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Results 41951-42000 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
AL : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft) and transcript: National Archives I had the Honor...
ALS : American Philosophical Society A number of people had concrete goods to offer the Americans...
41953[Diary entry: 3 March 1780] (Washington Papers)
3d. Ground hard frozen. Morning clear & pleasant with but little wind and that from the South....
41954General Orders, 3 March 1780 (Washington Papers)
Commandants of divisions and brigades are desired to order Courts Marshal to sit as constantly as...
I have lately had several applications from the Subalterns of the Massachusetts line respecting...
I am honoured with yours of the 4th ulto to Our House, now desolved by the death of my worthy...
Agreeable to my Promise to the Marquis De la flotte, I must inform your Excellency that a...
Captain Morgan’s being still here, waiting for a fair wind gives me an opportunity of...
[ Williamsburg ] 3 Mch. 1780 . Submits for approval a requisition from the Board of War for...
Williamsburg, 3 Mch. 1780 . Capt. Weasy of the vessel from Bermuda awaits a final determination...
A Doctr. John August Leonhard Kohly , chaplain to Brigadr. Specht’s regiment complains that a...
This will be delivered to you by Mr. Izard, who goes out in the Alliance, with Mr. Lee, Mr....
This will be deliverd you by Mr. Izard, who I Suppose, will lay open to you many Things relative...
Paris, March 4. 1780.. RC in John Thaxter’s hand ( PCC , No. 84, I, f. 303–306). printed :...
Copy: Library of Congress You will see by the enclos’d that a Demand is made of replacing the...
LS and AL (draft): National Archives; copy: Library of Congress; transcript: National Archives M....
AL : American Philosophical Society I am for the last time Going to Versaïlles, My Good friend,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Franklin received a large number of requests for favors...
ALS : American Philosophical Society You will I hope excuse my neglect in not sooner answering...
41970[Diary entry: 4 March 1780] (Washington Papers)
4th. Cloudy in the Morning with flying clouds all day. Wind Westerly and pretty fresh in the...
41971General Orders, 4 March 1780 (Washington Papers)
Regimental returns of cloathing called for the 29th ultimo are not all brought in, which...
We beg to apologize for omitting the Acknowledgment of your Excellency’s Favour of the 8th of...
I wish for your Excellency’s instruction as to the inclos’d Ac[coun]t, which I should be glad you...
I have this moment heard from —— an Extract of whose letter I send you, and also a Copy of one...
In consequence of the proposition contained in Your Excellency’s Letter of the 29th Ultimo, which...
Sir Harry seems to be collecting his force on James Island, and is there throwing up some...
I have been honored with your letter of the 23d of last month, and feel myself much indebted to...
I have the honour to receive Your Excellency’s letter signifying that you have appointed...
Williamsburg, 4 Mch. 1780 . If the accounts of Col. Legras and Maj. Linctot cannot be settled in...
The Commissioners of Trade are sorry to be understood by the Honorable Board as intending to free...
[ Williamsburg ] 4 Mch. 1780 . The reasonable expenses of Col. Legras and Maj. Linctot to the...
[ Williamsburg ] 4 Mch. 1780 . Upon reconsideration of the case of Col. Legras, he is to be...
From Rappannack, or york River, I wrote to Col. Maddison, that the season being so far advanced I...
I had the honor of receiving your favor of the 27th Ultimo, which gives me much Satisfaction to...
Morristown [ New Jersey ] March 5, 1780 . States that discipline and military effectiveness can...
Copy: Library of Congress I embrace this Opportunity of the Marquis de La Fayette’s return to the...
AL (draft): Library of Congress I received with great Pleasure the Letter you did me the Honour...
ALS (draft) and two copies: Library of Congress I received but lately the Letter your Excellency...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Convinced that His Excellencys time is too much (Just now)...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Permit me to address You in the freedom of a friend, one who...
ALS : American Philosophical Society After a very cold & a very tedious Journey I arrived here on...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library I beg leave to introduce to your particular notice my...
41993[Diary entry: 5 March 1780] (Washington Papers)
5th. Clear—warm and pleasant with but little wind—that however was Westerly.
41994General Orders, 5 March 1780 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW . Adj. Gen. Alexander Scammell’s orderly book entry for this date...
I received but lately the Letter your Excellen[c]y did me the honour of writing to me in...
I had the honor to receive by last nights Post Your Excellencys favor of the 10th Ulto—I am not...
Though I have not been happy enough as to give your Excellency proofs of my zeal for the american...
I have read the orders wch you had framed for your division —they are certainly good, but in...
I had the honor to receive by last nights Post Your Excellencys favor of the 10th Ultmo. I am not...
ALS : American Philosophical Society M. De Lafayette en partant pour L’amerique m’a Confié La...