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Results 4151-4200 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
The Executive (on the publick account) are under a Difficulty which will be sufficiently explained by the within Paper. You will perceive by that that we propose to refer the Matter to Arbitration in another State: nevertheless we suppose the only question which occasions a Doubt (that is whether if Mr Nathan took up the Bills bona Fide as he alledges, he is entitled to a paiment in hard Money...
I have the honor of your Excellency favor of the 26th past. have inform’d Mrs Montgomery that you wou’d not want her Carriage it has been no loss to her waiting your Answer. am extreamly sorry the large Bowl was broke, if I can procure an Other will send it as carefully as possible, Shou’d the Trunks prove too large when you see them will indavour to procure smaller. have sent four Table...
4153[Diary entry: 11 July 1787] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 11th. Attended Convention. Dined at Mr. Morris’s and spent the evening there.
4154[Diary entry: 25 July 1773] (Washington Papers)
25. Went up to Alexandria Church & returnd to Dinner.
ALS : American Philosophical Society We wrote to you per Capt. Morton who sailed yesterday, and sent you a few Things that may be of some Use perhaps in your Family. I hope, tho’ not of much Value, they will be acceptable. Inclos’d is an Account of Particulars, and the Captain’s Receipt, with the Key of the Trunk. Our Family is well. The Small Pox is beginning in Town by Inoculation, but has...
Your Lordship’s Favor of yesterday was delivered to me by the Officer who met your Flag of Truce. You may be assured that no Molestation will be offered to the Convoy of Money and Stores which General D’Heister means to send to the Hessians taken at Trenton, or to the Surgeon and Medicines for the wounded at Princetown, by any part of the regular Army under my command. But I cannot answer for...
(Deed of the Quincy Wood lot.) Know all Men by these Presents, that we John Quincy Adams and Josiah Quincy, both of Boston in the County of Suffolk, Executors of the last Will and Testament of John Adams late of Quincy in the County of Norfolk, deceased, in consideration of the Sum of two-hundred and twenty-one dollars, and thirty three Cents, paid us by the said John Quincy Adams in his...
The presence of Colonel de la Radiere, rendering the Services of Mr Kosciousko, as Engineer at Fish kill, unnecessary—you are to give him immediate orders to join this Army without loss of time—Inclosed is a Packet for Col. Hay Deputy Quarter Master, which you will be so good as to forward immediately by express. I am with great regard and esteem Dear Sir Your most obedt Servt however desirous...
Letter not found: from William McWhir, 5 Feb. 1793. In his 17 Feb. letter to McWhir , GW referred to “your letter of the 5th inst.”
Yours of the 20th. came to hand last night. I sincerely regret that mrs Madison is not likely to be able to come on so soon as had been hoped. the probability of an extensive war on the continent of Europe strengthening every day for some time past, is now almost certain. this gives us our great desideratum, time. in truth it places us quite at our ease. we are certain of one year of...
I herewith transmit you the Resolutions of Congress for several Augmentations of the Army —With Respect to Canada, I must inform you, that the last Accounts abound with Complaints of the deplorable Scarcity of Provisions, which our Men labour under; and mention the Impossibility of procuring Relief in that Colony—you will therefore, with all Expedition, forward a Supply of Meat and Flower;...
I have duly received your letter of the 2d Instt—and in replying to it, again assure you, with great sincerity, that whatever my own wants of money may be if you think more than £800 can (by waiting till times get a little better) be had for your Land in Gloucester County it will be perfectly agreeable to me to let the debt due to me from your fathers Estate remain on its present footing. For...
Letter not found. 5 July 1811. Mentioned in Jay to JM, 11 July 1811 . States that it would be agreeable to him if Jay’s request for permission to travel to Europe in a U.S. vessel could be granted but the secretary of the navy has made arrangements that will not allow private passengers.
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have the honor to acquaint you my departure is put off ’till Sunday next, being under the necessity of returning to Versailles tomorrow for an Order to go with the Convoy. I have the honor to be with Respect sir Your most Obt. humble servt. Notation: Saml. Courtauld Paris 10. april 1782. Identified in XXXVI , 406n. In anticipation of his emigration to...
Dr Priestley, in a letter to Mr Lindsey Northumberland Nov. 4. 1803 Says “As you were pleased with my comparison of Socrates and Jesus, I have begun to carry the same comparison to all the heathen Moralists, and I have all the books that I want for the purpose, except Simplicius and Arrian on Epictetus, and them I hope to get from a Library in Philadelphia: lest however I should fail there, I...
I sincerely condole with Mrs. Hamilton and you on the loss which you have sustained in the death of your beloved son Philip. I can well conceive of the distress this event has occasioned, and the tender recollections that his memory must long continue to excite. I lost my eldest child, a daughter, after she had discovered whatever can promise to flattter parental expectations. Is there ought...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: National Archives <Passy, July 13, 1778: Load the Boston with whatever Capt. Tucker will take, and particularly with as much lead as he can carry and you can supply.> Published in Butterfield, John Adams Diary , IV , 160.
It is not an uncommon thing for you women to bring us poor men into Scrapes. It seems you have brought me into one. You will wonder how—Hear the tale. Shortly after I came into Office, Wadsworth informed me that Baron Glauback was indebted to General Greene (to whom he had behaved in a very exceptionable manner) and that it was intended to endeavour to purchase of Glauback some pay which had...
Newburgh [ New York ] April 20, 1781 . Doubts that, as quarter-master general, he possesses authority to appoint Colonel Jabez Champlin barrack master for French army in America. ALS , George Washington Papers, Library of Congress; LC , RG 93, Letters of Col. T. Pickering, National Archives; copy, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston.
ALS : Yale University Library I was duly favoured with yours of Oct. 30, and glad to hear that some of the Colours on Experience were found useful. I show’d the Specimens you sent me to an ingenious skilful French Chemist, who has the Direction of the Royal Porcellane Manufacture at Seve near Paris, and he assured me that one of those white Earths would make a good Ingredient in that kind of...
While your Excellency was absent from the army, the authority, and select men, of this town, applied to Genl Heath, to furnish a detachment of troops, for the protection of this part of the country, on the expiration of the time for which Genl Waterburys brigade was raised. Their request was granted; and Majr Maxwell with one hundred and fifty men, have been stationed with us till now. Under...
Philadelphia, October 12, 1789. “Some of my Friends, on finding I had an Inclination to apply for the appointment of Superintendant of the light house, Beacons Buoys and publick Piers, have put Into my hands A Recommendation … addressed to the president, which I have … Enclosed to him.… I … am at A loss whether to attend at the seat of government in person or not and should consider it as A...
Your favor of the 2d came to Hand by the last post. Before this Time, you will have seen the report I made to Congress of the Interview with Sir Guy Carleton—I am very sorry the result proved so indecisive—that this, however, arises from the Cause you mention, I am not fully persuaded—I believe, a want of Information from his Court, which had been for some Time without an Administration, has...
The Minister of France, has fixed on Monday next for his departure from hence for a Visit to your Excellency I have therefore order’d a Detachment of the Marechaussée to attend in order to escort him to Camp. I expect every moment to hear the Committee are named to consult with your Excellency; as mentioned in my last, and I have fixed on Friday next for my departure for Camp. I am with...
Draft (incomplete): American Philosophical Society The last week Jo Peeby and Lewis Montour Came here and produced His Honour the Governour’s Pass to go to the Indian Countrey, requireing all Persons to Assist them with Such Necessary’s they Stood in need of to prosecute their Journey In Obedience to His Honour I Accordingly help’t them to Every thing they requird of Me, as per the Brethrens...
Upon rect of your favour of 23d Inst. late at Night, the next morning early I gave orders Immediately for the removal of such Stores and Baggage as were retain’d here, to one Bells between Kennett Square and Chads-ford, proposing to take a position on the most Advantageous ground between Gibsons & Chads-ford, as nearly opposite to Dilworths as the ground wou’d Admit, which position not Knowing...
Fishkill [ New York ] October 2, 1778 . Sends news of enemy’s movements in New Jersey. Regrets that no reinforcements can be sent to Boston. Df , in writings of John Laurens and H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
417830th. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
This morning I went and took leave of the Baron Albedyhll the Swedish chargé d’affaires here, and he gave me a couple of letters for Stockholm. At about noon I took leave of Mr. D. and of Mr. Artaud and set out upon the road for Wibourg Vyborg . We arrived at about 11. o’clock P.M. at the third station and as it was extraordinarily dark we stay’d there till 7 o’clock the next morning. For 30...
Resuming the subject of the resolutions of the House of Delegates of Dec. 31. 1800. Jan. 16 1802. and Feb. 3. 1804. I have it not in my power to say that any change of circumstances has taken place which enables me yet to propose any specific asylum for the persons who are the subjects of our correspondence . the island of St. Domingo, our nearest and most convenient recourse, is too unsettled...
41801779. April 15. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
Dined at home.
The Situation in which you are placed and the acknowledged liberality of your Sentiments, induce me very much to wish for an opportunity to converse with you on the Subject of the Commission with which I have the honor to be charged; As I trust that a dispassionate consideration of the Kings benevolent intentions, may be the means of preventing the further Effusion of Blood, and become...
The Enemy seem determined to possess themselves, if possible, of the Forts on the River. Their Operations against Fort Mifflin have been carried on for several days with unremitted attention, and from Various accounts they mean to storm Red Bank or to invest It. For this purpose, it is confidently said, that a pretty considerable Detachment crossed the River yesterday morning. It is of...
with regard to politicks the debates of the House will give you an Idea of them, as yet there has been but little Heat upon any Subject, but there is a questions comeing on with regard to the permanant Residence of congress which I fear will create parties, & much vexation. I should think that in the present state of their treasury, an expence so unnecessary ought to be avoided as even...
I am favd. with yours of 17th Ulo. with the enclosures. I have never seen a fair discussion in support of your resolutions—only desultory observations of several Members. Smith’s Speach has arrived I have had a cursory reading of it only. I am not sufficiently informed to give a decided opinion with respect to equipping a Fleet to check the Algerines. I am rather inclined in favor of it—but my...
By the Presidents command T. Lear has the honor to transmit to the Secretary of the Treasury a letter from Mr. Governr. Morris to the president respecting the Debt of the United States in France; which the President requests the Secretary to take into consideration, and to draft such an answer as will be proper for the President to give to Mr. Morris on this subject. LC , George Washington...
Yesterday noon, Mr William Vaughan of London, came to my House, with Mr Laurens, the son of the President, and brought me a Line from the latter, and told me, that the President was at Harlem, and desired to see me. I went out to Haerlem and found, my old Friend at the golden Lyon. He told me that he was come partly for his Health and the Pleasure of seeing me and partly, to converse with me...
The Merchants of the City of New Orleans, having long suffered the most serious inconveniences from the irregularity of the Mails, and at length wearied with frequency of disappointed expectation;—by the Chamber of Commerce of that City, respectfully approach your Excellency with their grievance, in the hope of obtaining through you that relief which no representation by any other channel has...
4188[Diary entry: 22 November 1773] (Washington Papers)
22. Dined at Mr. Southalls & spent the Evening at the Coffee House.
FC (Virginia State Library). In the hand of Thomas L. Savage and addressed to “The Honble. Virginia Delegates in Congress.” Your favor by Post came safe to hand, like you I have nothing new to communicate. Mr. Clarke has ship’d a quantity of Tobacco from this Country to N. York more than the first resolution of Congress amounted to, and without giving me any Information of his design, he says...
4190[Diary entry: 8 April 1770] (Washington Papers)
8. Lowering & much like Snow. Wind blowing cold & Raw from the No. & N. Et.
I have requested M r Millegan to bind one of the printed catalogues in calf & transmit it to you—There are some errors in it which could not be avoided. I trust, however, you will, on the whole, be pleased with its execution—The alphabetical arrangement under each chapter is not so correct as I wished it, but it could not without great trouble, be improved; as it would have required a new copy...
Copy: Library of Congress; AL (draft): Columbia University Library Your Favor of the 15 ult. with the Packets mentioned in it, arrived in good order. I regret your long Silence, tho’ I am strongly tempted to rejoice in the Cause of it—a Fit of the Gout, it is said, often prolongs Life. Affairs here begin to wear a better Aspect— I have been promised three Millions of Reals, that is one hundred...
Mr. Montgomery and his mother seem uneasy that such a sum in cash as 8000£ should be tied up in his hands by the marriage settlement. I apprehend this uneasiness may be removed and your daughter provided for more surely by settling lands of the value of 8000£on her for life (if she survives her husband) and after both their deaths, on the children of their joint bed in such proportions as the...
ALS : Public Record Office Your Letter of the 18th: We received, as We gave Our Orders generally to Com: Wickes, we omitted writing in particular to You. We are sensible of Your Spirit, and gallant Behavior as an Officer, and of Your Attachment to your Country as an Americain, and shall with pleasure do justice to your Character in Our Letters to the Congress, who we doubt not will pay due...
I took occasion to mention to you while I was absent from my Office, that a necessary attention to my health required my leaving Baltimore for a time. My stay in the Country was attended with so many indications of returning health that I thought the time well spent; and was returning home full of confidence that business would again be a pleasure to me when a very unexpected and violent...
4196[Diary entry: 1 June 1768] (Washington Papers)
June 1st. Upon looking over my Wheat, I found all those places which had been injurd by the March frosts extreamely thin, low & backwards, having branchd but little, & looking puny—indeed in many places the Ground was entirely naked and where it was not, there was but too much cause to apprehend that the Wheat woud be choaked with Weeds. It was also observable that all my early Wheat...
Philadelphia, 9 Oct. 1779 . Circular to the state executives enclosing resolutions relative to Continental finance (see note below); asks promptness in payment and regrets that the state quotas are so large. RC ( Vi ); 3 p.; signed: “Samll: Huntington President”; endorsed by a clerk. FC ( DLC : PCC , No. 14). Enclosure: copy of a series of resolves of Congress signed by Charles Thomson ( Vi ):...
4198[April 1783] (Adams Papers)
Mr. Hartley met Mr. Franklin, Laurens, Jay and me, at my Lodgings, and shewed Us an Instruction under the Kings Privy Seal, and signed George Rex, in which his Majesty recites that he had appointed Mr. Hartley his Minister Plenipotentiary to treat with Us &c. The American Ministers unanimously required a Commission under the great Seal, and promising to ratify what he should do.—Mr. Hartley...
West Point, August 31, 1779. States that Congress has refused Major General William Phillips permission to send two officers to Canada. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
The Secretary of State respectfully lays before the President of the U. States three papers of nominations. To that respecting the Spanish treaty he wished to have added a name for a commissioner for the spoliations: but is not satisfied about a suitable character. He has examined the Constitution of Pennsylvania & by that, the office of Mayor of Philadelphia, which comprehends the office of a...