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Results 41491-41520 of 184,431 sorted by author
Newport [ Rhode Island ] July 15, 1793 . “By the last post I recd. your letters of the 25th, 28th and 29th of the last month.… I shall be attentive to, and inquisitive about the circumstances of vessels which shall sail to foreign ports without delivering up their licenses, as required in the second, and for the answer to my question concerng. captured vessels contained in your letter of the...
Newport [ Rhode Island ] July 6, 1794 . “I have recd. your Circular letter of the 17th of the last month.… I have also recd. your letter of the 26th. of the same month advising me that you had remitted the penalty incurred by George W. Topham. If that case required some penalty I do not perceive how any part of it could have fallen upon the goods; for by the Proviso in the 33 Sec: of the...
[ Newport, Rhode Island, January 25, 1791. “… By the last Post I received the substitute hydrometer with the apparatus which you transmitted, with your letter of the 18th of the last month, and a description of Dycas’s Hydrometer, with directions for the use of it, and directions also for the use of the Substitute.…” LC , Newport Historical Society, Newport, Rhode Island. “Treasury Department...
This will be accompanied by a duplicate of my letter to you of the 14th. of Octr. last. In your last letter dated Decr. 12th., which I recd. on the 23d., you mention that “No letter of the 14th. of October has been received from you at this office a Duplicate will therefore be requisite.” In your letter of the 17th. of Novr. last you say “your letter of the 14th. ulto . remains to be answered”...
[ Newport, Rhode Island ] August 6, 1792 . “I have recd. your Circular Letter of the 6th of February last, and three other letters of the 21. 25. & 26 of the last month.…” LC , Newport Historical Society, Newport, Rhode Island. See Ellery to H, July 10, 1792 . None of these letters have been found.
I received your letter of the 31st. of last month on the 12th of this. It will be impossible for me to give the names of persons of this State suitable for 1st. 2nd. & 3d. mates of the Cutter now building in Connecticut by this Post. I will do it the next. When I sent forward a statement of the Cases of Hezekiah Usher & George Usher I was unacquainted with some circumstances which appeared on...
[ Newport, Rhode Island ] June 3, 1793 . “When Aaron Usher returned I made all the inquiry I could into the cause of his departure from the American coast, and the sale of his Vessel at Port au Prince. I asked for his protest. He answered he had made none. I told him it would have been proper to have made one at Hispaniola. He said it might; but it would have cost him as much as his vessel was...
Newport [ Rhode Island ] August 8, 1791 . “… On the 4th. of this month arrived here the Sloop Dove Pardon T. Slocum master from Surinam and imported among other articles one hogshead and one barrel of Pumpings. Pumpings is a compound of the drainings from casks of sugar in the holds of vessels, and bilge water; which being pumped up is preserved in casks for sale. By distillation it yields...
[ Newport, Rhode Island ] April 23, 1792 . “I have written so fully already respecting the Provision necessary for the payment of drawbacks, that I have only to add to what I wrote on the 17th instant, that John Cooke’s & Caleb Gardner’s bonds are both paid. I have not had the pleasure of receiving a line from you by the two last Posts. I hope next friday to receive authority from you to...
At the Session of the Genl. Assembly, which ended the last week, I desired a leading member of the Lower House to move for a Cession of the Light House &c to the United States, if he should think the motion would succeed. He conversed with some members of the Upper House upon the subject who had formerly opposed it, they said there was time enough to cede hereafter, and thought it best to hold...
Newport [ Rhode Island ] January 31, 1791 . “… Imported, dutiable goods are exported to draw back the duty, and for want of a market are returned, may they be entered and landed on the duties being paid upon them or secured to be paid? The law respecting Drawbacks doth not appear to me to have had such cases in contemplation. I wish for your opinion on this subject. Nathan Saunders Master of...
In my last of the 8th of this month I gave you an account of the departure of two Vessels belonging to Providence for foreign Ports in defiance of the embargo, the names of those Vessels and of their masters and the places to which they were respectively bound. One of them, the Brig Maria is owned by Samuel Butler, and Samuel Butler junior, Cyrus Butler, Seth Wheaton and Richard Jackson junr....
Newport [ Rhode Island ] August 19, 1794 . “The Sloop Aurora Hersey Bradford of Bristol master arrived not long since at the Port of Bristol in this District from the Port of Boston without a Register, or Enrollment and License, but with a Certified manifest from the Custom house there. By said proceeding both the Vessel and her cargo became subject to seizure and forfeiture; and upon Notice...
Newport [ Rhode Island, August 1–6 ] 1794 . “On the 9th. day of May last the Schooner Harmony of Somerset whereof Preserved Pierce now is master or commander, an enrolled and licensed vessel arrived in this Port from Somerset in the District of Dighton laden with the produce and manufacture of the United States and desired to be endorsed master of said Vessel. I asked him for his papers, upon...
In compliance with your request I now reply to Capt Wanton’s letter to the President. The Schooner Boyne did not arrive here at 10 o’clock A.M. the first day of April, nor did the Custom house boat bring her Register ashore, and deliver it to the Collector at 4 o’clock P.M. The Inspector, who went on board, declares that She arrived between 12 and 1 o’clock, and that the Captain came ashore...
Newport [ Rhode Island ] October 25, 1790 . “I received your letter of the 7th.,… with the Act of the United States therein enclosed. … Your idea is perfectly right that the Light money mentioned by me was for the purpose of supporting the Light-House establishments in this State, and distinct from the imposition you refer to to which Congress have declared their consent.… I have delivered to...
[ Newport, Rhode Island ] January 16, 1792 . States that expenses for the customs office and officers as well as the allowance on exported domestic spirits will exceed expected receipts. Wishes “to know whether under the above circumstances any further deposits should be made in the Bank of Providence until those allowances shall be discharged.” LC , Newport Historical Society, Newport, Rhode...
Inclosed is the form of the bond and oath given and taken by the Exporters of Distilled Spirits in this District. Please to revise, and correct them, and return them, or to furnish me with other forms as soon as may be convenient. It is made a question whether by the addition to the provisions contained in the fortieth and forty-first Sects. of the Act intituled an Act to prove more...
[ Newport, Rhode Island ] November 8, 1790 . “… In my letter of the 12th. of July I expressed a wish that the fees for every service had been precisely ascertained. I hope that this will take place in the new Coasting Act.…” LC , Newport Historical Society, Newport, Rhode Island. Printed in this volume. See Ellery to H, September 20, 1790, note 1 (printed in this volume).
Newport [ Rhode Island ] March 19, 1792 . “By the last Post I received a Letter from the Comptroller, inclosing a Statement of my Account from the first of July to the 30th. Septr 1791, by which I find that my charge for Scales & weights for the Port of Bristol … was rejected being unauthorized by you. Scales & Weights were absolutely necessary for that Port.… Please, Sir, to signify your...
Yesterday at noon I received by Express via Providence the Resolution of Congress of the 18 of this month continuing the present Embargo until the 25th. day of May next, and also the Resolution relative to the Embargo of the second of this month. On Tuesday last towards evening the Ship Britannia of London Edward Redman master arrived here under convoy the Bomb Ketch Vesuvius mounted with 12...
The 21st. of this month I received a thermometer which by your direction was sent to me from New york by Mr. Lamb. By some accident the bulb was broken in its way from Philadelphia to this place. It came broken to me. As it was made at Philadelphia, and I suppose the maker is furnished with spare tubes I have remitted it to Mr. Lamb with a request that he would transmit it immediately to you....
I had the honour of receiving your letter of the 19th. the currt. with the Acts of the United States, and the copies of circular letters which accompanied it. I have not had time as yet to peruse them. I mean to read them with attention, and to act conformably to them. I wish that the forms of the papers to be used in the Custom Houses had been drawn, and transmitted by you to the several...
[ Newport, Rhode Island ] May 7, 1792. “I have received your letter of the 25th of the last month and have borrowed and received of the Supervisor Two thousand, three hundred and thirty three dollars, which will be sufft. to pay all the drawbacks which are due. To preclude the possibility of any delay the Surpervisor on the Receipt of your letter dispatched his Clerk to this place for the...
My last letter to the late Commrs of the Treasury was dated June 9th 1789. to which I received no answer, nor have I received any information from them since the 25th. of May last, and that was in a letter from their Secry. Not receiving any letter from them after the meeting of Congress under the New-Government; not from you since you was placed at the head of the Treasury, and Congress not...
Last friday evening I was informed that a Sloop stripped of her sails lay in a small harbour called Slocum’s harbour in Nashawina islands, which as I am told is about 15 miles from the main land, and about 7 or 8 miles from Marthas vineyard and about forty miles from this place. The circumstances of a vessel stripped at this season of the year, and the place where she lay induced a suspicion...
The Schooner Lydia Peleg Saunders master burthen 34 26/95 tons arrived here from the Port of Stonington in the District of New London on the 12th. of this month, with a cargo consisting of fifteen hhds. of West India Rum, One box and one kegg of medicine and eight cords of oak wood; without a manifest or permit. The Schooner was duely enrolled and licensed. The master produced to the office...
Newport [ Rhode Island ] June 26, 1791 . Encloses weekly return and requests Hamilton “Please to inform me for what ports or places Consuls are appointed, and of the names of the Consuls for the respective places.” LC , Newport Historical Society, Newport, Rhode Island.
Newport [ Rhode Island ] July 12, 1790 . “… I have read over the circular letter which contains the opinion of two eminent lawyers … which respects the exemption of Vessels under twenty tons from paying fees for their licences.… if Licensed Vessels under Twenty tons may trade between the difft. districts of the United States, or carry on the bank or whale fisheries … it would seem to me that a...
Newport [ Rhode Island ] August 9, 1790 . Asks whether drawbacks are allowable on pickled fish which has been imported, repacked, and then exported to the West Indies. LC , Newport Historical Society, Newport, Rhode Island. For H’s reply to this question, see “Report on Defects in the Existing Laws of Revenue,” April 22, 1790 ( PAH Harold C. Syrett, ed., The Papers of Alexander Hamilton (New...