Results 42051-42060 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
§ From Jonathan Williams. 24 February 1806, Elizabethtown. “Although I am not conscious of having any personal claim to your preference, yet actuated by a disinterested friendship for a meritorious young man, and a sense of public propriety, I venture to submit to your consideration for the office of Consul at Cadiz, Mr Richard Meade a native of Philadelphia, now a settled merchant in that...
I return you the draught of the Bill for the establishment of a National academy & University at the city of Washington, with such alterations as we talked over the last night. they are chiefly verbal.    I have often wished we could have a Philosophical society or Academy so organised as that while the central academy should be at the seat of government, it’s members dispersed over the...
I sometime ago recieved a letter from you signifying a wish to be appointed a judge of Orleans. the necessity of the judges of that territory understanding French as well as English, the pleadings the juries & witnesses being of both languages, obliged me to fill that bench with gentlemen possessing both languages. the place of judge in Michigan is now vacant, & Judge Griffin of Indiana has...
Col. Lyon has desired me, to endeavour to recall to your recollection, the Circumstance of my delivering a letter to you, from Mr. King Senr late of Washington, this Sir is my apology for thus obtruding on your time. The letter was left, with my friend Mr. Nicholas King, who being very ill, requested of me to deliver it. I did so early in the Autumn of 1801, the Secretary of War, being...
for exploring the waters of the country ceded by the Convention with France of Apr. 30. 1803, & establishing commerce with the Indian nations inhabiting the same 5000. D. Th: J. proposes to mr Gallatin to insert into his Approprn law the above article, which will enable us to undertake the next season either the Arkansa or upper part of the Misipi: and that there should be annually a like...
In addition to my letr of this day, I beg leave to ask yr. attention to some matters which very much concern myself, & to which I have long desired to call the appropriation of a few moments of yr. time. Shortly after I had the honor of an interview with you in Albermarle, I learnt from General Porterfield that you had mentioned to some of yr. acquaintance, that I had offered for sale Mr....
To accompany the President’s Thorn plants There are forty bundles, each containing 250 plants Besides which there is one bundle of smaller plants containing 200, These last, to be planted in nursery to supply any accidental deficiencies that may happen in the hedges—If the weather should be dry and warm while the plants are on the road, they may be watered two three times, according to...
Accustomed to act as a sense of duty urges; as most would think, with too little regard to personal consequences: particularly, having sometimes expressed my sentiments to public and to private men, on subjects of public moment, or of their individual interest, at the hazard of giving them offence: and impelled by the dangers of a measure of great national concern , the interdiction of all...
Forgive us this intrusion. From that spirit of benevolence which animates your writings and your private and public life, we are convinced, that the melioration of wretchedness and the advancement of felicity in man, whether civilized or rude, engage your laborious and incessant exertions. Nor will such exertions lose their reward. By the merchant on the Ocean, the husbandman in the field and...
Fremd in America, ober evímfore Sein nýzlich zu sein, durch meinem Swavhen Talenten, uñd da ihre Excelence ein jeder Kleinste Verdienst mit dein Allerhooksten wohlwollen belohnt, So evímfore ish in die Vereinnichten-Staten eine deinste zu erhalten bei den hasen Bau oder Canelle, die ish im Holland Kantnitz von Erhalten habe, welch ish aúf eisreichste bessre ben werde durch lione Treue und...