41461To George Washington from Jonathan Trumbull, Sr., 12 January 1781 (Washington Papers)
James Wilson a soldier of this State on duty at Horseneck, was placed a Sentinel over Nathan Frink a notorious traitor to the States, who had been taken in arms against the same. Frink found means to bribe Wilson to suffer his escape—and both went off together—After this Wilson was taken from the enemy—tried by a Court martial, and sentenced to suffer death—While this sentence was sent to me...
41462To George Washington from Burgess Ball, 27 May 1794 (Washington Papers)
For a considerable time past I have been in a bad State of Health, and to endeavour to regain it I took a Trip to Alexandria to put myself under the direction of Doctor Craik, & from thence made a Visit to Fredericksbg—I thank God, I find myself mendg, but have so little appetite I regain my flesh very slowly. I saw Mr Pearce 2 or 3 times, and being inform’d by him that he had only sowed about...
41463To John Adams from C. W. F. Dumas, 25 September 1787 (Adams Papers)
Ce pays est conquis & soumis au vainqueur. Il ne manque plus que la soumission d’Amsterdam; & je ne vois pas de meilleur parti qu’elle puisse prendre pour sa conservation. En l’attendant, nous som̃es ici à la merci à tous moments de la populace & du soldat. Le pouvoir exàcutif & judiciaire ne nous protege guere. J’ai sauvé jusqu’ici ma personne, famille & maison de la destruction, en ayant...
41464William Temple Franklin to John Adams and John Jay, 22 November 1781 (Jay Papers)
Since the Letter I had the honour of writing to your Excellency on the 19 th . Inst, the Duke de Lauzun is arrived at Versailles from Virginia, with the glorious News of the combined Force of America & France having forced General Cornwallis to capitulate. The English Garrison marched out of York Town on the 19 th of Oct r . with the honour of War, & laid down their Arms: the Troops consisted...
41465To George Washington from Robert Carter Nicholas, 20 February 1777 (Washington Papers)
My Son, Majr Nicholas, of the 10th Regiment embodied in Virginia, will have the Honor of presenting you with this Letter. Presuming on the Intimacy & Frindship I have had the Pleasure of cultivating with you, I take the Liberty of recommending him to your Countenance & Civilities. He stept forth very young in the Service of his Country & I trust will ever continue warmly devoted to her truest...
41466To George Washington from Major General Benedict Arnold, c.18 April 1779 (Washington Papers)
Agreable to your Excellencys advice to me when at Camp, I requested of Congress to appoint a Committe to Examine into the Charges aledg’d against me by the Presdt and Council of this State; my request was complied with, the Report of the Committe I have taken the liberty to Inclose, after peruseing it Your Excellency will doubtless be suprised to find Congress have directed a Court Martial to...
41467Memorandum from Edmund Randolph, 17 May 1793 (Washington Papers)
The attorney general has the honor of submitting to the President the following opinion. It appears, that a privateer has been equipped and commissioned at Charleston in South Carolina, under the authority of the French government; and was at the same time manned in part by American citizens: that on the high seas she captured an English vessel; and that both of them are now in the port of...
41468To Thomas Jefferson from Jacob Wagner, 30 December 1805 (Jefferson Papers)
Note. The instructions of Mr. Lear were sent to the Senate with the Treaty. The cooperation of the Exile was to cost no more than 20,000 dollars at the utmost, but it was referred to as little important. In the Departt. of State , there is no information whether the Exile’s family have been restored. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
41469From James Madison to James Barbour, 10 February 1826 (Madison Papers)
Col: McKenney supposing that the favorable opinion I formed of him during my long residence in Washington may corroborate the confidence & friendly dispositions he flatters himself you have derived from a more temporary acquaintance, I can not refuse him the justice of saying that I always regarded him as a very intelligent upright & patriotic Citizen: and that his official conduct was...
41470To James Madison from Albert Gallatin, [ca. 17 February] 1813 (Madison Papers)
It is necessary to open immediately the loan as we have not money enough to last us more than one month. I enclose for your signature the usual authority. The terms which it is intended to offer are to give for every 100 dollars loaned, six per cent stock to that amount & in addition thereto an annuity of one dollar a year for thirteen years. That annuity is equivalent to a premium of about 8½...
41471From James Madison to Aaron Burr, 11 December 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
11 December 1803, Department of State. “J. Madison presents his respects to the vice-president, who will find in the enclosed the information afforded by the office of state on the subject of former amendments to the Constitution. Mr. Beckley recollects, that in one of the instances, copies equal to the number of the states were made out in the clerk’s office of the House of Representatives....
41472To John Adams from François Adriaan Van der Kemp, 6 October 1815 (Adams Papers)
I will trÿ to answer your very kind favour of Sept. 3—as the chilly weather and a violent pain in my Shoulder, occasioned by having yesterday worked to excess, and imprudently exposed myself to rain, without changing cloaths, when returning home, for which I now do penance, forbids to do a great deal in mÿ garden. Was your residence nearer I would Soon forget pain, recruit my Strenght, and...
41473From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 6 June 1787 (Madison Papers)
The day fixed for the meeting of the Convention was the 14th. ult. On the 25th. and not before seven States were assembled. General Washington was placed unâ voce in the chair. The Secretaryship was given to Major Jackson. The members present are from Massachussetts Mr. Gherry, Mr. Ghorum, Mr. King, Mr. Strong. From Connecticut Mr. Sherman Docr. S. Johnson, Mr. Elseworth. From N. York Judge...
41474From Thomas Jefferson to William Short, 1 July 1790 (Jefferson Papers)
A bill has past two readings in the Senate for removing the seat of government immediately to Philadelphia, there to remain ten years, and then to be established permanently in Georgetown. It is to receive it’s third reading to-day, and tho’ it depends on a single vote, yet I believe we may count surely that it will pass that house. As it originated there, it will then have to pass the lower...
41475To Benjamin Franklin from [Turgot], 3 October 1778 (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society Madame Helvetius me charge, Monsieur, de vous demander si vous serés libre samedi prochain 10 pour aller chéz Mr. De St Lambert avec elle. Si vous n’étes pas libre, elle vous prie de me mander le premier jour où vous le serés, afin qu’elle propose ce jour la a Mr. De St Lambert. Je me chargerai de lui faire savoir votre reponse. Vous connoissés, Monsieur,...
41476James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 12 February 1819 (Jefferson Papers)
I have not been able to learn a tittle of your health since I saw you . It has, I hope, been entirely re-established; I congratulate you on the success of the Report to the Legislature on the subject of the University . It does not yet appear what steps have been taken by the Governor towards giving effect to the law . Will you be so good as to have the inclosed forwarded when convenient to M...
41477[Diary entry: 27 February 1773] (Washington Papers)
27. Mr. Fairfax—Mr. Tilghman & Mr. Alexander went away after Breakfast. I contind. at home all day alone.
41478VIII. Daniel Carroll to the Secretary of State, 27 January 1791 (Jefferson Papers)
I had the ho[nour to re]ceive your favor, covering the Commission which includes my name in the appointment, for carrying into effect the Location of the permanent Seat of Government. It wou’d be as unnecessary, Sir, to confess the pleasure I shou’d feel in giving my Little aid for a purpose so consonant to my wishes for the public good, as I hope it is, to assure the President of the Value I...
41479[From Thomas Jefferson to Henry Skipwith, 26 December 1783] (Jefferson Papers)
[ Annapolis, 26 Dec. 1783 . Entry in SJL reads: “H. Skipw. Genl’s audience—European news—danger of not having 9 states—Queries about white negroes. Patsy well disposed of—my ill health.” Not found, but see Skipwith’s reply, 20 Jan. 1784.]
41480From George Washington to John Hanson, 28 May 1782 (Washington Papers)
That Congress may be possessed of such Information as I have been able to obtain from New York at this critical Moment, I do myself the Honor to transmit to your Excellency, the inclosed Extracts from sundry Letters of Intelligence which have been lately handed to me from different Quarters. With great Respect and Regard I have the Honor to be sir Your Excellency’s Most Obedt and most hume...
41481John Martin Baker to Thomas Jefferson, 19 June 1811 (Jefferson Papers)
I have the Honor to Enclose herewith a packet delivered to me at Cagliary by the professor Director General of His Sardinian Majesty’s Cabinet of Natural History , at Said place, which accompanies a Box Containing Natural Petre productions of the mentioned Island — which will be forwarded to you sir, by William R Lee Esq e Collector at Salem — who will at the same time Send on One quarter Cask...
41482From George Washington to Timothy Pickering, 10 August 1783 (Washington Papers)
A Detachment of about 500 Men is to be sent to garrison the western Posts—A supply of Camp Equipage, also a considerable number of good Axes & Hatchets, with a few setts of Blacksmith’s, Armourer’s & Carpenter’s Tools will be wanted for the Troops, which may be employed on this Service—I must request you will immediately have these things provided, or repaired in the best manner, together with...
41483Ellen W. Randolph (Coolidge) to Martha Jefferson Randolph, [ca. 10 November 1816] (Jefferson Papers)
We were a good deal disappointed at not recieving letters from some of the family in the large pacquet which came to Grandpapa from Monticello ; one of the girls might have written to let us know that you were all well— Grandpapa We expect to be with you the last of the Month and in the mean time are making very good use of our time; I have got through the Syntax, & have finished Corderi ....
41484To John Jay from Sarah Livingston Jay, 21 January 1783 (Jay Papers)
Immediately upon the rec t . of your letter of the 18 th ., I sent to request the favor of M r . Whitford’s company a few minutes & communicated to him y r . sentiments of the horse. he promised to mount him & give me his opinion after the tryal, but as the signing the preliminary articles yesterday was an interesting event, he seem’d himself too much agitated to execute his intention— This...
41485From James Madison to Albert Gallatin, 30 October 1807 (Madison Papers)
I have the honor to request that you cause a remittance of Thirteen hundred & eighty eight pounds, ninteen shillings & two pence stg: to be made to William Lyman, Consul of the United States at London; for the purpose of paying the balance still due to Robert Slade and the other Proctors employed by the United States in relation to prize causes. The remittance to be made out of the...
41486To George Washington from Colonel Stephen Moylan, 29 June 1778 (Washington Papers)
within three miles of Midletown, we attackd a party of the enemy, this morning and took one Captain one Lieut. and one Ensign, with two privats, prisoners, & Killd a few more, the Brittish army is expected at that place this day or to morrow. quarters are taken for Gen. Clinton at Midletown, and for Lord Cornwallis at the place where we made the attack, which I suppose will be the rear of...
41487To George Washington from Henry Knox, 16 August 1793 (Washington Papers)
I have the honor to submit, a letter received from James Seagrove Esqr: dated the 6th of July —and two letters from the Governor of Georgia of the 24th & 30th of the same month, with their enclosures. I am Sir, Most respectfully, Your very humble Servt LS , DLC:GW ; LB , DLC:GW . In his letter to Knox of 6 July, Indian agent James Seagrove wrote that the murder of David Cornell, a Creek Indian...
41488From Thomas Jefferson to Mingo Mattaha and Tishoo Hooluhta, 7 March 1805 (Jefferson Papers)
I am happy to recieve you at the seat of the government of the twenty two nations, and to take you by the hand. your friendship to the Americans has long been known to me. our fathers have told us, that your nation never spilled the blood of an American, and we have seen you fighting by our side , & cementing our friendship by mixing our blood in battle against the same enemies. I rejoice...
41489The Baron von Thulemeier to the American Commissioners, 4 March 1785 (Adams Papers)
Les Ordres du Roi dont je me trouve actuellement muni, me mettent à même de répondre plus amplement à la lettre dont Vous m’avez. honoré, Messieurs, en dernier lieu, et dont je Vous ai accusé l’entrée par la mienne du 11. Fevrier. Sa Majesté Se persuade que l’établissement d’un ou de deux ports francs seroit absolument inutile, d’après la réflexion très juste que Messieurs les...
41490To George Washington from William Livingston, 18 March 1778 (Washington Papers)
I trust your Excellency will excuse me for obtruding my Sentiments on a Subject to which I profess myself altogether incompetent. I cannot but think that some of the light Horse would be more advantageously stationed in Gloucester & Salem than at this Place & New-German Town in Jersey, not only because Grain & forage is more plenty in the former, than in the latter which have been almost...