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Results 4201-4250 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
on twesday Evening I received the Mercury, and read in it, the arrival of Capt Jenkins in the...
Mr. Alex. Bryant Johnson returned me the ms—Had I more time I Should be tempted to write a...
The Bearer is charged with a Communication from Mr. Malcom to the President, the object of which...
Your communication in the late Chonacle has capt all your other transactions—not content with...
I shall not look through my Almanac to see whether I have written to you 22 or 24 Letters, I...
“The American Society for the Encouragement of Domestic Manufactures”, instituted in this city,...
Vous voudrez bien avoir la bonté de joindre le Postcrit ci joint à ma derniere Lettre pour le...
Never Shall be obliterated the few days, which I enjoy’d at Quincÿ—I fostered allways indeed a...
AL : Massachusetts Historical Society Dr Franklin presents his Compliments to Mr Adams, and sends...
I have never lost the Veneration, I imbibed for your Character in my Young Days—I rejoice that...
In obedience to the directions of the President of the United-States, the Attorney General has...
The Hon’ble Daniel Corry, Judge Bridge, Ruel Williams Esqr. and Colonel Corry of Augusta in the...
I was made happy by your last esteemed favor, from its assuring me that your health was restored...
I arriv’d in this City last Monday 15th. Instant. I left Boston with much Regret, not so much...
I was much flattered by the receipt of your letter by Mr. Harris, which he delivered to me here...
Not knowing the President’s determination respecting the Consulate of Madeira, the Secretary of...
The inclosed small volume and map, relate to a subject in which you took an early and...
Last night arrived here from Baltimore the Brigantine Saratoga, Captn. Murray, who has brought 2...
Your kind favours of the 19 th 23 & 26 of Nov’ br came safe to Hand, together with the pamphlet....
I have been detained about ten days in this place, waiting for a wind, and am very like to be...
The Commissioners of the treasury have given notice to Willincks & Van Staphorsts that they shall...
I was honoured by your favour of the 2d Inst: in answer to my letter of 26th ult. I cannot...
HAVING secured the copy right of a book, of which the enclosed is a prospectus, I take the...
Isaac Stephens late from Algiers humbly shews to your Excellency, That he understands that a...
I hope the Papers which you will receive by this opportunity will give you personal Satisfaction...
On our way home from Quincy, we were detained by the kindnesses of friends till the last evening....
I received your Letter of the 12th. Instant by Mr. Tracy. But the One you mention to have sent me...
I have been wishing to call upon you all this week, but the weather has been so discouraging as...
Having been advised to arrange an unbiassed history of the events which have grown out of the...
I am ready for Sea and waiting for a wind after a teadious fatigueing Jobb. I heartily...
By some means or other it would seem that one of my Letters to you have been lost—perhaps you had...
You will recieve this at a Moment, when you will again find yourself surrounded by your amiable...
I have neglected writing to you perhaps more than I Should have done had I not supposed that your...
Three long and dangerous illnesses within the last 12. months must apologise for my long silence...
Dans ma Lettre d’hier il y a une erreur qui doit être redressée. Ce n’est point parce qu’on...
je réponds bien tard, Monsieur, à la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’ecrire le 14 de...
It is a very long time my dear venerated father since I have written to you; but the events of...
You will have seen from today’s supplement to the Gazette de Leyde that I followed your...
I have addressed to you, by the Post office, the first no. of the “Biography &c. ” —of which I...
Après avoir présenté à Votre Excellence, dans une précédente, l’expression de mes sentimens sur...
A Fever having confind me to my lodgings some days, debar’d me of the pleasure of waiting on your...
I feel myself much gratified, and highly honoured, by the sympathy which you express with me on...
I have had the honour of your last Letter to which the least return was a quiker aknowledgement...
That I may prove to you and my Dear Mrs Adams, the high estimation of the value I attach to the...
At the time when the contest for the Presidency, produced a general discussion relative to the...
The same Opinion of your Abilities and Zeal for our country which made me rejoice in your...
Doctor Edwards the bearer of this letter, is a native of Pennsylvania, late a member of the...
Here I am after a six Months Session at Annapolis, on my Way to Massachusetts, & altho my...
your truely affectionate Letter of the 27th ultimo met me at this place by last mail, and I use...
The young Gentleman who is the Bearer of this has acted for about 7 months in the capacity of...