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Results 41701-41750 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
The inclosed letter for Mr. Jay being of a private nature, I have thought it better to put it...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’aurois eu l’honneur de vous ecrire les suites de...
The inclosed letter will sufficiently explain it’s object. the messenger whom I sent with it to...
[ Philadelphia, October 21, 1792. Letter not found. ] Letter listed in Jefferson’s “Summary...
We the subscribers Merchants and others Inhabitants of the town of Portsmouth in the State of New...
The last time I wrote you I was so excessively fatigued and it was so late that I scarcely know...
I was yesterday favd with yours of the 21st which came to me open under cover with other...
I have read with great attention Mr Lincoln’s opinion : it is ingenious and may be solid; but I...
Your letter of yesterday arived the last evening, I have seen nothing of the person the...
At the request of Lt General Burgoyne I do myself the honor to transmit to your Excellency a...
8 January 1805, Department of State. “I have requested the Secretary of the Treasury to remit...
Your kindness on a former occasion has emboldened me to trouble you again for a draught on Paris...
Congress consider your correspondence with the Count de Vergennes on the subject of communicating...
41714Document I, 1–4 November 1771 (Washington Papers)
To His Excellency the Right Honble John Earl of Dunmore his Majestys Lieutt & Governor General of...
I received your favour of the 22d. of Decr. and thank you for the copy of the documents which you...
(I) L (draft): Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; transcript: National Archives; (II)...
We have before us your very esteemed favors of 30 April and 1 May. You have greatly obliged us by...
I embrace this opportunity to Inform you that I am well and am In hopes that these few lines will...
§ From William Lee. 4 August 1805, Bordeaux. “I take the liberty to enclose you a copy of my...
The Favour you granted me on aug. 12 was unluckily packeted with a number of Letters and carried...
41721[Diary entry: 4 August 1781] (Washington Papers)
4th. Fresh representations of the defenceless State of the Northern frontier, for want of the...
I Received your Letter dated the 15 May, Which gave me both pleasure and pain, the first to heare...
M r Goodacre presents his respectful compliments, and will have great pleasure in accepting the...
Having had an opportunity of writing to you by private hands on the 20th. and 24th. inst., this...
41725[Diary entry: 15 October 1768] (Washington Papers)
15. Foggy & Misty Morning. Warm, clear, & still afterwards.
Md. de Marmontel a l’honneur de faire mille compliments à Monsieur De Gefferson et de le prevenir...
Your kind letter of the 12th. roused all my Sympathies & recollections of the pleasures & pains...
CONGRESS resumed the consideration of the report of a committee on a plan for a temporary...
27 April 1805, Washington. “War having been declared on the Part of His Catholic Majesty against...
Ceremoney to be used in laying the corner stone of the Central College Martial A Dawson...
Your letter of the 24th of march, my dear Madam, is but just arrived, and although it was so long...
Washington— Thomas Jefferson Esq. 1802 June 14th. To Thomas Carpenter— Dr.— To Making a Coat &c...
Yesterday I received the Articles by Captn. Elwood, the Polygraph has the Pivot piece, connecting...
I have your Esteemed favour of 28th ulto. It is scarcely possible to get the Clover seed by the...
Painful as the task is to discribe the dark side of our affairs, it some times becomes a matter...
2 February 1813, War Department. Lists proposed promotions in the U.S. Army for JM’s approval....
I recieved yesterday your favor of the 11th. inst. and imagine that soon after it’s date you...
I acknowledged in my last yours of the 8th. and now return the letters of Mr. Gilmer & Mr. Rush...
41739[Diary entry: 16 August 1786] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 16th. Mercury at 66 in the Morning—71 at Noon and 70 at Night. Cloudy and lowering for...
I have the honor of transmitting Your Excellency the Copy of a Letter I have receiv’d from the...
Copy: Library of Congress I received the Letter you did me the honour of writing to me relative...
From a letter received from the President Mr. Lear is satisfied he cannot be here to-day and...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to M r Lange and his thanks for the two parcels of beans...
Persons to be excepted from the Amnesty 1 All those actually in arrest at the time of issuing the...
41745Editorial Note (Washington Papers)
Since 1778, GW had relied on the Culper spy network for intelligence from inside New York City....
You will see by the inclosed Advice of Council the nature of the business which I have committed...
I return the letter from you to D. on the subject of M r G. he seems to be incorrigible. If I am...
41748[Diary entry: 9 April 1767] (Washington Papers)
9. Clear middle day. Eveng. & morng. Cloudy with Rain & heavy Rain at Night. Wind So. West.
I received Yesterday your letter of the 29th Ulto. Before this comes to hand you will have been...
Since my last we have no further Accounts respecting the French Troops expected from France, but...