From George Washington to Lewis Pintard, 29 February 1780
To Lewis Pintard
Hd Qrs [Morristown] Feby [29] 17801
It is proposed that a meeting of Commissioners on the subject of prisoners should take place the 9th instant at Amboy.2 As your presence will be necessary there to give Mr Beatty information which he will want towards an adjustment of accounts, I have requested the permission of His Excellen⟨cy⟩ Lt General Knyphausen for you to repair there at the time appointed—You will therefore be pleased to apply to him to know his pleasure.3 I am with esteem4 Sir5 Your most Obedt servt.
Df, in Alexander Hamilton’s writing, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.
1. GW’s aide-de-camp Richard Kidder Meade wrote the dateline. The letter is docketed 29 February.
2. For the postponement of this meeting to 9 March, see GW to Wilhelm von Knyphausen, this date.
3. Pintard did obtain permission to come out of New York City to confer with commissary general of prisoners John Beatty, but he also submitted his request to resign his post as agent of American prisoners at New York (see Pintard to GW, 25 March, DLC:GW).
4. Hamilton inadvertently wrote “esteen.”
5. Meade wrote this word.