letters not found : from Robert Howe, 21 Oct. 1779. On 22 Oct., GW wrote Howe: “I have been duly...
42083 Jay, John Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … From John Jay to Lafayette, 20 September 1824 1824-09-20 Had not the State of my Health detained me here, I should [ illegible ] ^immediately after^ your...
42084 Franklin, Benjamin Maskelyne, Nevil From Benjamin Franklin to Nevil Maskelyne, 12 February … 1770-02-12 ALS : the Royal Society I have just received a Letter from Mr. Winthrop, dated Dec. 7. containing...
42085 Lincoln, Benjamin Washington, George To George Washington from Benjamin Lincoln, 9 April … 1782-04-09 I have been honored with yours of the first instant—By mine of the 26th ultimo I meant only to...
42086 Dumas, Charles William Frederick Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from C. W. F. Dumas, 26 October … 1787-10-26 The Hague, 26 Oct. 1787 . The enclosed gazette, specifically published to plague him, shows that...
42087 Hamilton, Alexander Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … From Alexander Hamilton to Marquis de Lafayette, 6 … 1789-10-06 I have seen with a mixture of Pleasure and apprehension the Progress of the events which have...
42088 Washington, George Boudinot, Elisha From George Washington to Elisha Boudinot, 10 May 1783 1783-05-10 Your letter of congratulation contains expressions of too friendly a nature not to affect me with...
42089 Adams, John 1772 Decr. 29 [i.e. 28?]. 1772-12-28 Spent the last Sunday Evening with Dr. Cooper at his House with Justice Quincy and Mr. Wm....
42090 Pennsylvania Assembly Committee Pennsylvania Assembly Committee: Report on Precedents … 1756-12-03 Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1756–1757 (Philadelphia,...
42091 Washington, George [Diary entry: 29 May 1770] 1770-05-29 29. Not as cool as yesterday. Wind variable with appearances of Rain.
42092 Washington, George Dickinson, Philemon From George Washington to Philemon Dickinson, 24 May … 1778-05-24 Letter not found : to Philemon Dickinson, 24 May 1778. Later the same day GW wrote another letter...
42093 Washington, George McDougall, Alexander George Washington to Major General Alexander McDougall … 1778-09-15 [ White Plains, New York ] September 15, 1778 . Orders McDougall to march to Danbury and put...
42094 Washington, George Gates, Horatio From George Washington to Major General Horatio Gates … 1779-07-30 I inclose you a letter for Capt. Clarke late of Col. Greenes Regiment, in answer to one from him,...
42095 Jefferson, Thomas Lambert, William From Thomas Jefferson to William Lambert, 22 December … 1804-12-22 I return you the inclosed paper with thanks for the communication of it. I have taken the liberty...
42096 Washington, George Arendt, Henry Leonard Philip From George Washington to Colonel Arendt, 20 October … 1777-10-20 I am just now favd with yours of this date and am sorry that you laboured under any mistake on...
42097 Austin, David Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from David Austin, 14 September … 1801-09-14 Will you forgive a second address on the subject of the place left by Mr Meredith? — The...
42098 Washington, George [Diary entry: 8 April 1760] 1760-04-08 8. Much Rain, wind variable.
42099 Jones, Joseph Madison, James To James Madison from Joseph Jones, 8 February 1794 1794-02-08 It has turned out much as I expected—there are few men who possess sufficient public spirit to...
42100 Jefferson, Thomas Holmes, Abiel From Thomas Jefferson to Abiel Holmes, 26 December 1806 1806-12-26 Your favor of the 15th. with the book, has been safely recieved. the Memoires de l’Amerique were...