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Results 41751-41800 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I have been making enquiry where and with what convenience such of the troops as have not had the...
Since the close of the last session of Congress, I have turned my attention to a strict...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am this Moment return’d from an Excursion of four or five...
Letter not found: to Martha Washington, c.9 Oct. 1778. GW wrote Benjamin Lincoln on 9 Oct. : “I...
The bearer is sent down to know whether your plan was attempted last Night—and if not, to inform...
I have had the honour of receiveing your very obligeing favor of last month, informing me of the...
I had the honor to address you on the 6th. Ulto by the Monsoon Captain Nickerson for Baltimore, &...
Presumption, I acknowledge, may readily be adjudged to be my Guilt to pretend from my obscure...
I hand herewith ℀ sales your 7 Hhds: Tobacco & the balance your Flour on hand, say 98 Blls:, all...
The amount of the domestic debt of the United States, as stated by the Secretary of the Treasury,...
J. Madison with his respects to Mr. Woodbury thanks him for his interesting Report from the...
… I am now speaking to the President you have appointed an officer to act in your business I am...
Mar. 2. 1793. See the papers of this date, Mr. Giles’s resolutions. He and one or two others were...
It is highly important that the Congress be immediately called and the treaty & conventions we...
We are this day Informed that there was an Address presented to you by the Citizens of New...
Colonel Lutterloh, Commissy Gen. of Forage waits upon your Excellency to represent the state of...
Bordeaux, 11 July 1789 . On Cutting’s information, he informs TJ that the Washington , Capt....
ALS : American Philosophical Society I beg leave to refer you to my last of the 11th since which...
This will be delivered you by John Paulding one of the Young Men that took Major André and who...
In company with this I have the honor to send a copy of my letter to you of the 23d: Ulto., and...
The much-desired day is at last arrived: Peace hath crowned both your Wishes and Ours. The...
I send by permission and with proper passports of General Washington Captain Gerlach, Deputy...
Your Excellency will receive herewith enclosed an Act of Congress of the 8th Instant,...
Your favor of 26. March is recieved and I learn with real concern the danger that a temporary...
41775Cash Accounts, March 1771 (Washington Papers)
Cash Mar. 1— To Ditto [cash] of Mr Hectr Ross £89. 9.5 To Ditto Recd of Mr Henry Fry (pr Mr...
Letter not found: from Col. Stephen Moylan, 23 April 1778. On 13 May, GW wrote Moylan , “You...
Letter not found: to Frances Bassett Washington, 7 Mar. 1793. Frances Bassett Washington wrote GW...
41778Statement of J. Provaux, 30 May 1807 (Jefferson Papers)
On the afternoon of the 29. Inst. Mr. Clyma sitting at the door of my Quarters began a...
An Essay or Introductory Lecture towards facilitating instruction in the Anglo-Saxon and Modern...
A circumstance has occurred, which I deem it proper you should be informed of—General Bradley, of...
Although we have reason to expect, and hope for your speedy return, yet I would not let so good...
41782[Diary entry: 6 August 1767] (Washington Papers)
6. Very Warm.
The foregoing of the 26 Ulto. went by the Ship Janus, Captn. McConnell via Baltimore Nothing of...
Your favor of this Date I have just rec’d and have only to inform that you may rely on me for the...
The 14th. article of our treaty with France has shut out all general reasoning from the law of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je suis parti de paris avec un grand regret, celui de...
41787Notes on Debates, 29 January 1783 (Madison Papers)
MS ( LC : Madison Papers). For a description of the manuscript of Notes on Debates, see Papers of...
Etsi Tibi forsitan ignotus sim, tamen quibusdam de causis literas hasce ad Te mittere sum...
§ To Samuel Brown. 4 August 1806, Department of State. “Having instructed Mr. Cathcart to charter...
The small Acquaintance I have had with your Honor emboldens me to write you on an Affair which...
Nothing but the duty which I owe to my Country would have induced me to have intruded these...
I beleive you thought me very imprudent to consent to the Presidents going to Town So cold a day...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je prens la liberté de vous adresser M. de Vic dont le fils...
M r Ticknor , a young gentleman of Massachusets , left this country for Europe in March or April...
Letter not found. 15 October 1801, Richmond. Calendared in the lists probably made by Peter Force...
41796[Diary entry: 27 June 1797] (Washington Papers)
27. Wind Easterly with some appearances of Rain but none fell. Mer. 79.
I have just received your two favors of Octob. 23. and that of Nov. 10. I am much obliged to you...
Since my last private letter to your Excellency nothing has turned up worthy of your notice but...
41799General Orders, 7 May 1780 (Washington Papers)
[Officers] Of the Day Tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Hand[,] Lieutenant Colonel Willet[,] Brigade...
In order to give the necessary Protection and assistance to those American Merchantmen who...