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Results 41821-41850 of 184,431 sorted by author
With due deference, would I take the liberty of requesting a favor from you, which, tho’ it may appear of little import to you, will be of great satisfaction to me. I wish you, to honor me with a Letter, in your own hand writing, which Letter, I wish to keep and preserve in honor of you, and after your death to have it neatly framed to preserve as a relick. I have now in my possession Letters...
Your favor of the 17th inst, enclosing that of the 4th of July last, came safe to hand. Words are almost insufficient, to express my gratitude, for the favors thus bestowed—the sphere in which I move is but that of an humble Individual, and when such favors, from a gentleman of your Standing, are not denied, I feel all the gratitude that imagination can conceive. Will you, my dear friend,...
MS memorandum: American Philosophical Society Allen England and his Brother Joseph England are proprietors of certain Tracts of Land scituate upon Christiana Creek in the County of Newcastle, Quantity 1300 Acres their Title to which stands thus— In 1726 their Father John England advanced £500 to Sir William Keith by way of Mortgage upon the said Lands. In 1729 the said John England assigned...
I understand you are in want of a Manager at the Manufactury, at Harpers ferry; I have worked at that Business; the Last was with Mr Joseph Pirkin, under the management of John Strode Esqr, and he can give you Every Information of My Skill in that Business; and I have the Management of Mr D. Tirplitts nailery at the time your Honour aployd for Sam Sittler Information on the nailing Business; I...
I had the honour of addressing you under the 25th March by the way of London enclosing you dispatches from Mr. Leander Cathcart at Tripoli in Barbary concerning the eminent interruption of the American Commerce by the Bey of that place, and I have also forwarded you dispatches by the way of Messina by a Ragusee vessel bound to Boston, and in the same time I have not failed to give the to all...
16 May 1801, Malta. His letter of 25 Mar. [not found] enclosed dispatches from Cathcart. Has also forwarded dispatches by Messina on Ragusan vessel bound to Boston. Has informed U.S. consuls in Mediterranean ports of current situation so they can stop vessels from falling into Tripolitan hands. As noted in his last letter, England was commissioned by former government of Malta to act as U.S....
The office of naval officer for the District of pennsylvania being vacant by the death of the much & justly regretted Dr Phile—I beg leave to offer myself to your Excellencys notice for that office—I also beg leave to inform you—that I have acted as Deputy naval officer of this District since the adoption of the present Constitution & for several Years before under the State Government—and...
Your old friend & my very worthy neighbour John Barnes Esq. closed his mortal course about 5 Oclock PM of this day. He was taken this day week with a chill followed by a fever he gradually weakened but came down stairs for 3 or 4 days & then was confined to his Bed—He will be long remembered by the poor towards whom he exercised extensive charity compared with his means. He was in his 96 year...
Now that the Treaty of Ghent has been ratified by the American & British Governments, I take the liberty to solicit the honour of being reappointed to the Consulate of this City, & I beg to assure you, that in the event of your again conferring on me that trust, it shall be exercised with my best ability, & with the same Zeal, as formerly. I have the honour to be Sir Your obedt humble Servt....
En apprenant que Votre génie avoit conçu, Et que Vous alliez mettre a exécution une Expédition de recherches sur les bords de L’océan pacifique, jai saisi une Lueur d’espérance de rentrer dans une carrière ou La passion des voyages Et Le Désir d’acquérir de L’instruction m’avoient Engagé, Et D’ou Les revers les plus déplorables m’ont arraché pour me plonger dans une inaction qui m’est Encore...
ALS : American Philosophical Society My Presuming, Sir, to Address a Gentleman of your distinguished Merit, will I doubt not be excused, from Your Well-Known principles of Humanity and Benevolence. You may possibly recollect having (some Years past) been in my Company both, at the House of my Worthy Partner Mr. Collins of Rhode Island, and at His Brother’s Mr. Ward; when you was pleased, on...
I am favor’d with Yours of the 31 Jany. ⅌ Post Inclosing a Letter for Colo. Mercer which I reced. this day, and have delivered it Him, He having come to Town last Evening. Your Draught in Favor of Messrs. Vass & Dunbar at 15 Days sight I refuse[d] to Accept for want of Advise. A few Days after I recd. a Letter from Colo. Mercer of the Draft, I then waited on Mr. Jolly the Gentn. who presented...
I have taken the liberty of addressing you; on the Subject of an Appointment, Under the Bill laying an Excise on ardent Spirits, either made, or imported into the United States, (provided the same passes into a Law)—and to Solicit for the Appointment of the Supervisor, for the District of the State of Maryland; I have not the Honor to be personally acquainted with you Sir, but am with many of...
Although I have not the Honor to be known to your Excellency, I hope you will be good enough to release a French Officer, who like an inconsiderate Man, was taken in Canada, serving in the English Army against your Troops. I entreat you to set him at Liberty and suffer him to embark in some Vessel bound to the French Colonies, from whence he may get a Passage to France and rejoin his Regiment....
I have the Honour to inform your Excellency, of my Appointment to the Command of the Troops raised and to be raised for the Defence of this State—As the Political Situation of this State, has heretofore, much injured it’s military operations, by being deprived of the Aid and Influence of Congress and the Commander in Chief—I take this method of acquainting your Excellency, that I shall esteem...
I am on my Return from Colo. Arnold’s Detachment. I Brot up the Rear of the Whole, Capt: McCobb, Williams & Scots Company’s were assind to my Division. We proceeded as far as 50 miles up the Dead River & there were obliged to Return for the want of Provision when we Arrived to the Great Carying Place, By what I cou’d Learn from the Division forward that Provision was Like to be Short, I wrote...
When the Hos[t]ilities of our Enemies made it necessary to Raise an Arme for the Common Defence of the Liberties of Amer[i]ca Roused by the Sacrad Call of my Country I thoat it my Duty to Exart my best Abilities Acqured by former Servises for its protection & thierfore without Reluctance bid a Due to the Tranquil plasurs of Private Life and Joind the armey in which I Servd During the Last...
Md. La Dsse. d’Enville a toussé depuis quatre heures jusqu’a cinq Et demie sans discontinuer, En suite Elle a dormi par intervalle Et Elle avoit un peu de fievre ce matin. Mde. de chabot a eu hier un accés qui a duré jusqu’a deux heures du matin, malgré cela elle a eu assez de calme Et meme des moments de Sommeil, Elle a toussé Et craché moderement. Elle Est tranquille dans ce moment cy. Mr....
J’ai reçu, Monsieur, votre beau présent de graines, ceux qui verront les arbres qu’elles produiront vous béniront tant que la montagne de la Rocheguyon subsistera, Heureusement nous avons un jardinier bien en état de les faire prospérer et vous croyez bien qu’aucun soin ne sera négligé; elles nous Seront d’autant plus précieuses qu’elles nous viennent d’un homme que nous révérons, d’un vrai...
✓ Andromeda arborea Laurus aestivalis ✓     Marina ✓     Benzoin     Mitida     Geniculata     plumata     Judica     pensilvanica ✓     Sassafras     ferruginea ✓ Liriodendron tulipifera     Sarratifolia ✓ Liquidambar Styraciflum ×
Vous nous aviez donné M. Short, Monsieur, nous nous Sommes si bien trouvés de ce présent que c’est avec un extrême regret que nous le Voyons quitter la France. Tout le monde aime sa personne, estime son caractère et sa capacité; pour terminer son éloge, on reconnoit en lui l’Elève de Monsieur Jefferson qui auroit engagé le Congrès à le laisser en France s’il avoit été plus instruit de tout ce...
Paris , 3 June 1791 . TJ’s letter of 3 Apr. 1790 arrived a little late, but he reproaches himself with the long silence and will frankly explain the cause. Being charged by the National Assembly to take part in the framing of levies, he had hoped that certain parts would offer occasions to bind France more closely with America. “C’est un voeu qui est dans l[e coeur de tous] bons patriotes.”...
Vous partez, Monsieur, et je n’aurai pas le plaisir de vous dire adieu et de causer un moment avec vous. La confiance que j’ai en vos lumières me fait passionnément desirer de savoir votre opinion présente. Vous nous laissez encore dans un grand trouble, il est vrai que le pain en est la première et la plus grande cause; le peuple assuré de sa Subsistance seroit surement plus tranquille. Mon...
Vous vous rapellés peut-être, Monsieur, combien Votre jugement exquis, Votre bel âme et Votre profonde Sagacité calmaient mes inquiétudes dans le commencement de notre Révolution; j’étais bien eloignée alors de prevoir les Suites funestes dont may belle-fille et moi Sommes les malheureuses Victimes. Les Sentimens de mon fils vous étaient connus; aucun Sacrifice ne lui à couté pour procurer le...
Si j’étois amériquain, Monsieur, et dans votre gouvernement je n’aurois pas hésité a vous y donner une place, mais françoise a deux mille lieuës de votre pays je n’ai pu apprendre sans une peine sensible que je vous avois dit un éternel adieu. Je ne perdrai jamais le Souvenir de tout le bien que Vous procuriez a mon âme lorsque j’avois le bonheur de Vous voir Versailles pendant les premiers...
LS : American Philosophical Society Le Séjour de M. votre petit fils à Genève, Monsieur, me fait espérer que les Citoyens de cette ville ont quelques droits à vos bontés; c’est dans cette Confiance que je vous les demande pour deux Jeunes gens que l’amour de la gloire et de la liberté font voler en Amérique: l’un se nomme Gallatin, il est âgé de 19. ans, fort instruit pour son âge, très sage...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai été à Passy pour avoir l’honneur de vous voir, et vous feliciter sur les derniers Evenements arrivés en Amerique; mais vous etiez à Paris. Nous avons bu en votre absence à votre santé et à la liberté chez votre ami Mr. Rai de chaumont, qui ainsi que Madame Son Epouse et Madlle. sa fille m’ont faits la plus agreable réception. Je souhaite que la santé...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je prens la Liberté de Suplier humblement Vôtre Excellence de me faire la grace de me mander si La Requête que Les Vingt Volontaires faisant partie de L’Equipage du Sieur Cuningham Américain qui Commandoit La Benganza armée En Course à Dunkerque Vous Est parvenuë; comme ils ont établis chez moi leur Domicile, ils ne me donnent aucun Repos et Croyent que je...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Altorff, July 2, 1778: The English are making a huge mistake in trying to fight a war overseas, especially against people as civilized as they are. Your leaders show wisdom in waiting for the enemy to overextend their supply lines. The danger for your country will begin after victory, when national consensus breaks down. My advice is not to give too much...
I never was more anxious to hear from you than at present, in hopes of your countermanding your orders with regard to dear Polly. We have made use of every stratagem to prevail on her to consent to visit you without effect. She is more averse to it than I could have supposed; either of my children would with pleasure take her place for the number of good things she is promised. However, Mr....