Results 4151-4200 of 184,431 sorted by author
I can tell you nothing with Certainty when the Peace will be finished. I hope it will not be long. You may purchase a Suetonius, provided you intend to make a good Use of it. I long to See you, but can as yet form no Judgment when I shall have that Pleasure. We have no News from Congress, a Neglect which is to the last degree astonishing and inexplicable. Do you find any Society at the Hague?...
You cannot imagine how much You have obliged me by your kind Letter of the 6th. I was intimately acquainted with your Uncle Cesar Rodney who under the constant pressure of ill health, preserved a clear Under Staing and a firmness a stediness, and inflexibility of heart, equal to any Statesman I have known. He was pleased to be very Social and familiar with me; and there was no Topick on which...
Your N. 48. April 8. arrived last night, and put our little family Circle into the best possible humour. The Gaiety of Spirit, the perfect good humour the delicate Satyre and the perfect Knowledge of Persons and Politicks, delighted and astonished Us all. If you had more of Juvenal and less of Horace; more of Swift and less of Adison, more Caustics and less Emolients, you would be the Terror...
I have received your favour of the 19th of March, and thank you for your care of the Letter which you inclosed from my Friend La Fayette. The inclosed Lett Answer from me to him I pray you to transmit to him with your dispatches. I congratulate you on your Arrival in this country and I wish you much honor and pleasure in your public and private Intercourse with our Government and Citizens. I...
Not a word at present about your delicious Cider and flounders. Miss Farnam a Grand Daughter of my Ancient acquaintance of Sixty years standing and brother barrister at Law with whom I have rode many a painful Circuit Mr Farnham of Newbury port, is a bout to remove to Princetown, in the Character of a school mistress, and is to reside in the family of Mr Clark your Revnd Pastor, her Aunt Mrs...
I have this Day received, the Letter, you did me, the Honour to write me, on the 26 of Jany. I wish it were in my Power, to send you the inclosed Volume as a Present, but as I am not possessed of any other Copy, and as it is necessary for me, to have it by me, I can only lend it you, for the Time you desire. Be pleased, Sir, to accept my Thanks for your care, in translating, the american...
I nominate the Honourable Jonathan Dayton of New Jersey to be Lieutenant Colonel Commandant of the Corps of Artillerists and Engineers in the place of La Rochefontaine William Ward Burrows of Pennsylvania to be Major of Marines under the Act for establishing and organizing a Marine Corps. DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
The Weather here is as fine as it was the last Year. The Festival season of Christmas and the new Year, is enjoyed in Perfection by all, for what I know, but poor Cabot and me. He is as solitary and disconsolate as a lone Goose. He strives to keep up his Spirits and preserve his usual Gaiety but one plainly perceives it is all Exertion. There are Letters to the secretary of State upon public...
I recd. your favour of Augt. 20th. in due Season. I congratulate you, most sincerely, on the prospect of the recovery of your Father and Brother from sickness. Before I left Philadelphia, I appointed Mr. Storer in the Place of Leonard Jarvis, and have the Pleasure to find, that his established Character for Integrity and his well known Accuracy in Accounts, have given universal satisfaction in...
M r. Boinod, a Gentleman of Letters, is recommended to me by M r. Gyselaer of Dort, a manly Character, to whom We are greatly obliged, for a Letter of Introduction to Philadelphia, in so pressing a manner, that I cannot refuse him— And I know of no Man who can serve his Views in Philadelphia better than Gen l. Mifflin, which is the best Excuse I have for introducing him to You. There is a...
416112 Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Rambled about all Day, gaping and gazing.
Mrs Rush may be assured, that I have no doubt of her Friendship for me. The Familiarities and Jocularities in question have been too often experienced by me, for fifty years, for me to be ignorant of the Spirit of them. I must confess that I have received much good Advice and many wholesome Admonitions and Remonstrances in this Way: as I believe you have too. And We must both of Us confess...
Yesterday morning, M r. Jay informed me, that D r. Franklin had recieved, & soon afterwards the D r. put into my hands the Resolution of Congress of the first of May, ordering Commission and Instructions to be prepared to those Gentlemen and myself, for making a Treaty of Commerce with Great Britain. This Resolution, with your Excellency’s Letter, arrived very seasonably, as M r. Hartley was...
I agree with pleasure to your request in your letter of the 24th on the condition mentioned in it of an arrangement to prevent delay or inconvenience in the dispatch of public business. Your long & faithfull attention to the duties of a laborious office, entitle you to my thanks as well as to the accommodation you request. I am Sir with great esteem / your humble servant. MHi : Adams Family...
Your Favour of July 25th was received in Paris in my Absence, and I have never had opportunity, to acknowledge it, till now. You are now I hope happy, both in the Constitution and Administration of Government. It cannot be long before We shall see the Lists. I am obliged to you for the Journal of the Weather, but cannot admit your Excuse for not writing me Politicks. Every one says you will...
Please to write to Gen. Lincoln authorizing him to furnish me money out of the appropriation for my salary, while I remain here. I intended to have asked you for such a letter & brought it with me, but you was necessarily absent in Conntt. You may limit him to any sum you think proper; but I shall have occasion for all my salary while I remain here I am &c MHi : Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.
41671765. December. 23d. Monday (Adams Papers)
Went to Boston. After Dinner rambled after Messrs. Gridley and Otis but could find neither. Went into Mr. Dudleys, Mr. Dana’s, Mr. Otis’s office, and then to Mr. Adams’s and went with him to the Monday night Clubb. There I found Otis, Cushing Wells, Pemberton, Gray, Austin, two Waldo’s, Inches, Dr. Parker—And spent the Evening very agreably, indeed. Politicians all at this Clubb. We had many...
4168Wednesday [28 May]. (Adams Papers)
Loitered the forenoon away upon this Question in Arithmetic. 3 men give 20 shillings for a Bushell of Corn. A pays in the Proportion of one half, B in the Proportion of 1/3 and C in the Proportion of 1/4. Now how many shillings and Pence does each one pay? I put x, an Algebraicall Expression, for that unknown Quantity, whose 1/2 1/3 and 1/4 added together would make 20 shillings. In the...
This I suppose will go by Mr. James Bowdoin who has just arrived here from London. He has been very obliging in communicating to me Pamphlets and News Papers in which last I find that some Parts of Novanglus have been retailed out there and have brought on a Battle in the public Papers between Hutchinson and Pounal. Mr. Bowdoin has been to Italy, Holland, France and England and is returned an...
Lowell. Cun. 173. Concealment of Intelligence, a Fraud. Each Party ought to know all the Circumstances. 178.–179. 184. 79 days from G ordon’s sailing to the Insurance, which was a good Chance to have heard of her Arrival at any Part of the W. Indies. J. Pedricks Deposition. Gordons Protest. Jab. Harlow’s Deposition. Captn. Jos. Howard. Arrived from M artinique 7th. Novr. Saild, 7. Octr....
I have received your favour of Oct. 28.—I am very unexpectedly involved in Occupations and Correspondences very dispropotioned to the feeble Forces remaining to a Man of Seventy Four, and which make it impossible for me to reply to the various important subjects of your Letter. There is one however that my Feelings will not allow me to pass by. It is no fault to “Covet honor” any more than it...
I nominate Lewis Tousard Lieutenant Colonel of Artillerists & Engineers to be Inspector of Artillery under the Act of July 16th 1798 DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
41732 Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Went to Spencer in the afternoon.—When we come into the World, our minds are destitute of all Sorts of Ideas. Our senses inform us of various Qualities in the substances around us. As we grow up our Acquaintance with Things enlarges and spreads. Colours are painted in our minds through our Eyes. All the various Modulations of Sounds, enter by our Ears. Fragrance and Fœtor, are perceived by the...
The most exalted of our young Genius’s in Boston have an Ambition to See Montecello, its Library and Sage. I lately gave a Line of Introduction to Mr Everett, our most celebrated Youth: But his Calls at home, forced him back from Washington. George Ticknor Esquire who will have the Honour to present this to you, has a reputation here, equal to the Character given him in the enclosed Letter...
I am, this moment informed, that the Packet is arrived but neither D r F. nor I have any Letters as yet. this is unlucky, because We Shall not be able to answer by this Packet. I Suppose it is a question with you whether you shall Send a Minister to Spain; I really hope you will. it is a question too no doubt, who to send.— There will be some perhaps many, perhaps all for M r Charmichael. I...
In writing to you, on the present Occasion, I have to express my Concern that I am disappointed in the Intention of paying my Respects to you and Mrs. Adams at Quincy, during the ensuing Summer.—The Gentleman, Whom I had appointed my Attorney in Jamaica, writes me that he has been very ill, and will be under the Necessity to take a Voyage to Europe for the Recovery of his Health; and thinks my...
I must answer your great question of the 10th in the Words of Dalembert to his Correspondent, who asked him what is Matter- “Je vous avoue que je n’en scais rien.” In some part of my Life I read a great Work of a Scotchmen on the Court of Augustus, in which with much learning, hard study, and fatiguing labour, he undertook to prove that had Brutus and Cassius been conqueror, they would have...
Cant we oblige B. to keep a Navy on foot the Expence of which will be double to what they will take from Us. I have heard of Bullion Sp anish Flotas being stoppd least they should be taken—But perishable Commodities never were stopped. Open your Ports to Foreigners. Your Trade will become of so much Consequence, that Foreigners will protect you. Wilson. A Gentleman from Mass, thinks that a...
I have the Pleasure of yours of the 28th, and agree with you in Sentiment that if the Money which has heretofore been Squandred upon Articles of Luxury, could for the future be applied to discharge our national Debt, it would be a great Felicity. But is it certain that it will? Will not the national Debt itself, be the Means, at least a Temptation to continue if not increase the Luxury? It is...
Permit me to sympathize with you and your Children on the loss of your amiable and excellent Consort. As my reflections on this mournfull Event can be no other than your own I shall spare you the pain of reading them. I thank you for your Letter of the 14th and the Pamphlet inclosed. Do you know the Meaning of the Words “ Awakenings ”? and “ Revivals ”? I am old enough to have attended the...
I owe you a letter or two I believe, and my Conscience smites me for the neglect,—and my daring attendance in the Convention a whole Month, threw me into a fever, which has confined me from the eighteenth of December— Yesterday I ventured out to Church, for the first time—Recluse as I have been, I have had opportunity to read, and here read, a great deal of the Current Literature of the...
I have received with great pleasure your Address of the 14th of this month, and I know not whether any that has been published contains more important matter or juster sentiments. It must be great Perverseness and Depravity in any, who can represent the late Acts of Government, and the necessary measures of Self Defence taken by Congress, as a Coalition with Great Britain. It may be Usefull...
4183Decr. 27th. 1765. Fryday. (Adams Papers)
In unforeseen Cases, i.e. when the State of things is found such as the Author of the Disposition has not foreseen, and could not have thought of, we should rather follow his Intention than his Words, and interpret the Act as he himself would have interpreted it, had he been present, or conformably to what he would have done if he had foreseen the Things that happened. This Rule is of great...
4184Wednesday. Septr. 6. 1769. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Cudworth told me on the Town house Steps, that Mr. Charles Paxton, the Commissioner, told him this day, that it was possible, he might be sent with some Proscess on board a Man of War, and he advised him, as a friend not to attempt to take any Man from on Board the Man of War; for you have no Right to, and if you attempt it, you’l never come away alive—and I want to see Otis the D eputy...
I presume upon the Merits of a Brother, both in the Academical and legal family, to give you this Trouble and to ask the favour of your correspondence. The Science which we have bound ourselves to study for Life, you know to be immensely voluminous, perhaps intricate and involved, so that an arduous application to Books at Home, a critical observation of the Course of Practice, and the Conduct...
I have heard read your horrible Odo friede; although there are marks of genius & talents, which in so young man; if hereafter carefully cultivated and applied to more proper subjects, may produce something agreeable and useful, yet I can neither applaud or approve this kind of compositions in prose or verse They serve only to continue in the minds of men chimerical fantasies, which never...
The states of Holland and West Friesland have resolved, 28 March to admit Mr. Adams to an Audience. The inclosed Papers will shew what is going on here. You will hear much more of it. —I have yet no news of Charles’s Arrival. John is well—&c. British Ministry changed. RC ( Adams Papers ). “ I nclosed Papers” not found. The relevant passage in “the Resolutions of the Lords the States of Holland...
I have only Time to acquaint you that Congress have ordered the arrears of Pay to be discharged to the soldiers and one Months Advance Pay to be made. No Bounty nor any allowance for Lunar Months. I have a Thousand Things to say—But no Time. Our Army must be reconciled to these Terms, or We shall be ruined for what I know. The Expenses accumulating upon the Continent are so vast and boundless...
Upon my Arrival here, I found, M r Jay, in very delicate Health, in the midst of great affairs and without a Clerk. He told me, he had Scarcely Strength to draw up a State of the Negotiation hitherto, but that he must do it, for Congress. I offered him the Assistance which M r Thaxter could afford him, in Copying, which he accepted. M r Jay as well as D r Franklin and myself, are exceedingly...
I have recd your favour of March 8 with the Letter inclosed, for which I thank you. Inclosed is a Letter to one of your Domesticks Joseph Dougherty , Had you read the Papers inclosed they might have given you a moment of Melancholly or at least of Sympathy with a mourning Father. They relate wholly to the Funeral of a Son who was once the delight of my Eyes and a darling of my heart, cutt off...
In compliance with the request in one of the resolutions of Congress, of the 21st of December last, I transmitted a copy of those resolutions by my Secretary, Mr. Shaw, to Mrs. Washington, assuring her of the profound respect Congress will ever bear to her person and character; of their condolence in the late afflicting dispensation of Providence, and entreating her assent to the internment of...
I have the honor to inclose Copies of the Memorials, which I had the honor to present on the fourth instant to the President of their High Mightinesses, and to the Secretary of his most Serene High­ ness. The former has been published in English, French and Dutch; and has been favourably recieved by the Public: but the public Voice has not that Influence upon Government in any part of Europe,...
In the Morning rode a single Horse, in Company with Mrs. Cranch and Mrs. Adams in a Chaise, to Marblehead. The Road from Salem to Marblehead, 4 miles, is pleasant indeed. The Grass Plotts and Fields are delightfull. But Marblehead differs from Salem. The Streets are narrow, and rugged and dirty—but there are some very grand Buildings. Returned and din’d at Cranch’s—after dinner walked to...
I have received your favour of the 15th: with its inclosures. I thank you for the outline as well as the eulogy. I am sorry you had the trouble of transcribing the former, which I see was written as the Italians speak con amore . Speaking of the classification of Scholars in our Colledge, before the Revolution, you consider rank & wealth as anti-republican principles of precedence; Is this...
I have rec d. the favor of your’s of the 3 d. — There is nobody in Europe authorized to give American Papers to any Vessels.— We have given Passports to British Vessels in pursuance of the Articles of the Peace, but British Vessels alone wanted such Protection. Dutch Vessels have no need of them. Please to pay off the Accounts which you transmit me, in this Letter of the 3 d , take Receipts...
I recd, last night your pleasing Letter of the 9th of Aug. which is the latest date We have had from your Family. I have read Goldsmith too, this fall, and agree with you that his style is good but he was too intimate with Johnson to be impartial. Read Human and Smollet and all such Compends as you read Epick Poems and Romances. But you must consult original Writers to find the Truth. Smith...
I thank you for your New-Years letter of Benjamin Rush—As Agriculture is the Nursing Mother of us all - It cannot be too assidously cultivated - nor is it likely to be too much honored—while Mercantile profits are so much greater—and military glory is esteemed the highest glory The American is an Able writter—but I wish he had avoided so many appearances of endeavouring to Justify—or at least...
A Letter from General Washington, was received last Night by the President, which I read. It is dated the 29th. Yesterday. The Enemy are in Possession of the Head of Elke, a little Town, at the Head of the River Elke, in which they found a Quantity of Corn and Oats, belonging to the States. Waggons were so universally taken up, in conveying away the valuable Effects of the Inhabitants, that...
Since my Arrival in Europe I have had Reason to be very well Satisfied with my Reception, hitherto, in Spain, in France, and especially among the Americans in Europe. I have received Letters, from various Quarters of warm Congratulations and full of Professions, of Respect and offers of service. Such Letters I have had from Mr. Bondfield at Bordeaux, Mr. Williams and Mr. Johnson, and Mr....
You never rec d a Letter from Berlin but with Pleasure: and this I dare say will not be the first.— From Austins in a lowry Morning We proceeded to Hartford and dined at Bulls. A polite Invitation from the County Court to dine with them was declined, and We came on immediately to Squire Rileys. The Coachman thought it would be too hard upon the Horses to go to Wallingford I have now read all...