Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to John Paul Jones, 3 March 1780

To John Paul Jones

ALS: Yale University Library

Passy, March 3. 1780


This is to authorize & require you to receive & accomodate in your Ship as Passengers the honourable Arthur Lee & Ralph Izard, Esquires, late Ministers of the Congress at the Courts of France & Toscany.6 I am, Sir, Your most obedient humble Servant

B Franklin

To the honourable J.P. Jones Esqr. Commander of the Alliance—

Notations in different hands:7 Dr. Franklin’s order for our Passage / March 3d. 1780

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

6Two weeks earlier BF had agreed to make this request for the two former commissioners, now planning their return to America. Although Lee did return on the Alliance, Izard found passage on another ship: XXXI, 500–1.

7The first of which is in Lee’s.

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