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Results 4151-4200 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Francis W. Gilmer Esq r in acct with the University of V a 1825 Feb 25 To this sum paid you per...
About the 1 st of March last, in a conversation with you on the subject of the appointment of a...
For the purpose of information, (concerning the late Indian Treaty and the disturbences which has...
I regret that, in consequence of the serious indisposition of a member of my family, which took...
M r C. Sigourney has the honour of enclosing to M r Jefferson a letter of introduction from M r...
Th: Jefferson presents his respects to mr and mrs Sigourney and his regrets that the state of his...
Of the fifty thousand Dollars lately deposited in the Virginia and Farmer’s bank in Richmond to...
In my lre of Apr. 13. I requested you to get any anatomical preparns executed which would, in...
Your favor of the 9 th has been duly recieved. our money is deposited in the bank of Virginia and...
I beg leave to introduce to your acquaintance & that of Mrs Madison, the bearer of this letter,...
The Count Vidua being on the eve of Departure & have shewn me M Du Ponceaus letter—I cannot...
I was in great hopes that yourself and mr Gilmer by comparing recollections might have brought...
Head injected so as to exhibit the course of the Carotids—as well as of the vertebral arteries A...
The rapid & prosperous advances made in this Country under a form of Government so different from...
I have the pleasure to enclose you Sales of 8 Hhds. Tobacco & also a Receipt for the nett...
The Book on “Public Education”, enclosed, has just been received here, under a Cover addressed to...
I did not receive yours of the 12th. in time to be answered by the last mail. My thoughts, as...
The only apology which I can plead, for troubling you with private business, at a moment when you...
Copy of the Proposal made to Mr Gilmer— I shall be perfectly satisfied if the Rector & visitors...
I have just had the pleasure of receiving your circular of the 13 th ins t respecting the...
Count Charles Vidûn, of Turin, who will have the honor of delivering you this Letter is one of...
I did not receive yours of the 12 th in time to be answered by the last mail. My thoughts, as...
I send you a newspaper paragraph of mine, which I have published with a view to do good. The...
Accept my thanks my Lady! for the friendly Letter which you did me the Honor to write on the 14...
A chronical complaint which has been troublesome for some time has within a few days become too...
Knowing that you take a deep interest in the affairs of the University of Virginia, I beg leave...
D r Dunglison. visits May 17. 18. 20. 21. 23. 25. 27. 30. June 3. 5. 7. 10. 11. 14. 20. 22, July...
Knowing how constantly you must be fatigued with unavoidable correspondents, I feel a reluctance...
I have duly rec d and considered your letter proposing to erect a distinct building for the...
Duty requiring my absence in attendance upon the Convention of our Church for a few days, my...
The object of the reguln you quote, in yours of the 13 th , against permission to stranger or...
Garrett Southall Wood Bonnycastle , — Key Long ViU .
I have duly recd. yours of the 10th. instant. Altho’ the Talk to the Indians was sent with a view...
I received by last mail yours of the 12th. inst. There was a good deal of excitement in the...
M r Brockenbrough is authorised and desired to execute a bond to John M Perry for 3600. D. 93...
Received of A. S Brockenbrough Proctor of the University of V a a Draft on the Bursar for Two...
I am under a thousand obligations to you, my Dear Sir, for the considerate aid of Wormley—since I...
Every offer of our Law chair has been declined, and a late renewal of pressure on Mr. Gilmer has...
¶ From Henry Dearborn. Letter not found. 13 May 1825. Calendared as a one-page letter in the...
It is against my inclination that I trouble you & only when the conduct of my charge shall oblige...
Every offer of our Law chair has been declined, and a late renewal of pressure on M r Gilmer has...
You have the Satisfaction of percieving from the Report of the Board of Managers, that the...
I have recd. your favor of the 22. Ult: with the several printed Sheets sent with it. It is very...
Mr Sullivan with best respects to President Madison regrets he had not opportunity to deliver the...
Having now entered upon experimental chemistry for the instruction of my class, I feel the...
I have considered attentively, My Dear Sir, the hystory of your sufferings consequent upon your...
If necessary & not otherwise M r Jefferson will aid the action of his bowels with injections for...
Your kind letter of the 15th. of March has remained too long on file unanswered. That of the 7th....
I received, with pleasure, your favor of the 2d Inst. enclosing your “Talk,” which I have, after...
I am favored with thy Letter of March 23. Soon after, or about the same time I wrote thee, I...