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Results 41491-41520 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Nothing Extraordinary has happened here since my last, neither have I received any Intelligence...
In a letter which I have been favoured with from his Excelly the cheva[lie]r De la Luzerne I am...
The enclosed memorial was referred from Congress to this board, who take the Liberty of...
It is not simply from being a Member of the Committee of Foreign Affairs that I take the Liberty...
Chantilly, 7 Feb. 1780 . Acknowledges letter and enclosures of 2 Jan. Intends to go into next...
I have the honor of enclosing you a Letter from our worthy friend Mr. Fabroni. A powerful fleet...
Nantes, 8–12 Feb. 1780 . Is still at Nantes but has been obliged to beg personal financial...
Morristown [ New Jersey ] February 8, 1780 . Sends instructions for paying for transportation of...
Morristown [ New Jersey ] February 8, 1780 . Asks whether a defensive or offensive campaign...
AL (draft) and two copies: Library of Congress Your kind Letter of Sept. 27. came to hand but...
Copy: Library of Congress I never say or heard of the Book you mention. If such a Work has been...
Copy: Library of Congress I received your favour of Nov. 2. in which I see you have started a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Humble Petition of the Mariners formerly belonging to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief Herewith I send you the...
LS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania May it please your Excellency, as we are ready to...
41506[Diary entry: 8 February 1780] (Washington Papers)
8th. A fall of nine or 10 Inches Snow in the Night from the No. Et. Wind continuing in the same...
41507General Orders, 8 February 1780 (Washington Papers)
The officers of the day having reported that the end of appointing reserve Picketts is not...
The inclosed is an Estimate of Ordnance and Ordnance Stores, which I think it expedient to have...
I have received your letter of this day inclosing Copy of one from Colo. Berry, representing the...
Inclosed is a return (as exact as I have been able to obtain) of the Artificers enlisted for...
As Mr Tichenor has very injudiciously prevented Genl Bayley Col. Bedle & Mr Jonathan Child from...
I have been honor’d with yours of 1st 2’d & 5th Instant. I am happy to hear that Some relief of...
I have now the honor to acknowledge that Your Excellency’s several Letters of the 25th & 27th of...
Inclosed is Copy of an Act of the Legislature of this State, the Governors order to me thereon,...
I received your favor of the 7th yesterday afternoon. As I can see no inconveniency from...
I have received your letter of the 26th brot down to the 29th of January with the papers annexed...
The first & second division of the Troops are arrived at this place; the third under command of...
AL : American Philosophical Society Les abbés Chalut et arnoux ont l’honneur de souhaiter le...
Copy: Library of Congress I have just received yours by Capt. Belt I shall Comply with his...
Copy: Library of Congress I received yours of the 27th. past, I congratulate you on the success...