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Results 42051-42100 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
§ From Jonathan Williams. 24 February 1806, Elizabethtown. “Although I am not conscious of having...
I return you the draught of the Bill for the establishment of a National academy & University at...
I sometime ago recieved a letter from you signifying a wish to be appointed a judge of Orleans....
Col. Lyon has desired me, to endeavour to recall to your recollection, the Circumstance of my...
for exploring the waters of the country ceded by the Convention with France of Apr. 30. 1803, &...
In addition to my letr of this day, I beg leave to ask yr. attention to some matters which very...
To accompany the President’s Thorn plants There are forty bundles, each containing 250 plants...
Accustomed to act as a sense of duty urges; as most would think, with too little regard to...
Forgive us this intrusion. From that spirit of benevolence which animates your writings and your...
Fremd in America, ober evímfore Sein nýzlich zu sein, durch meinem Swavhen Talenten, uñd da ihre...
Several vacancies having happened in the army of the United states, during the last recess of the...
your Letter of Feb’ry I duly recived, and Should Sooner have replied to it, but I wished to...
It is agreed among some members of the Senate that the subject of the Institution shall be bro’t...
In answer to the enquiries in your letter of the 14th I have to observe that the mill I mentioned...
We learnt here with real affliction the terrible calamity which happened to you. to our feelings...
I return you the inclosed proclamation, & to avoid an innovation which might produce uneasiness,...
It is now become very material that the whole of my doors should be finished & got to Monticello...
Th: Jefferson presents his thanks to dr Read for the curious fossil teeth he has been so kind as...
Your philanthropic goodness will excuse me, so distressed, I have no where else To complain, I am...
Your letter of the 3d. was recieved in due time. it was impossible the designs therein inclosed...
I received, yesterday, your favour of the third of this month. It is not in my power at present...
§ From Anthony Terry. 22 February 1806, Cádiz. “I had the honor of writing you the 24th. ulto. ⅌...
Your commission as judge of Louisiana, according to it’s own terms, & those of the constitution...
I recieved in Nov. a petition from some Wiandot Indians praying for a grant of the reservation of...
Engagd. as you doubtless must be at this important juncture of national affairs has we presume...
The patterns of cloth and Yarn I have taken the liberty of sending to you, are all manufactured...
Your favor of Ocr. 8. was duly delivered by Mr. Waddell. The one inclosed in it for Col. Touzard...
^ William Cranch to be Chief judge of the circuit court of the district of Columbia Aflen Bowie...
In expectation that further information would give us a more distinct view of the course which...
I have the honor to propose, for your approbation the following list of Promotions and...
Though reluctant to add to the number of solicitations which your high station and character...
Conscious of the purity of the motives by which I have been actuated—conscious that the political...
In my letter of Nov. 22. I informed you that I proposed to do towards fulfilling your wishes...
I nominate William Cranch, now an Assistant judge of the circuit court for the district of...
That showers of hot stones or cold stones may have fallen, in the neighbourhood of Volcanoes, is...
The letters which I have received from you since your arrival at Madrid are under dates of 25th....
§ To Isaac Clason. 20 February 1806, Department of State. “I have received your letter of the...
§ To James Monroe. 20 February 1806, Department of State. “Mr Samuel Grove represents that he has...
§ From Sylvanus Bourne. 20 February 1806, Amsterdam. “I take this occasion to repeat by way of...
§ From William C. C. Claiborne. 20 February 1806, New Orleans. “The northern mail has this moment...
§ From Thomas Cruse. 20 February 1806, “Brewhouse Alexandria.” “I have taken the liberty in...
Mr. de Salemberi having requested me to forward the enclosed Letter under my cover, I beg leave...
General Kosiusko having mentioned, a few days ago his writing to Mr. Jefferson (about the...
The Licence Granted to the President to use private Cariages in Washington City untill the first...
I have the honor of proposing for your approbation Nathaniel Smith of New York, Thomas Jones...
I have been favored with your letter of the 9th instant, and now enclose bill of lading for the...
Les Etats Unis d’Amerique, par la position floris, sante & paisible dont ils jouissent,...
J G Jackson with his best respects sends the enclosed letter to the President of the U.S. &...
From Intelligence Recd. by my Son, Friend B. Kellogg, who took out Letters Patent for a Machine...
T Munroe respectfully begs to know whether it is the pleasure of the President to renew the...