Results 4151-4200 of 184,431 sorted by author
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
4151 Adams, John Adams, John Quincy John Adams to John Quincy Adams, 3 July 1783 1783-07-03 I can tell you nothing with Certainty when the Peace will be finished. I hope it will not be...
4152 Adams, John Rodney, Caesar Augustus From John Adams to Caesar Augustus Rodney, 13 September … 1818-09-13 You cannot imagine how much You have obliged me by your kind Letter of the 6th. I was intimately...
4153 Adams, John Adams, John Quincy From John Adams to John Quincy Adams, 16 June 1816 1816-06-16 Your N. 48. April 8. arrived last night, and put our little family Circle into the best possible...
4154 Adams, John Pichon, Louis André From John Adams to Louis André Pichon, 16 April 1801 1801-04-16 I have received your favour of the 19th of March, and thank you for your care of the Letter which...
4155 Adams, John Boylston, Ward Nicholas From John Adams to Ward Nicholas Boylston, 23 April … 1822-04-23 Not a word at present about your delicious Cider and flounders. Miss Farnam a Grand Daughter of...
4156 Adams, John Bracht, Herman van From John Adams to Herman van Bracht, 1 February 1782 1782-02-01 I have this Day received, the Letter, you did me, the Honour to write me, on the 26 of Jany. I...
4157 Adams, John United States Senate From John Adams to United States Senate, 16 July 1798 1798-07-16 I nominate the Honourable Jonathan Dayton of New Jersey to be Lieutenant Colonel Commandant of...
4158 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 2 January 1796 1796-01-02 The Weather here is as fine as it was the last Year. The Festival season of Christmas and the new...
4159 Adams, John Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. From John Adams to Oliver Wolcott, Jr., 4 September … 1797-09-04 I recd. your favour of Augt. 20th. in due Season. I congratulate you, most sincerely, on the...
4160 Adams, John Mifflin, Thomas From John Adams to Thomas Mifflin, 28 April 1783 1783-04-28 M r. Boinod, a Gentleman of Letters, is recommended to me by M r. Gyselaer of Dort, a manly...
4161 Adams, John 12 Wednesday. 1756-05-12 Rambled about all Day, gaping and gazing.
4162 Adams, John Rush, Benjamin From John Adams to Benjamin Rush, 3 July 1812 1812-07-03 Mrs Rush may be assured, that I have no doubt of her Friendship for me. The Familiarities and...
4163 Adams, John President of Congress From John Adams to the President of Congress, 8 … 1783-09-08 Yesterday morning, M r. Jay informed me, that D r. Franklin had recieved, & soon afterwards the D...
4164 Adams, John Steele, John From John Adams to John Steele, 26 May 1800 1800-05-26 I agree with pleasure to your request in your letter of the 24th on the condition mentioned in it...
4165 Adams, John Tufts, Cotton John Adams to Cotton Tufts, 9 December 1780 1780-12-09 Your Favour of July 25th was received in Paris in my Absence, and I have never had opportunity,...
4166 Adams, John Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. From John Adams to Oliver Wolcott, Jr., 30 August 1798 1798-08-30 Please to write to Gen. Lincoln authorizing him to furnish me money out of the appropriation for...
4167 Adams, John 1765. December. 23d. Monday 1765-12-23 Went to Boston. After Dinner rambled after Messrs. Gridley and Otis but could find neither. Went...
4168 Adams, John Wednesday [28 May]. 1760-05-28 Loitered the forenoon away upon this Question in Arithmetic. 3 men give 20 shillings for a...
4169 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 15 November 1775 1775-11-15 This I suppose will go by Mr. James Bowdoin who has just arrived here from London. He has been...
4170 Adams, John Adams’ Minutes of the Trial: Essex Superior Court … 1771-06-01 Lowell. Cun. 173. Concealment of Intelligence, a Fraud. Each Party ought to know all the...
4171 Adams, John Cunningham, William From John Adams to William Cunningham, 15 November 1809 1809-11-15 I have received your favour of Oct. 28.—I am very unexpectedly involved in Occupations and...
4172 Adams, John United States Senate From John Adams to United States Senate, 30 December … 1800-12-30 I nominate Lewis Tousard Lieutenant Colonel of Artillerists & Engineers to be Inspector of...
4173 Adams, John 2 Wednesday. 1756-06-02 Went to Spencer in the afternoon.—When we come into the World, our minds are destitute of all...
4174 Adams, John Jefferson, Thomas From John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 20 December 1814 1814-12-20 The most exalted of our young Genius’s in Boston have an Ambition to See Montecello, its Library...
4175 Adams, John Gerry, Elbridge From John Adams to Elbridge Gerry, 13 April 1785 1785-04-13 I am, this moment informed, that the Packet is arrived but neither D r F. nor I have any Letters...
4176 Adams, John Fitch, Eliphalet From John Adams to Eliphalet Fitch, 12 May 1801 1801-05-12 In writing to you, on the present Occasion, I have to express my Concern that I am disappointed...
4177 Adams, John Jefferson, Thomas From John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 21 December 1819 1819-12-21 I must answer your great question of the 10th in the Words of Dalembert to his Correspondent, who...
4178 Adams, John [Notes of Debates in the Continental Congress] 1776. … 1776-02-16 Cant we oblige B. to keep a Navy on foot the Expence of which will be double to what they will...
4179 Adams, John Izard, Ralph From John Adams to Ralph Izard, 2 October 1778 1778-10-02 I have the Pleasure of yours of the 28th, and agree with you in Sentiment that if the Money which...
4180 Adams, John Waterhouse, Benjamin From John Adams to Benjamin Waterhouse, 18 December … 1815-12-18 Permit me to sympathize with you and your Children on the loss of your amiable and excellent...
4181 Adams, John Van der Kemp, François Adriaan From John Adams to François Adriaan Van der Kemp, 12 … 1821-02-12 I owe you a letter or two I believe, and my Conscience smites me for the neglect,—and my daring...
4182 Adams, John Oliver, James From John Adams to James Oliver, 26 September 1798 1798-09-26 I have received with great pleasure your Address of the 14th of this month, and I know not...
4183 Adams, John Decr. 27th. 1765. Fryday. 1765-12-27 In unforeseen Cases, i.e. when the State of things is found such as the Author of the Disposition...
4184 Adams, John Wednesday. Septr. 6. 1769. 1769-09-06 Mr. Cudworth told me on the Town house Steps, that Mr. Charles Paxton, the Commissioner, told him...
4185 Adams, John Parsons, Samuel Holden From John Adams to Samuel Holden Parsons, 5 December … 1760-12-05 I presume upon the Merits of a Brother, both in the Academical and legal family, to give you this...
4186 Adams, John Judah, Samuel B.H. From John Adams to Samuel B.H. Judah, 24 June 1822 1822-06-24 I have heard read your horrible Odo friede; although there are marks of genius & talents, which...
4187 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 29 March 1782 1782-03-29 The states of Holland and West Friesland have resolved, 28 March to admit Mr. Adams to an...
4188 Adams, John Warren, James From John Adams to James Warren, 3 December 1775 1775-12-03 I have only Time to acquaint you that Congress have ordered the arrears of Pay to be discharged...
4189 Adams, John Jackson, Jonathan From John Adams to Jonathan Jackson, 17 November 1782 1782-11-17 Upon my Arrival here, I found, M r Jay, in very delicate Health, in the midst of great affairs...
4190 Adams, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Adams, 24 March 1801 1801-03-24 I have recd your favour of March 8 with the Letter inclosed, for which I thank you. Inclosed is a...
4191 Adams, John United States Congress From John Adams to United States Congress, 6 January … 1800-01-06 In compliance with the request in one of the resolutions of Congress, of the 21st of December...
4192 Adams, John President of Congress From John Adams to the President of Congress, 16 May … 1781-05-16 I have the honor to inclose Copies of the Memorials, which I had the honor to present on the...
4193 Adams, John Thurdsday Aug. [7 or 14] 1766. 1766-08-07 In the Morning rode a single Horse, in Company with Mrs. Cranch and Mrs. Adams in a Chaise, to...
4194 Adams, John Cunningham, William From John Adams to William Cunningham, 24 February 1804 1804-02-24 I have received your favour of the 15th: with its inclosures. I thank you for the outline as well...
4195 Adams, John Willink, Wilhem & Jan (business) From John Adams to Wilhem & Jan Willink, 9 March 1783 1783-03-09 I have rec d. the favor of your’s of the 3 d. — There is nobody in Europe authorized to give...
4196 Adams, John Adams, George Washington From John Adams to George Washington Adams, 21 October … 1815-10-21 I recd, last night your pleasing Letter of the 9th of Aug. which is the latest date We have had...
4197 Adams, John Evans, Robert J. From John Adams to Robert J. Evans, 12 January 1820 1820-01-12 I thank you for your New-Years letter of Benjamin Rush—As Agriculture is the Nursing Mother of us...
4198 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 30 August 1777 1777-08-30 A Letter from General Washington, was received last Night by the President, which I read. It is...
4199 Adams, John Gerry, Elbridge From John Adams to Elbridge Gerry, 28 April 1780 1780-04-28 Since my Arrival in Europe I have had Reason to be very well Satisfied with my Reception,...
4200 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 15 November 1798 1798-11-15 You never rec d a Letter from Berlin but with Pleasure: and this I dare say will not be the...