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Results 41491-41520 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Copy: Public Record Office, Colonial Office Papers, 5/1295, pp. 296–413 Franklin’s efforts to settle the Assembly’s differences with the Proprietors by direct negotiations had ended in November 1758 with their reply to his Heads of Complaint and their refusal to deal further with him personally (above, VIII , 178–83, 193–4). Thereafter it became necessary to transfer the debate to more public...
Duplicate: American Philosophical Society I wrote a Line to you by the Pacquet, to let you know we were well, and I promis’d to write you fully per Capt. Budden, and answer all your Letters, which I accordingly now set down to do. I am concern’d that so much Trouble should be given you by idle Reports concerning me. Be satisfied, my dear, that while I have my Senses, and God vouchsafes me his...
ALS : Edward Laurence Doheny Memorial Library, St. John’s Seminary By the last Pacquet I sent you the Protests of two of your Bills, one for £200 the other for £100 drawn by Scot and McMichael on Messrs. Portis. My Banker informs me, that they now offer to pay the Money; and tho’ the Protests intitle us to 20 per Cent. from the Drawers, yet as I conceive from some Circumstances I have heard,...
Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society Yours, of the 28th of March, I received, owning the Receipt of a Bill for £200 Sterling, drawn by William Plumsted. The Brevier came safe to hand by Gibbon, looks very well, but sticks, when distributed, most intolerably. Believe it will turn out pretty perfect. By the Captains Falconer and Killner to London, I sent you the first and second...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania It is some time since I wrote—my last being of the 15th April since which I have recd yours 9th January 19. 21. 29 Feb and 11 March with several Copies. The Proprietors endeavouring to repeal our late Laws is what we might expect from their Conduct towards us for some Years past. But the Confusion the dissallowance of our Mony Act, and...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I receiv’d your Letters by Mr. Keene, and some others, which I shall answer fully by Capt. Faulkner, who sails in a few Days. By him I send the Eider Down Cover lid, and Bag for the Feet, which cost 12 Guineas; also the Camlet a second time for Sister Peter, to supply what was lost in Capt. House: with some other little things that I shall mention...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania It is some Time since I wrote last, which I perceive by Your last, was come to hand, being Dated on the 15th April past, Your Several Dates of 9th January, 19th, 21st 29th february and 11th March With Several Copies, got to me in Due Time, and a few Days Ago the 14th June by the Packet, it will be Needless to Say, That all the Letters by...
Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society I received yours, of the 14th of June, with two Protests inclosed for £300 Bills of Exchange, which I immediately presented to the Gentlemen they were drawn by, who seemed a good Deal surprised that they should have come back protested, and shewed me a Letter from the Portis’s telling them they had paid all their Draughts that had been presented...
ALS : Yale University Library The Mail was made up and sent for Falmouth on Saturday last, so that whether this may reach you by that Conveyance is uncertain. But as I imagine you must all be extremely anxious about the Fate of your very important Acts, and glad to know of every Thing relative to them from time to time, I have scribbled over as fast as possibly I could, two Papers which have...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania Above is Copy of my Last by Captain Friend. This incloses a second Bill of Exchange for £100—Sterl N 1876 drawn by Colonel J. Hunter on Messrs. Thomlinson &c. as it is uncertain whether our late Governor Denny will call and I do not certainly know when Capt. Hamet (by whom I purpose to send this) will sail) I shall send it to Town to be...
Draft: American Philosophical Society Since you are pleas’d to say you shall be glad of a Line from me I will find Leisure. In my Letter to my Mother, I mention’d I had a Question to ask you. It is this, What is the reason the Water at this place becomes warm by pumping tho it is not so at the spring? Pardon my Impertinence. Goodnatur’d persons have always more impos’d on them than others; yet...
41502Order in Council, 2 September 1760 (Franklin Papers)
DS (two) and copy: Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission On July 4, 1760, Francis Eyre, Robert Charles and Franklin’s solicitor, drew up and presented on behalf of his clients a petition to the King in Council asking to be heard in opposition to the Board of Trade report on the nineteen Pennsylvania acts. Then Eyre prepared “long Observations on the Report being 8 close Brief Sheets,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society As I am no Stranger to the frequency of Petitions that sometimes interrupt your Retirement; I have been ever very cautious not to encrease the Number, by a too liberal Use of the Priveledge you favoured me with; of Recommending my Friends and Acquaintances. But as the worthy Gentleman Mr. Benjn Franklin of Philadelphia—the Bearer of this; is a Person every...
ALS : Library of Congress I have your agreable Letter from Bristol, which I take this first Leisure Hour to answer, having for some time been much engag’d in Business. Your first Question, What is the Reason the Water at this Place, tho’ cold at the Spring, becomes warm by Pumping? it will be most prudent in me to forbear attempting to answer, till, by a more circumstantial Account, you assure...
ALS and draft: American Philosophical Society Such a Letter is indeed the highest Compliment. What you conclude it with I should think too far strain’d to be sincere if I did not flatter myself it proceeded from the warmth of your Affection, which makes you see Merit in me that I do not possess. It would be too great Vanity to think I deserve the Encomiums you give me, and it would be...
LS : American Philosophical Society My particular friend Benjamin Franklin Esqr. and his Son of Philadelphia intending in a tour they are going to take to call at Bristol I take the liberty to recommend them to your notice, whose personal merit is so well known that I need add nothing farther, but that I am with great esteem your obliged Friend—if they should have occasion for any money please...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I recommend to my Dear Friend Capple Hanbury my Worthy Ingenious Friends the Bearers Mr. Franklin and his Son—pray Oblige them with a Sight of all your Curious Operations In Iron and Tinn. I need not say more your Hospitality I know and your Good Ladys to whom I Devote my Friends—and am yours Affectionatly Addressed: To / Capel Hanbury Esqr / at / Pont Pool...
LS : American Philosophical Society I beg leave to recommend to your Notice the Bearer Mr. Shippen, who intends to reside some Time in Edinburgh for his Improvement in Physick and Surgery. He is the Son of a particular Friend of mine in Philadelphia, and bears himself the Character of an ingenious sober and discreet young Man, which persuades me that any Countenance you may show him will not...
ALS : Western Reserve Historical Society It gave me great Pleasure to learn from Dr. Robertson, that you and Lady Dick and your lovely Bairns, were all well and happy. Now that the long Litigation between our Province and the Proprietaries, which I had the Care of, is finished, I hope to be a better and more punctual Correspondent. My Time will be more my own. I am in debt to my Friends in...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania Since my Last 24 and 27 August which acknowledged your Several Letters to the 14 of June last I have received the 27th and PS. 29 June and Copy with addition of the 12th July. These acknowledgments of Dates may be satisfactory to know what Letters have fal’n [fallen] into right Hands for it is certain some of those wrote by Captain House got...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania Since my last of the 24th and PS of the 29th of June last I have received the 27 and P S 29 June and Duplicate with Addition of the 12th of July–with a long Letter from your Son of the 15th and Duplicate from yourself of the 12th and Addition of the 17th of July with the Report of the Board partial and...
ALS : Royal Society of Edinburgh I have too long postpon’d answering your obliging Letter, a Fault I will not attempt to excuse, but rather rely on your Goodness to forgive it if I am more punctual for the future. I am oblig’d to you for the favourable Sentiments you express of the Pieces sent you; tho’ the Volume relating to our Pensilvania Affairs, was not written by me, nor any Part of it,...
ALS : Scottish Record Office We are here upon a Journey which when first proposed was to have extended farther than the Season will now permit; we design’d going over to Ireland, and, having made the Tour of that Country, we were to have cross’d from its Northern Part to Dumfries, or some other Port on your Coast, which would have given us the pleasing Opportunity of seeing once more our...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I wrote Yesterday but Joshua Howell calling to let me know he was just going to N York to take his leave of our Friend Christopher Kilby, I shall enclose this and request my old Friend C. Kilby to take the trouble of delivering it and wish him a good Voyage. I sent by way of Bristol in my above mentiond Letter a Copy of our Bill for...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I wrote on the 26 and 27 of 7 br. last the First via Bristol and the other intended by our Friend C Kelby who is taking shipping at NY . in the 1st I sent our Agent Bill and the Governors proposed Amendments copied by the Clerk and in the other the Vindication of the Commissioner and Assessors of Cumberland County against the Representation...
Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society Yours I received by the Philadelphia Packet, Captain Budden, relating to the two protested Bills of Scott and McMichael’s; but I had got them renewed, with the Damages, and sent them off, before yours came to hand; however, that does not signify much, as the last Sett, of Course, will not be presented for Payment. I am glad to find, as you will...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania Since the above, Duplicate of my Last, I have received yours by the Packet of the 22d and PS 23d of August with the inclosed Papers which bring us down to a preparation for a Hearing upon our Acts on the 27th. where, on this Side the Water, we must leave the Issue under Providence to your Care of which we have no Doubt; I am, however, pleased...
ALS : The Royal Society Having procur’d some thin Glass Balls of about an Inch and a half in Diameter, with Stems, or Tubes of eight or nine Inches in length, I electrified them, some positively on the inside, and others negatively, after the manner of charging the Leyden Bottle, and sealed them hermetically. Soon after, I applied the naked Balls to my Electrometer, and could not discover the...
ADS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania State of the Transaction at the Exchequer, relating to the Parliamentary Grant for the Year 1758 The Sum given to Pennsylvania and the Lower Counties jointly, for their 2727 Men, is £29,993 0 0 By General Abercrombie’s Report, there were of these effective Men in the Field, From Pennsylvania 2446 From Lower Counties 281 2727 Therefore the Proportion to...
ALS : The Royal Society What pass’d at the Society last Thursday night, was chiefly, a Motion for an Address to the King, which was agreed to, and a Committee appointed to make a Draft. The Society adjourn’d to Monday night, to hear the Address and agree upon it, which was also done. On Thursday next at the Meeting we are to be inform’d when it is to be presented. I hope I shall have the...