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Results 4151-4200 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I Heartily Give You joy, My dear Sir, Upon the Happy Conclusion of Your dutch Negotiations. Every...
La Lettre dont vous m’avez honoré en date du 21e. May, m’est très-précieuse, puisqu’elle me...
I have received a Line from my Brother which informs me of your desire of a particular Account of...
Your favour of Jany 29th. directed to me in Boston, was forwarded, and received a short time...
The great Distance that separates us occasions that we can hear of each others welfare but...
a Bostonian who reveres the “Sage of Quincy” takes the liberty of transmitting him this newspaper...
I should have had the pleasure of answering your respectfull favour of 20th. past ere now had I...
In Compliance with the Request of Sir John Sinclair I have the Pleasure of transmitting to you...
My last Letter to you was written in Sepbr. I closed it, because I knew not how to think upon any...
The trial of Fries for high treason which was commenced on monday the 6th. instant and which from...
Mr. Fynje having communicated us his conversation with your Excellency last evening, we beg leave...
It is with peculiar satisfaction that I prent to you, at the request of the Officers & privates...
Quoique je puisse & doive être certain que V e. Exc e. a régulierement connoissance de mes...
I have had a severe Fit of the Gout which has confined me six Weeks; but it is now going off, and...
I received by the last mail the Letters of two, so that I fare as you do, and the Stormy Weather...
Ma derniere du 14 e. étoit partie, lorsque celle de Mr. votre fils à mon Epouse nous apprit que...
Centinels are again Posted at my Lodgings. This I suppose a mistake L: Col: Parke having inform’d...
Meeting with a safe hand going to London the other day I did myself the honour of sending to you...
If your Letter of 20. May were the only one from you upon my files yet unanswered, every look at...
I yesterday had the honor of receiving your communication of the 28th Ulto. advising me of the...
Since my last of the 3 d of August I am favoured with yours of the 26 th of June, 6 th of July,...
I have not received a Line from You of a later date than the 3 d Instant the last week is the...
By a Letter from one of the most lovely of Women in your Quarter of the Continent, I find you are...
Your letter of the 2d. inst. returning the dispatches from our envoys of the 17th. of May, is...
I have the honor to transmit to you the enclosed communication from a Committee of the...
Prompted by the purest principles of patriotism, and inspired with the warmest zeal for the...
I embrace the occasion of enclosing some letters, to thank you and Mrs Adams for the comfortable...
Quoique je n’aie encore vu personne, je prends néanmoins la plume, pour avoir l’honneur de vous...
Inclosd is the answer of the secretary of the Senate to a request that he woud furnish the...
The obligation confered by the letter you did me the honor to write in September last will always...
I believe I must devote this page to the History of Farming. our people have carried up the Hill...
My Brother, Mr. Christopher Sargeant, the bearer has occasion to travel to South Carolina, he is...
The Officers of the second Lincoln regiment of Militia in the State of North Carolina, in Court...
Not knowing, my dear Sir, how certain Things now in agitation may this day be terminated here, I...
Both the Ganges, and the Warren, have been driven from their station at the Havanna, by the...
I hope the Length of Time since I had the Honor of paying my Respects to you, will be no...
After the late conference yoúr Excellency honourd me with, we should have had the honoúr to...
You will pardon (I hope) the freedom I take in introducing to your Notice the bearer of this, who...
At the request of the Feild & Commision officers of the first and fourth Rigement of the first...
At a crisis when the sovereignty of our Country is assalted: when demands are made upon us by a...
I am honored by your confidential letter of the 30th of Decer, & am sorry that any event should...
I have Receiv’d your much Esteemed favour of the 26 Ult o: for which I thank you most sincerely....
I left Saratoga last Tuesday and arrived at this place the same afternoon. I expected to find the...
Your Excellency will find by the date hereof that it Comes from a prisoner, and which is the...
I receivd your Excellencys Letters of the 29th ultm. and 1st Instant yesterday and (not before)...
I take the liberty to enclose the Aurora, because it contains an address from Genl. McPherson—&...
Your kind letter of the 20 th Ult o I received, and most cordially thank you for the parental...
Your Favour of the third instant yesterday came safe to Hand, for which I thank You; am glad to...
On as mature deliberation as the time would permit I have concluded that it is proper for me to...
I should have paid my respects to you before now had I known where to have directed my letters,...