Results 42031-42060 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
§ From Henry L. Waddell. 26 February 1806, Philadelphia. “When in Washington, I mentioned to your excellencey that my view of the case of the New Jersey was very different from the General representations on that subject, and since my arrival here having given my opinion⟨s⟩ very freely to the same effect, Messrs. Nicklin & Griffith requested me to state in writing my ideas on the subject. I...
Did Miranda go to Washington about the middle of December last? Had he two long interviews with you? Did he not present you a plan of an expedition against the province of Carracas? Did he support the probability of success by the exhibition of various letters, either real or spurious, supposed to be written to him from his friends in that country? Did he shew you a plan of the government he...
Jerry arrived here the day before yesterday & sets off to-day. his cart is heavily laden with trees, thorns Etc. I inclose you a plan of the grounds at Monticello where every thing is to be planted, and a paper with [such] full directions respecting the thorns & trees that nothing needs be added here, only to proceed to the planting with all your force the moment he arrives, as every hour the...
The Editor of the enclosed new Work called the Ohio & Missisipi Navigator has requested me to present it to you in his name— As I believe the little work will be useful & that the Western people are beholden to him for his industry I chearfully comply with his request and am very respectfully your very hble Servt DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
I take the liberty of introducing to you, Dr. Triplett Surgeon in the Navy, who will do himself the honor of handing this Letter, and who, understanding that he has been appointed to reside as Physician at Algiers, is desirous of having some conversation with you on the Subject. With great Respect I have the honor to be Sir your very obt Sevt MHi : Coolidge Collection.
In the year 1801, there were in the County of Washington, in the Mississippi Territory, 756 white persons, and 494 slaves. In the year 1805, a census of the souls in that County was taken, but I disremember the aggregate. I regret that I have not with me the documents necessary to furnish the information you requested. But I beleive I am correct in Saying, that the number of families, in that...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Taylor, & thanks him for the cuttings of Nectarine and peach, & the strawberry roots, which have come safely to hand. He puts them this day into the hands of a careful gardener to engraft & plant for him. he has sent to mr Madison & Genl. Dearborne the bundles addressed to them. he prays mr Taylor to accept his friendly salutations. KyHi .
Mr. Thomas presents his respects to President Jefferson—Genl. Meriwether thinks he returned the letters of Mr. Briggs, but that the account is now among the papers of the committee, this Mr. T. will endeavor to find, he will however thank the President to furnish him with copies of the letters or the originals— MHi : Coolidge Collection.
I have at last found Daudet, & paid him 3 Ds amount due for the term. the Petit Censeur was continued. I have the pleasure of enclosing his receipt—should you want any other payments made please advise me & they shall be attended to. I remain with respect Your ob friend & Servt I observe that you have made your Communication relative to the Missouri &c. I hope it will be printed General...
I am highly indebted to your goodness in procuring for me so essential an improvement of my device, and I beg you to take a convenient opportunity of making my thanks acceptable to Mr. Barlow.— I have the honour to be with the most perfect Respect Your Faithfull & obed Servant DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
§ To Albert Gallatin. 25 February 1806, Department of State. “I have the honor to request, that you will be pleased to cause to be added to the estimates for the service of the present year the sum of three thousand dollars, to cover an unascertained balance of Salary due from the United States to the 5th. Commissioner under the treaty of Amity, Commerce & navigation with Great Britain.”...
§ To Anthony Merry. 25 February 1806, Department of State. “You will receive herewith Duplicate Copies of authentic Documents in relation to Oliver Child & Ellery King, two American seamen, impressed by his Britannic Majesty’s Ship of war, the Vengeance, Cruizing off Charleston, S.C, from the Am: Ship Andromache, Jn D Wolf Master, on her passage to Havanna from Bristol in R Island. As they are...
§ From James M. Henry. 25 February 1806, New York. “Having when at Madeira selected some Wine for the purpose of presenting a few friends, in Virginia of which I have one remaining Pipe and as I intend sailing from hence for the above Island where I shall in all probability spend the remainder of my days, on or about the begining of the ensuing month I shall feel a particular gratification in...
§ From Thomas Hewett. 25 February 1806, Washington. “I was notified by Mr. Pleasonton a Clerk in the Office of the Secretary of State of my appointment as a Justice of the peace for Washington County. I take the liberty, thro’ you, to make known my non-acceptance of the Same. “The acceptance of such an appointment would interfere so much with my duty as a clerk in the Comptroller’s Office that...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Ronaldson & his thanks for the samples of Alms-house manufactures. he will take pleasure in exhibiting them to the members of the National legislature as proofs of our internal resources, which is the best way he can profit the public by Mr. Ronaldson’s attentions in this instance. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to Mr. Webster & his thanks for the book he has been so kind as to send him. his occupations permit him to read little but what relates to them: but he will avail himself of the earliest opportunity of examining this volume. it is in a branch of science to which he has never paid more than ordinary attention, & therefore is not qualified to judge between...
I will not, I dare not, stop to think how long it is, since I have written to my Dear Sister, but hope she has been favoured with as good a state of health, through this winter, as she enjoyed in the course of the former part of the year, & that each dear & valuable branch of her household, have had a large share of a blessing, which those who are deprived of health, especially, know to be...
§ From George W. Erving. 24 February 1806, Madrid. No. 5. “I wrote to you on the 21st. Inst. to mention that the very severe calamity which has befallen me, the death of my Father, has rendered my presence in England for a time necessary. As you will have observed from my former letters that I have already used every proper means of obtaining some concessions from this Government which might...
§ From Anthony Merry. 24 February 1806, Washington. “I have the Honor to acquaint you that I have just received an Answer (dated the 19th: December last) from the Commander in Chief of His Majesty’s Ships on the Jamaica Station, to whom I had transmitted Copies of the Papers inclosed in the Letter you were pleased to honor me with on the 17th: October respecting the Detention of the American...
§ From Louis-Marie Turreau. 24 February 1806, Washington. Forwards the enclosed copy of a letter received from the captain general of Martinique. JM can see by the captain general’s dispositions that, on this subject as well as all others which can give rise to just complaints, Turreau has hastened to send the complaints to all the captains general, who on their part use all possible measures...
§ From Jonathan Williams. 24 February 1806, Elizabethtown. “Although I am not conscious of having any personal claim to your preference, yet actuated by a disinterested friendship for a meritorious young man, and a sense of public propriety, I venture to submit to your consideration for the office of Consul at Cadiz, Mr Richard Meade a native of Philadelphia, now a settled merchant in that...
I return you the draught of the Bill for the establishment of a National academy & University at the city of Washington, with such alterations as we talked over the last night. they are chiefly verbal.    I have often wished we could have a Philosophical society or Academy so organised as that while the central academy should be at the seat of government, it’s members dispersed over the...
I sometime ago recieved a letter from you signifying a wish to be appointed a judge of Orleans. the necessity of the judges of that territory understanding French as well as English, the pleadings the juries & witnesses being of both languages, obliged me to fill that bench with gentlemen possessing both languages. the place of judge in Michigan is now vacant, & Judge Griffin of Indiana has...
Col. Lyon has desired me, to endeavour to recall to your recollection, the Circumstance of my delivering a letter to you, from Mr. King Senr late of Washington, this Sir is my apology for thus obtruding on your time. The letter was left, with my friend Mr. Nicholas King, who being very ill, requested of me to deliver it. I did so early in the Autumn of 1801, the Secretary of War, being...
for exploring the waters of the country ceded by the Convention with France of Apr. 30. 1803, & establishing commerce with the Indian nations inhabiting the same 5000. D. Th: J. proposes to mr Gallatin to insert into his Approprn law the above article, which will enable us to undertake the next season either the Arkansa or upper part of the Misipi: and that there should be annually a like...
In addition to my letr of this day, I beg leave to ask yr. attention to some matters which very much concern myself, & to which I have long desired to call the appropriation of a few moments of yr. time. Shortly after I had the honor of an interview with you in Albermarle, I learnt from General Porterfield that you had mentioned to some of yr. acquaintance, that I had offered for sale Mr....
To accompany the President’s Thorn plants There are forty bundles, each containing 250 plants Besides which there is one bundle of smaller plants containing 200, These last, to be planted in nursery to supply any accidental deficiencies that may happen in the hedges—If the weather should be dry and warm while the plants are on the road, they may be watered two three times, according to...
Accustomed to act as a sense of duty urges; as most would think, with too little regard to personal consequences: particularly, having sometimes expressed my sentiments to public and to private men, on subjects of public moment, or of their individual interest, at the hazard of giving them offence: and impelled by the dangers of a measure of great national concern , the interdiction of all...
Forgive us this intrusion. From that spirit of benevolence which animates your writings and your private and public life, we are convinced, that the melioration of wretchedness and the advancement of felicity in man, whether civilized or rude, engage your laborious and incessant exertions. Nor will such exertions lose their reward. By the merchant on the Ocean, the husbandman in the field and...
Fremd in America, ober evímfore Sein nýzlich zu sein, durch meinem Swavhen Talenten, uñd da ihre Excelence ein jeder Kleinste Verdienst mit dein Allerhooksten wohlwollen belohnt, So evímfore ish in die Vereinnichten-Staten eine deinste zu erhalten bei den hasen Bau oder Canelle, die ish im Holland Kantnitz von Erhalten habe, welch ish aúf eisreichste bessre ben werde durch lione Treue und...