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Results 42051-42100 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
[ Boston, September 30, 1799. On October 24, 1799, Hamilton wrote to Gibbs : “I have received...
Your two favors the one advising me of the Beautrice and the other Covering letters from my...
In the moment I was closing & dispatching my letters to the Post Office, I learnt from the...
Portsmouth, New Hampshire, January 12, 1792. “I had the honor to receive your letter of the 20th....
I have been honored with your letter of the 2d. Inst. Inclosed is a copy of my letter to Mr. J....
I have been honoured with the receipt of your circular letter of the 8th. instant. I will aim at...
I enclose you a copy of a letter from the Surgeons Mate, in this place to me, and as there is...
A deserter by the name of Nicholas Potter, from Captain Henry’s company of artillery is now...
As I Owe to your kind Interposition the Permission I have obtained from the Secretary of the...
Your several favors of the 18th & 25th March and 2d. ult: were delivered me on the first Instant...
I have recd your Letter of the 7th. Shoes will be issued to the State Companies under your...
I have the honor to enclose for the purpose of submission to the President another contract for...
[ Charleston, South Carolina, March 3, 1796. On June 5, 1796, Pinckney wrote to Hamilton : “I...
Some time ago my Friends recommended me to the Honl. James McHenry as a proper person for the...
Your two letters of the 20th and 22d July last have been received, the latter accompanied with...
Upon a full consideration of the reasons offered by Mr. Short, in his correspondence with you,...
War Department, May 13, 1793. Approves payment of a bill “drawn by Israel Ludlow on William Duer...
I have received your letter of the 28. instant, informing that General Wilkinson had mentioned to...
I was honored yesterday Night with your letters of the 15th. Ult. & 1st. Inst. The Post Setting...
Agreeably to your permission I have changed the Rendezvous of the sixth Regiment from Raleigh to...
Treasury Department, Revenue Office, January 29, 1795. “Agreeably to what was done for the supply...
Since mine of the 4th. Instant, covering some information upon Manufactures, I have received an...
I enclose you copies Extract of a letter dated Newport the 24th. July from Archibald Crary Esqr....
Motives of Justice, friendship & candour induce me to send the enclosed for your perusal. Let me...
I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your favour of the 2d instant, transmited from...
I have the Honor of presenting two Letters recommending Mr. Thos. Arrowsmith as a Lieut. in the...
[ New, York, October 6, 1794. On October 8, 1794, Oliver Wolcott, Jr., wrote to Wilkes: “I have...
It frequently happens, in the Winter Season, that vessels, belonging and bound to this place, are...
[ Philadelphia ] January 29, 1795 . “Since my Appointment as Agent for paying the Invalid...
November 9, 1789. “Being informed that there are some offices under you and in your department...
Since I wrote you last I have concluded To remove Captain Grayson, & Mr. Blackburn from...
Portsmouth, New Hampshire, February 28, 1792. “Your letter of the 4th. instant I had the honor to...
By pushing through the rain (which fell more or less on Saturday, Sunday and Monday) I arrived in...
I had the honor to receive your favour of the 2d, on the 15th inst, & feel myself Obliged by your...
I was this moment fav d . with yours of the 19 th Instant; requesting Copies of the Instructions,...
[ Baltimore, April 18, 1792. On June 5, 1792, Hamilton wrote to Williams : “I have before me your...
[ Mount Vernon, September 26, 1798. Letter not found. ] “List of Letters from G—— Washington to...
I have hitherto on more than one occasion & particularly in my letter of the 7th. of March last,...
Major Hoops presents his Compliments to General Hamilton—begs leave to Suggest, That in order...
The Brig Maria James Stephenson Master Luke Fortune Consignee Arrived here in Feby last from...
I have the honor to enclose you the last Monthly Return and a Copy of my last letter to General...
I have received the Letter you did me the honor to write me this morning and as the Secretary of...
I take the liberty to address you in behalf of Mr. Walter B. Vrooman, Son of the Widow Vrooman, a...
[ New York ] October 19, 1803 . “Mr S. Jones Junior begs leave to remind Gen Hamilton of the case...
In pursuance of an Act of the Congress of the United States “to provide for mitigating or...
The post last evening brought me your letter of the 26th. Ulto. The copy of a letter from the...
Yours of yesterday is this instant come to hand & I have but a few minutes to answer it. I am...
Mr. Monroe readily consents to an interview with Colo. Hamilton tomorrow at ten in the morning at...
Treasury Department, Comptroller’s Office, February 29, 1792. Sends report on memorial of Samuel...
Private My dear Sir Mount Vernon 25th Feby 1799. Your private letter of the 16th instant came...