Results 42031-42060 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I have the honor to request that you cause a Warrant to be issued for Nine thousand dollars, payable out of the Mediterranean fund, in favor of James Davidson Jnr., he being the holder of the enclosed Bill for that amount drawn by Tobias Lear, Consul of the United States, at Algiers, on the Secretary of State, and dated the 31 Decr. 1807. The said Tobias Lear to be charged accordingly on the...
42032[Diary entry: 7 March 1773] (Washington Papers)
7. Dined at the Governors and Spent the Evening at Mrs. Campbells. GW and Governor Dunmore were planning a trip sometime in the summer to inspect western lands in the Ohio Valley ( FREEMAN Douglas Southall Freeman. George Washington: A Biography . 7 vols. New York, 1948–57. , 3:317). The House of Burgesses did not meet today, Sunday ( JHB H. R. McIlwaine and John Pendleton Kennedy, eds....
I have concluded to put the sick on Governor’s & Ellis’s islands under your care, and you will be pleased to take charge of them. You will be entitled to the compensation of a Surgeon’s Mate ( Df , in the handwriting of Thomas Y. How, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).
I am instructed by the President to express to you his wish that every practicable exertion may be made to accelerate the assembling of the Militia at their appointed places of Rendevous, Winchester and the Vincinity of old Fort Pleasant Alias Moorefield. You are probably informed that a junction of the Virginia and Maryland Troops at Fort Cumberland has been contemplated. You are at liberty...
Providence, November 12, 1790. “Enclosed is my return of Cash for the week past.… I also enclose a duplicate list of five Bank notes.… The Sloop Polly, James Munro Jr late master, registered in this office the 24. of July last, being sold out of the United States, the Certificate of Registry … was yesterday returned and the bond cancelled.” Copy, RG 56, Letters from the Collector at...
The Marquis Fayettee cal’d upon me this Morning on his Rout Eastward; and on Conversation with him, on the Subject of procuring Arms, Ammunition & other Supplies, he thought it advisable to request 3000 or 4000 Stands of Arms to be collected in this State, lest there should be a Deficiency in the public Stores to arm all our Levies and also to request the Governer & Council to furnish all the...
D r. Rodgers presents his most respectful Compliments to His Excellency the Vice President of the United States, & informs Him, there are two Pews set apart for the Members of Congress in his Church in Wall Street—nearly opposite the Governor’s Pew & lined with Green. And another Set apart for the same Purpose in the Brick Church on the Side of the fields, distinguished by the federal Arms and...
Application having lately been made to me by Mr. Dunbar—to obtain from the Marquis of Casa Calvo, a Passport for the Gentlemen who are about to ascend the Red River, under your Orders, I addressed to him a letter, of which the enclosure A is a copy, and received the answer marked B.—I have informed Mr. Dunbar of the Marquis’s refusal which I presume may occasion, for the present, the...
I am sorry to inform you that the time of opening the Univ ty is still uncertain. on the 3. loans which the legisl re authorised to erect the buildings, we are paying annually an interest of 10,800. D. absorbing our whole annuity to within 4,200. D. which after the necessary care of the buildings leaves little surplus. we take for granted however that the legislre will remit the whole debt. if...
I am exceeding sorry to be the Author of bad News, but lest a more imperfect account shod reach Head Quarters, I think it my Duty to acquaint your Excellency of the misfortune sustain’d by Coll Baylors Corps. Early on Sunday the Coll remov’d with his Regiment from Paramus to Herring Town (a small place two or three miles from Taupaun) and took Quarters. Between three and four this morning the...
Letter not found: to John David Wilper, 7 Feb. 1774. On 23 Mar. Wilper wrote GW : “I was Favourt with your Letter, Dated february 7th.”
It never was my idea to leave the Highlands unguarded but only for expedition sake that Heath shou’d detach two thoushand of his Corps immediately over the River and to replace these two thoushand by the same number the most lightly accoutred from this Body here ’till the main Body with their baggage Cannon &cc. coud move—I conceiv’d this movement cou’d be attended with no risk as He has now...
15 December 1804, Pisa. Hopes JM received his letter of last year enclosed to Jefferson, as well as the second one delivered to Timpanari, from whom he is most anxious to have good news as soon as possible. Encloses copies of two bulletins he sent to St. Petersburg dealing with the disease that did so much harm to Leghorn and to all of Tuscany. Asks that JM give them to the president after...
When I inform you how unfortunate I have been, I presume you will pardon me for thus addressing you. In the early part of last Autumn a large number of free, enlightened and patriotic Republicans, among whom were the Hon. Obed Hall M. C. Hon Silas Meserve with many Civil and Military Officers, associated and formed themselves into a Company of Volunteers under the U. S. V. act, and I, although...
I received yesterday your favor of the 27th of March for which I thank you. The strain of Joy at a late event, and of Panegyrick on the subject of it, serve, among some other Instances to Convince me, that old friendships, when they are well preserved become very strong. The friends of my youth are generally gone The friends of my early political life are chiefly departed—Of the few that...
Mr. Pedersen presents his Compliments to Mr. Madison and has the honor herewith to transmit to him a Copy of the Regulations for privateers given at Rendsburg the 14th. Septr: 1807 by the Father of His Majesty the present King of Denmark, in consequence of the war with Great Britain: Mr. Pedersen begs leave to add, for the private information of Mr. Madison the substance in English of the said...
Respected Friend George Washington Esqr. New York 19th January 1789 We should have replied to thy Favour of 26th Decr sooner but waited to learn the extent of the time we could obtain a Credit for the Seed, at the price proposed; which we find to be the 1st of ⟨ illegible ⟩ May, If that will suit thee; we shall be carefull to forward it without delay, and a part if not the whole of the Timothy...
Mr. Jno. Fitch is about to make application to Congress for some assistance to complete his steam-boat. It is a proof of so much native ingenuity, that I could wish to see him encouraged on that footing alone, if the finances of the continent were in a situation to be liberal to the inventors of ingenious arts. But from the report of the most capable judges, his boat may be rendered so useful...
It is with a great degree of diffidence that I intrude on your advanced age and retirement with this Epistle. But hope It will a sufficient apology for this intrusion when I say to you that I am but a youth and that my sole object in thus troubling you is to acquire information on a subject of the most vital importance to the safety of our beloved Country. Knowing full well from your venerable...
Tr ( LC : Force Transcripts). In the left margin at the top of the transcription, Peter Force’s clerk wrote “MSS. McGuire’s.” See Papers of Madison William T. Hutchinson, William M. E. Rachal, et al ., eds., The Papers of James Madison (7 vols. to date; Chicago, 1962——). , I, xxii, xxiii. I thank you for yr very Polite concern for my health express’d in yr favour of the 3d. Rest has restored...
I have the Honor to forward to you some English News Papers received at this office on Saturday. They were directed to the Secretary of State by Mr. Pinkney, and forwarded from New York by Mr Erwing. We received no Letter either from Mr Pinkney or Mr Erwing. It is stated however, in the News Papers that the latter is coming on from New York with Dispatches. There are private Letters in Town...
Sales 50 Barrels Fine Flour by Bernard Peyton   Richmond  1822 for ℀ M r Th: Jefferson January 22 nd To Charles Palmer for cash on
[ Philadelphia, January 6, 1795. On January 15, 1795, Edmund Randolph wrote to George Hammond, the British Minister to the United States, “respecting the privateer Les Jumeaux” and enclosed “Jan 6 1795 Copy of a Letter from the Collector of the port of Philadelphia to the Secretary of the Treasury enclosing, Report of the Militia Officers of Delaware, and of Captain Montgomery of the Revenue...
4205412th. (Adams Papers)
Thermometer in the morning at 22 ½ degrees below.0. Stay’d at Home all day.
Having recently recieved from our late Minister Plenipotentiary at the court of London a duplicate of dispatches, the original of which has been sent by the Revenge schooner not yet arrived, I hasten to lay them before both houses of Congress. they contain the whole of what has passed between the two governments on the subject of the outrage committed by the British ship Leopard on the frigate...
I am to beg your forgiveness for having so long omitted to write you—but a proof accompanies this that tho silent I have not been negligent:—Mr. Mason takes charge of your trunk, which I hope you will receive in a few days, and find made according to your Orders. I shall make up your account in a few days. In the mean time, for this and all my delays, I have one excuse to offer: extream...
Your letter of the 14th Jany. I recd. In February 1786 a Committee appointed by the Legislature of the State of Rhode Island settled the Accounts with the Agent for the Rhode Island line of the late Army. There appeared in his hands certificates to the amount of three thousand seven Dollars and seventy three Ninetieths which were delivered over and lodgd in the Treasury of this State to be...
One party for intelligence to Canada returned yesterday; they have been longer out than I expected; their account agrees with the former, that the force in Canada is chiefly at Quebec, where they mean to make their chief stand; three hundred men at St Johns and Isle aux Noix, one hundred men at Sorell; about six hundred at Montreal, and stationed among the Inhabitants from Chamble to Sorell;...
I have the honor to request your acceptance of my resignation of the office of District Attorney of the United States for the Orleans District. In adopting this measure which a variety of private considerations render indispensable, I should do real injustice to my feelings should I omit expressing gratitude for the confidence in my character evinced by the manner in which that office was...
The Board has considered your request that they should make an Enquiry into your Conduct as Commissioner of the War Office. No Complaint having been lodged with them on the Subject, No Prosecutor offering himself, no Witnesses pointed out, nor even Charges specifyed, they do not know that they can with either propriety or practicability enter on such an enquiry; the more especially as they...