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Results 4201-4210 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I beg leave to introduce to you my worthy friend Major Henry S Johnston he is the son in law of Our Old and Mutual freind Governor Leak he can inform you how much I have a right to be thankfull for the Injoyment of all the good health I have had for many years past it is now about fifty years Since we were engaged together in the support and defence of the liberties of Our Country you are...
I have received from Mr Minor, a note urging me to call on you to day. Had my health permitted, I should have been with you weeks ago, but I can neither bear the fatigue of so long a ride, nor of continued conversation, and should be every way a troublesome & unprofitable guest to you. I hope in a week, to be able to see you. But my present health, & the long continuance of my sickness, render...
The Tin ordered in yours of the 6th:, now just to hand, is off to Lynchburg, & the Cask of Wine shall go by the first Waggon, to J & Raphael Charlottesville—The price of Tin has advanced to $ 14 p r Box, the last I bo’t for you was at $ 11, I believe.—I have had it marked for “Francis Eppes”, & consigned it to Mr. Archibald Robertson Lynchburg. MHi .
Mr. Samuel H. Walley, who signs the instrument of May seventh, as security to the Rector & Visitors of the University of Virginia, in conjunction with William Hilliard, Bookseller, is well known to us as a Merchant of this city and we deem his security for fifteen thousand dollars as therein set forth, to be good & sufficient. CSmH .
I have prepared & send by mr. Cooledge, a Bond for the fulfilment of the contract made on the 8 th of April last. M r C. I presume will satisfy you respecting the sufficiency of the security. I would take the liberty of suggesting the expediency of making the deposit of the money, either at the branch bank in Boston, or the parent Bank in Philadelphia, as the U.S. Bills payable in Richmond are...
I greatly regret it was not in my power, to comply with your wishes, that your chimney-mantles might be Sent, by a different vessel, from that which carries the bases & the paving squares; but there was no other vessel in port, at the time.—I have mention’d to M r Thompson, the Collector, those cases which are for your private account, and they are so mark’d, that there can arise no...
I am very much pestered with letters from persons enquiring what is the course of education in the University, what the expences & other particulars in long detail, and I expect you are also. I have therefore prepared the inclosed handbill, of which we must have 200. copies printed, which we may inclose by way of answer to such letters. be so good therefore as to get mr M c Kenny to print them...
University of Virginia. This institution was opened on the 7 th day of March 1825. it embraces a school 1. of antient languages. 2. Modern languages. 3. Mathematics. 4. Natural philosophy. 5. Natural history. 6. moral philosophy. 7. Anatomy and medecine. 8. Law and government, with distinct Professors to each. to be recieved into the school of Antient languages the applicant must be qualified...
Your favor of Apr. 29 has been duly recieved, and the offer of mineralogical specimens from mr Myer has been communicated to D r Emmet our Professor of Natural history. the last donation of the legislature to the University was appropriated specifically to a library and apparatus of every kind. but we apply it first to the more important articles of a library, of an astronomical, physical, &...
Th: Jefferson asks the favor of mr Davies to dine at Monticello to day (Saturday) with Col o Monroe. Jagiellonian University Library, Krakow, Poland.