Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Henry Duncan, 22 April 1806

Louisville 22nd. Apl. 1806.

D Sir,

Observing a Statement in a late Columbia Paper, wherein it appears that Certain Charges were Exhibited against the present Post Master Genl. and it appearing Doubtful what may be the Event,—On having a Conference with Mr. Isaac Miller and Mr. Nicholas M Jowizthey have Recommended me to enclose the Papers, directed to the Post Master Genl to you and in Case there Shou’d be any alteration in the Event above alluded to, that from thier Personal acquaintance with you that you wou’d place it in its Proper Chanel.

I Hope Sir you will not take this proceeding amiss as the Causes above Stated I hope will be a Sufficient Apology I have left the letter Directed to the Post Master Genl. Open Subject to yr. Inspection which you will Please to Close & put in its Proper Chanel So it may not be miscarried—Y[. . .]

Henry Duncan

DLC: Papers of Thomas Jefferson.

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