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Results 41461-41490 of 184,431 sorted by author
Newport [ Rhode Island ] July 11, 1791 . “… Inclosed is a statement of the case of the Brig Seven Brothers, and of the case of Joseph Finch late master of her. I have applied to the Carpenter who covered the Light-House to examine the condition of it. He could not attend this business the last week, but said he will attend it this and make report.” LC , Newport Historical Society, Newport,...
[ Newport, Rhode Island ] March 11, 1794 . “I acknowledge the Rect. of your [letter] respectg. the case of Saml. Pearsal jr. master of the Sloop Nancy of Fairfield, and now represent the case of George W. Topham master of the Sloop Sarah Ann of Newport, a Registered vessel without a License. She arrived here on sunday last, and the next day the master came to the Custom house and produced a...
I received a letter from the Surveyor of the Port of Warren some time ago inclosing a letter from you of the 13th. of Decr. 1790. relative to the lawful portion of the compensations the Surveyors are respectively to receive for their services. It is I am sensible my duty to pay them their lawful portions of fees received by me; but a dispute has arisen between the Surveyors of Warren &...
I have recd. your letter of the 31st. of the last month respecting the Sloop Polly of Sandwich. On the 30th. of last June I received a letter from the Collector of Barnstable, informg. me of the seizure he had made, and of the departure of said Sloop for Providence with some articles of foreign produce, as he supposed concealed under a deck load of pine wood. I immediately directed the...
I am informed by the Surveyor of the Port of No. Kingstown, that it is common for fishing Vessels belonging to that Port to bring grindstones, and the masters of them declare that the rough Stones are taken from shores in the Brith. Dominions as ballast and manufactured by the hands on board on their passage home. On this information permit me to raise the following questions. Supposing on...
Newport [ Rhode Island ] January 3, 1792 . “The Light House has been repaired.… I wish for your opinion on this Question. Is a master of a vessel who is convicted of swearing falsly thereby disqualified from acting in future in that capacity?” LC , Newport Historical Society, Newport, Rhode Island. See Ellery to H, July 18 , November 11, 1791 .
Newport [ Rhode Island ] September 14, 1790 . “… The Genl. Assembly of this State at their Session in Bristol, the last week repealed the Acts of the State relative to the Light House, and it is now expected that I should see that the light is kept.… I have engaged William Martin … to take care of it … until I shall have received directions from you. Nothing was done by the Genl. Assembly...
Newport [ Rhode Island ] August 13, 1792 . “I have received your Circular letters of the 20th of the 22nd. (inclosg. a copy of a letter to you from the Atty. General of the 21st. of June) and of the 23d. of the last month. With regard to the last, I am happy to find that I had construed the Post office Act rightly.…” LC , Newport Historical Society, Newport, Rhode Island. “An Act to establish...
[ Newport, Rhode Island ] November 11, 1793 . “On friday last the Surveyor for the Port of Bristol by my direction seized the Schooner Hannah of Bristol Samuel Townsend master last from St Croix for running a number of Hogsheads of Rum amounting in value to upwards of four hundred dollars.… The seizure was made in pursuance of an information made by two inhabitants of Tiverton in this State....
[ Newport, Rhode Island ] July 16, 1792 . “I have recd. your letter of the 25 of June last, advising me that my accounts as Superintendant of the Light house on James Town Island from the 13th. of Sept. to 31st. of Decr. 1791 have been adjusted at the Treasy. and that there is stated to be due from the United States to me the Sum of Seven hundred and thirty seven dollars & fifty three and one...
Newport [ Rhode Island ] December 20, 1791 . “… I transmitted to the bank of Providence by water last friday seven thousand Dollars under the care of an Inspector. The money arrived safe but he has not had an opportunity to return with the Cashiers Receipts. I expect him this day, and will send on a receipt by the first post.” LC , Newport Historical Society, Newport, Rhode Island.
I have received your Circular of the 21st. of last month, and shall observe your directions contained in it. I have also received your letter of the 23d. of the same month with the marginal part of Certife. of Registry No. 60. I wish to know whether cancelled bonds for Registers may be delivered up to the obligors, or destroyed. I don’t know that they can be of any use after cancelment, and...
Just after I had recd. the Resoln. laying an Embargo I was informed that there were in this Port two vessels which were cleared out at Providence for foreign Ports. I desired the Surveyor to inform the masters of them that they were under an Embargo, and must not proceed on their voyages. He did same. They waited upon me. I read the Act to them, told them that they might return to Providence;...
I have received two pressing letters, one from the Surveyor of the Port of Warren & Barrington and the other from the Surveyor of the Port of East-Greenwich respecting boats for their Ports, extracts from which I now present to you. “Agreeably to your request, (writes Mr. Phillips) I shall describe the Port of Warren and Barrington, and the parts adjoining. The Port of Warren lies on Palmer’s...
[ Newport, Rhode Island ] June 4, 1792 . “I have received your letter circular of the 22nd. of the last month and will correspond in future with the Commissioner of the Revenue touching all matters relating to the Light house establishment and take his directions thereon.…” LC , Newport Historical Society, Newport, Rhode Island.
In answer to your letter of the 19th and that part of your letter of the 26th of the last month which respects fictitious sales &c permit me to observe, that I had been seasonably informed by the Colle. of Providence District of the delinquencies of Mr. Arnold respectg. a certain bond, that I had reason to suspect that he intended to transfer his property in the Samuel to Stephen Dexter, and...
I very lately received a letter from Col. Greene inclosing an arrangement of his battalion. Agreeably to his request I laid it before the board of war, and am informed that the papers respecting it were transmitted to your excellency. This, and the finishing the arrangement of the Army being committed to you, render it, I presume, not improper that I should inclose both the letter and...
Newport [ Rhode Island ] January 9, 1792 . “This will be accompd. by a Statement of the case of Josh. Elliott master of the Sloop Industry from St Martins and destined for the district of New Haven.… It appears to me … that it was the intention of the Legislature that the manifest should be made out before the vessels departure from a foreign port for the United States, but as this is not...
[ Newport, Rhode Island ] January 14, 1794 . “I am much obliged by the assurances that the Object of my letter of the 26th. of Novr. will be duly attended to, communicated in your letter of the 28th. of the last month. I have transmitted to the Cashier of the Provid. bank seven thousand dolls, and expect to receive duplicate Rects therefor by the next Post.…” LC , Newport Historical Society,...
[ Newport, Rhode Island ] June 16, 1794 . “I acknowledge the receipt on the 13th of this month of your Circular letter of the 28th. of the last month.… I have also received your letter by Mr. Malbone respectg. the Applicatn. of Messrs. Gibbs and Channing.” LC , Newport Historical Society, Newport, Rhode Island. Letter not found, but see H to Ellery, June 7, 1794 . Francis Malbone was a Newport...
Newport, Rhode Island, February 9, 1795. Discusses “The cause United States vs Preserved Pierce junr.” LC , Newport Historical Society, Newport, Rhode Island. Ellery incorrectly addressed this letter to H as Secretary of the Treasury. H had resigned from that position on January 31, 1795, and was succeeded by Oliver Wolcott, Jr. See H to George Washington, January 31,1795 ; Washington to H,...
[ Newport, Rhode Island ] October 25, 1791 . “Yesterday the Brig: Seven Brothers was condemned, no person appearing to claim her, and defend against the Libell. The person referred to in my letter of the 10th. of this month, who was a seaman on board the Sloop Betsy when the breach of the Revenue laws was made for which she was forfeited, and for whom a summons was issued, appeared before the...
[ Newport, Rhode Island ] December 30, 1793 . “The Schooner Hannah is condemned. The Evidence was so strong against her, and the Vessel is of so little value that the Owners did not think proper to put in claim.… I shall pursue the Capt. & Mate with writs, continue my endeavours to find out the vessel, which received the Rum out of the Schooner, and who were employed in that business; and do...
[ Newport, Rhode Island, September 2, 1794. In Ellery’s letter book below his letter to Hamilton on September 1, 1794 , the following notation appears: “Wrote a letter to the Secry of the 2nd. of Sept. 1794.” Letter not found. ] LC , Newport Historical Society, Newport, Rhode Island.
[ Newport, Rhode Island ] March 13, 1792 . “… I wish for a supply of Registers having only seven on hand; and I should be very happy if an allowance and compensation for my services could be made to me before the adjournment of Congress.” LC , Newport Historical Society, Newport, Rhode Island. On April 5, 1792, H submitted to Congress his “Report on Compensation of Officers Employed in the...
On my return from the Eastward, where by extreme bad roads, and severe weather, I had been detained I found that four letters had been received from you. On the receipt of the first dated Nove. 14 in answer to mine of the 25th of Octe., the Registers of my late business as Continental Loan Offe. were immediately transmitted and delivered to Mr. Bowen. On receipt of the second, dated Dece. 6.,...
This will be accompanied by my weekly return of Cash, the copy of a memorandum of the change of master on a Certifict. of Registry No. 5 which issued from this Office, and with a draft No. 728 dated 9th Novr 1789 drawn upon me by Saml. Meredith Tr. in favour of the Cashr. of bank of New york for one hundred Dollars. Your letter of the 5th. of this month did not come to hand until the 18th. On...
Inclosed is my Statement of fees &c. on which I beg leave to make a few remarks. The number of Certifs. of Regy. and Enrollments issued in this, will probably be less than in the last year, and for the following reasons. Upon adopting the Constitution by this State the last year a number of vessels belonging to it were without those papers, which will not want them this; and the property of...
The confidence I reposed in you the last session of Congress I have found, as I expected, was well placed. One favour conferred encourages the receiver, on a like occasion, to request another. The eager pursuit of Offices has not abated in this State. It has become so ardent as to excite bitter dissentions among the competitors, their adherents, and expectants. Amidst this contest and...
[ Newport, Rhode Island ] June 30, 1794 . “Your letter of the 9th of this month relative to a representation made to you by Messrs. Bourne & Malbone concerning certain vessels employed in bringing fire wood from Long island has been handed to me.… For your own part you confess you do not perceive a good ground for the doubt they entertain as to the sense of the law; neither could you undertake...