Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Fleury, 26 February 1780

From Fleury

ALS: American Philosophical Society

Paris, hotèl De picardie Ruë de seine. 26. f. 1780.


Marquis De la fayète goes to america, & I Remain behind him, with grief, but determined to follow him.—

I writte to Congress, & general wasshington, to ask a prolongation of furlough;8 if you did not think improper, to interfere by your friends, or by writting to congress, in my favour, I could expect they would grant to me, what the king of france, has granted before to serve the united states;

I beg that favour of you & Remain your most obedient humble servant


If Mr. Dana would do the same I would be much obliged to him.9

Addressed: à Monsieur / Monsieur franklin, Ministre / plenyp. / èn son hotèl / à passy.

Notation: Fleury 26 Feb 80

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

8The Board of War had wished to give BF the authority to extend his leave but Congress had not accepted its recommendation: JCC, XV, 1129–30.

9Fleury must have meant Dana acting in the capacity of JA’s secretary.

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