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Results 41521-41550 of 184,431 sorted by author
[ Newport, Rhode Island ] November 4, 1793 . “Inclosed is a statemt. of the case of Caleb Brown owner and master of the Sloop Deby. Her License issued from the Custom house in this Port before the new Coasting Act took place, and on the second day of last March, She saild from the Port of Pawcatuck on her fishing voyage, but had no permit separate from her Licence.… He has paid the duties on...
[ Newport, Rhode Island ] September [ 14–21 ] 1792 . “Your circular Letter of the 27th. of the last month, I received on the 14th of this month. Its contents will be duly attended to.… I wish to be informed whether shaken casks exported in order to be set up and filled with West India Produce for importation into the United States; and Hay, Oats or other Provender for Live Stock are to be...
[ Newport, Rhode Island ] December 3, 1792 . “No allowance having been made to me for my services from the time I opened my Office to the 30th. of June 1792 by Congress at their last Session, and the addition of an half per centum and fifty dolls. per annum to my other emoluments then granted, to commence on the first of July, being inadequate to a decent maintenance, I have addressed a...
[ Newport, Rhode Island ] February 21, 1791. “Agreeably to your request I now give the names of such persons as have offered, and I think are suitable to hold offices on board the Cutters.…” LC , Newport Historical Society, Newport, Rhode Island. Letter not found. H had requested this information on January 31. See Ellery to H, February 15, 1791 .
[ Newport, Rhode Island ] September 9, 1794 . “I acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 21st. of the last month with the Treasurer’s draughts … and shall attend to the directions therein contained.…” LC , Newport Historical Society, Newport, Rhode Island. Letter not found.
Newport [ Rhode Island ] July 14, 1794 . “… Last week arrived in this Port the Brig Industry of Saint Vincent William Harrison late master bound from St Vincent to London … captured by a French private Ship of War called the La Liberte.… The Vessel is entered at the Custom House, and I suppose the Cargo will be entered & sold here.…” LC , Newport Historical Society, Newport, Rhode Island.
[ Newport, Rhode Island, November 26, 1793. On January 14, 1794, Ellery wrote to Hamilton and referred to “my letter of the 26th. of Novr.” Letter not found. ]
Newport [ Rhode Island ] February 7, 1792. “Thomas Cotrell, and Joseph Finch are committed to Gaol on the Executions against them. The Brig Three Brothers remains on hand. The cause of Capt. Elliot was tried yesterday, and the Jury found a verdict for the Plts for twenty-five Cents, and Costs.…” LC , Newport Historical Society, Newport, Rhode Island. Ellery was collector of customs at Newport....
Inclosed is my weekly return of Cash and a Certificate of Registry No. 15, dated at the Port of Dighton March 30 1790, and delivered up on account of transfer of property. On the Twenty first day of this month I received a letter from the Commr. of loans informing me that on inquiry of Col. Olney he found, that he would be able to furnish as much money as would be wanted to pay the first...
The question respectg. masters of vessels convicted of havg. sworn falsely was the result of a conversation I had with a gentleman on that subject. He conceived that as the credibility of such men must be greatly impaired, it was the intention of the Legislature that they should not be permitted to act in a capacity which would necessarily subject them to take oaths. I had carefully examined...
I have recd. your circular letter of the 12th of the last month, and will pay a due regard to the request contained in the first paragraph thereof, and to your opinion on the case stated in the second. A Vessel bound to a foreign port is compelled by distress of weather to put into the port of Newport, and it is necessary in order to repair her, or to procure supplies for the crew; or because...
Newport [ Rhode Island ] June 2, 1794 . “In my letter to you of the 5th. of May last I Inclosed a letter of request to me from Gibbs & Channing and now inclose a similar application from Thomas Dennis. These Gentlemen wish you would favour me with as early a reply as possible. Their cases are alike.…” LC , Newport Historical Society, Newport, Rhode Island. Dennis was a Newport shipowner and...
Inclosed is a weekly return of Cash on hand, and also a Certificate of Registry No. 13 issued at the Port of Dighton by H Baylies Collector Mh. 27th 1790, and delivered up on account of transfer of property. The Genl. Assembly of this State met at East Greenwich the last week. Previous to their meeting I requested two of the Deputies of this town to move for a cession of the right of the State...
Newport [ Rhode Island ] August 23, 1790 . “The arrival of the President of the U. S. the last Tuesday morning prevented my sending the returns last week. I send them this.… The Person appointed to collect Light Money by the Govr. of this State continues to do it, and the trade complains of being obliged to pay tonnage to the United States and Light money to the State. I wish for your...
I have recd. your letter of the 7th. of this month enclosing part of the margin of Certife. of Registry No. 61 and your Circular Letter of the 11th of the same month enclosing an Order of the Senate of the United States, and a wrapper inclosing Letters to the Surveyors of the several ports in this District excepting the Surveyor of this Port. The letters to all the Surveyors, excepting the...
I have received your letter and now transmit by the Post my receipts from the 1st. of Apl. to the last of Sepr. 1789 and from Oct. the 1st to the last day of Dece. 1789. I have authorized Benjamin Huntington Esqr. by a power of Attorney to receive on my account the sum of One thousand dollars which you advise me you shall be ready to advance on account of my Salary on the settlement of my...
Newport [ Rhode Island ] April 17, 1792 . “I should have been very happy to have received by the last Post your direction to borrow of the Providence Bank the Sum … wanting on the 10th of this month to pay the drawbacks which would then be due on distilled Spirits exported from this District. They who were entitled to receive drawbacks at that time have frequently applied for payment, and...
[ Newport, Rhode Island ] June 11, 1792 . “I have recd. your Letter inclosing sundry Acts of Congress, and also your Letter of the 30th of the last month respectg. the Brig Chance, and have communicated the same and a State of the case to the Atty. of the District.… By a letter from the Comptroller of the 29th. of the last month it appears that I am not yet credited for the Scales & Weights I...
[ Newport, Rhode Island ] April 8, 1973 . “… Inclosed is the declaration of Aaron Usher late master of the Sloop Flying Fish of Bristol of the burthen of nineteen and an half tons. It is true that he took passage from Cape Francois in the Brig Sally of Newport Elisha Brown master, arrived here on the twenty ninth day of March last, and on the same day delivered up his License; and I believe...
On the 16th of this month I recd. yours of the 5th. inclosed in a letter from the President of the Providence Bank. No bonds for duties will fall due in this District this present month. I should very much regrett that no report was made on my Petition during the last Session of Congress, was I not sensible that besides other important business your attention was called to one engaged in a...
This Letter will be accompd. by a represent. of the case of Samuel Pearsall, junr. master of the Sloop Nancy. His Representn. is true as far as it concerns her being licensed—her tonnage, her arrival here, her being visited by an Inspector, her not having a manifest, her being wholly laden with the produce of the United States, and his payment of Twenty dollars. That part of it which relates...
Newport [ Rhode Island ] November 15, 1791 . “… At a District Court held at Providence the last week came on the trial United States vs Thomas Cotrell for aiding and assisting in unlading the Sloop Betsy James Bissel Master without a permit when the Jury found a Verdict for the Plaint. for four hundred Dollars, and Cost of Suit.…” LC , Newport Historical Society, Newport, Rhode Island. See...
Newport [ Rhode Island ] July 25, 1791 . “… A person usually residing in this District, is in the District of Boston & Charlestown and there purchases a vessel; is he obliged to take the Oath or Affirmation, required by law previous to the making a Registry or granting a Certificate, before the Collector of this District omitting in said oath or affirmation and inserting what is to be omitted...
This will be attended by a weekly return of monies received and paid, a monthly schedule of bonds; a List of a Post-note of the North American Bank for One hundred and ninety five Dollars, No. 8080, dated Philadelphia 9th. July 1791, one moiety whereof was transmitted by the last post, and the other moiety is now transmitted by this. The District Court which met here this day adjourned to the...
Printed text (John Sanderson, ed., Biography of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence [2d ed.; 5 vols.; Philadelphia, 1828], I, 388–89). Nothing is said there of its source except that it had “fallen into our hands.” References to the existence of the letter are made in Brant, Madison Irving Brant, James Madison (6 vols.; Indianapolis and New York, 1941–61). , I, 90; Burnett, Letters...
[ Newport, Rhode Island ] February 27, 1792. “Your Letter of the 11th of this month in answer to mine of the 16th of Jany. did not come to hand until the 24th. of this month.… By the inclosed weekly return of monies received and paid, it will appear that the Cash I have on hand is 2186 dolls 93½ cents … and [I] will only observe now that at the expiration of this month will be due to...
Newport [ Rhode Island ] March 30, 1790 . States that there is an error in his “Account Current of money received and paid” and that the “charge for my quarter’s salary commencing Oct. 1st. and ending Dece. 31 1789 instead of 150 Dollars is carried out 300 Dolls.” LC , Newport Historical Society, Newport, Rhode Island. For background to this letter, see Ellery to H, January 10 , March 8, 1790...
Newport [ Rhode Island ] December 21, 1790 . “I have received your Letter of the 6th instant, and have acted accordingly.…” LC , Newport Historical Society, Newport, Rhode Island. Letter not found.
Newport [ Rhode Island ] November 30, 1790 . “I have received your Letter of the 14th. inst: shall transmit by the first convenient opportunity the Registers of the Business done by the Late Loan Offices.…” LC , Newport Historical Society, Newport, Rhode Island. Ellery, the son of William Ellery, was deputy collector of customs at Newport. Letter not found. See William Ellery to H, October 18...
It would be to me a singular pleasure to serve my country under your administration in any capacity which would afford a decent living for myself and family, provided it did not impose the necessity of fixing my permanent residence out of the Atlantic States, to which I am confident my family would not willingly consent.— My own desire has been for many years past to reside at the City of...