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Results 41461-41490 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
If the Lancaster Post insists upon half a crown for each Paper, we shall be oblige to you for paying it him; but I think it is a most exorbitant demand for so small additional trouble. If you hear nothing from Us before the end of the Quarter you will then drop the Paper and send me your acct which shall be immediately paid by Sir Yr most Hble Servt ALS , NjSalHi . David Hall printed the...
ALS : Yale University Library I received your kind Letter of Nov. 22. and thank you for your good Wishes in my Behalf. I had, after a short Passage, the Pleasure of finding our Friend Strahan and all his Family well and happy; and my other Friends as cordial as ever. I am oblig’d to you for calling so often at our House, and doubt not a Continuance of your Friendly Offices towards my little...
ALS : Boston Public Library I receiv’d yours of Feb. 9. with the Bill for £200 for which I thank you. I shall take care to send the Lower Case Brevier r’s, that you write for and acquaint Mr. Strahan with what you mention. The Loss of Faulkner and Lutwydge has baulkt Correspondence between Philadelphia and London a great deal. I lately receivd the enclos’d from Edinburgh, and sent the Answer...
By His Excellency’s command, I inclose you a Resolve of Congress of the 16th of December last, by which you will find that Capt. McLane’s Company late of Pattons Regiment is annexed to the Delaware Battalion in the arrangement of the Regs. therefore under your Command, you are to Comprehend Captn. McLane and his Officers. I am, Sir,   Your most Obdt. Servt. Alexr. Copy, Delaware State...
‘Till your letter of the 17th Ulto reached my hands, I had no conception that you were still absent from your Regiment—I am so far from yielding to your request to be tried on the charges exhibited against you, at Philadelphia or Hd Quarters, that you will receive this as a positive order to repair immediately to the Southern Army, where you may have an honourable acquittal if innocent—and an...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have yours of June 23. July 4. and 31. Sept. 14. and 30. and Oct. 19. and have receiv’d of you since I left Philadelphia, four Bills of One hundred Pounds Sterling each. I thank you for your Care in sending them, and your full Accounts of News, &c. I have been long ill. But I thank God am now pretty well recover’d, and hope to be a better Correspondent...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I receiv’d yours of Dec. 15. with the Bill for £200 drawn by W Plumsted on Nesbit & Cheesbrook. Also yours of Feb. 8. The Brevier went in Capt. Gibbon, and I hope will get safe to hand. I order’d the Fount all Roman, as it will hold out better in the same Quantity of Work, having but half the Chance of Wanting Sorts, that the same Weight of Rom. and...
On receipt of this letter you will be pleased to lose no time in marching your regiment to join the Brigade to which it belongs—You will take the route by morris town, Pompton—Ringwood Junes in the Clove & by Dean furnace to the encampment of the Maryland division. I am Sr Df , in Richard Kidder Meade’s writing, DLC:GW ; Varick transcript , DLC:GW . The letter is addressed to “Col. David Hall...
ALS : The Reverend John H. Wo Rhein, Jr., Seaford, Delaware (1964) The Bearer Mr. John Martin, is a Compostor, and goes with the Approbation of his Father and Friends to America. He would be glad to work with you if you can employ him. If not, I do, at the Request of his Father, desire you would favour him with your Advice, and put him in the Way of obtaining Employment at some other House. He...
ALS : American Philosophical Society (extract only printed here) The extract printed below is not in any strict sense a part of the Franklin Papers. It is included here, however, as a quite extraordinary tribute to Franklin’s personal qualities written by a British friend on the eve of his departure from England. Franklin and Strahan had carried on a business correspondence for fourteen years...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I received your obliging Letter of Decemr. 20. with the Newspapers. I am glad to hear of Col. Bouquet’s Success, hope the deserting Hostages will be recover’d, and the Peace firmly establish’d. The French being now totally remov’d from North America, we may, I think, expect the Indians will be more manageable for the future. The Stamp Act,...
ALS : Salem County Historical Society, New Jersey I received your Favour of Jany. 27. by way of Ireland. I have not nor ever had the least Doubt of the Regard you express for me, and if such Assurances, after our long Acquaintance were necessary, I [ torn and illegible ] strongest that mine for you is equal. I am therefore sorry, if it is likely to hurt you, that any of my Friends should think...
I have received your letter of the 17th. You will be pleased to comply with the requisition of the state for three or more officers according to the number of officers your regiment can spare in its present state without injury to the service. Capt. McLean & his Company is now attached to Major Lee’s corps and will not interfere with the officers of your regiment. So soon as the stores at...
ALS : Princeton University Library Within these few Days I have received your several Favours of July 18. Aug. 1. and 8. for which I thank you. I wrote to you per Budden, and really write as often as I well can, having many Correspondents, and a great deal of Writing upon my Hands. Mr. Willock tender’d me the enclos’d Account which I declin’d Paying, not knowing but you might have satisfy’d...
Smiths Clove [ New York ] June 21, 1779 . Asks Hall to comply with the state’s requisition for officers and join the Army as soon as the stores at Middlebrook have been removed. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Hall was a colonel of the Delaware Regiment.
If you be rememberd when I dischargd my account in your Office in March last, I desird notwith standing the Post was discontinued to Winchester, that the Papers might be sent to Alexandria for me, from whence I coud get them, tho. not so regularly. I conceive, as I have [not] got any since, that you must have mistaken my meaning or directions. The Officers of the Virginia Regiment and some...
LS : American Philosophical Society I have receiv’d yours of February 6 and February 20. containing a full Account of your Trouble in the Affair of Moore and Smith. I make not the least Doubt of your having acted uprightly in consulting the Members, and from mere Motives of Prudence, without the least Influence of Mr. Allen or any others, and in no other Respect can I think you have been to...
MS not found; extract printed from facsimile and partially printed text in Parke-Bernet Galleries Catalogue, Sale No. 82, item 125 (January 18, 1939). I received yours of Feb. 25. via Londonderry and the Copy, with one of March 15. per Capt. Bingley; I have also yours of April 12. per Packet; for all which I thank you. The Bill for £150 by Rotch & Compy is paid. And I shall write to Mr. Grace...
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , December 18, 1750. Dr. Adam Thomson, a Scots physician in Maryland, achieved some reputation for his new method of inoculating for smallpox, preparing the patient with debilitating drugs and a mild milk and vegetable diet. In 1750, now settled in Philadelphia, he asked and received through Franklin permission of the trustees of the Academy to read, at a...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I receiv’d yours of June 20. and 22. I have wrote my Mind fully to you in former Letters relating to the Stamp Act, so that I have but little to add, except what you desire to know about the 2 s. on Advertisements. It is undoubtedly to be paid every Time the Advertisement is inserted. As to the Paper sent over, I did it for the best, having at that time...
ALS : text, Yale University Library; cover with address, Haverford College Library. I received your kind Letter of Feb. 3. containing a Note of the Moneys you have received on our Company Account since February 1770, and what you have paid to Mrs. Franklin. I am much obliged by your kind Attention to her in several Instances, and return you my hearty Thanks. My Longing for home increases every...
ALS : Edward Laurence Doheny Memorial Library, St. John’s Seminary By the last Pacquet I sent you the Protests of two of your Bills, one for £200 the other for £100 drawn by Scot and McMichael on Messrs. Portis. My Banker informs me, that they now offer to pay the Money; and tho’ the Protests intitle us to 20 per Cent. from the Drawers, yet as I conceive from some Circumstances I have heard,...
This will be transmitted you by Genl Greene, who has my directions to give you his respecting the repair of the back road, from Sussex to New Windsor, As it is much out of repair, and the route by which we get our supplies I must request your particular attention to it, and that you will not suffer the work to be slighted, but have it done in the most effectual manner. When this business is...
ALS : Yale University Library I wrote to you per the Packet, and do not recollect that I have any thing material to add. Mr. Strahan tells me the large Paper Molds are sent to you. The Duty on Advertisements I before inform’d you, is for every time they are inserted in the Paper. But there is no Duty on Hand Bills or sticking Advertisements, which I suppose will therefore increase, if the...
ALS : Salem County [New Jersey] Historical Society I have wrote you a long Letter by this Vessel, and only add this Line to inform you, that I have receiv’d of your Papers but twice since my Arrival here; and when I want to know what they contain am oblig’d to borrow them of Mr. Neate, who has them regularly. The Reason of this I do not know. I am Yours affectionately Addressed: To / Mr David...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have only time to acknowledge the Receipt of yours of Sept. 6. and thank you for the Intelligence it contains. The Disturbances in the Colonies give me great Concern, as I fear the Event will be pernicious to America in general. But I hope the Address expected home from the Congress you mention, will be couch’d in such humble and dutiful Terms, as that...
ALS : Glassboro (N.J.) State Teachers College Enclos’d are some Letters for you, left with me by Mr. Strahan. I have some Time since bespoke the Brevier you last desired, and hope it will now soon be ready. In your last you desire to know my Mind about Remitting, the Price of Bills being so high with you. What Money I have here is chiefly in the Funds, from whence I cannot withdraw it for...
LS : Independence National Historical Park, Philadelphia I have yours of Novr. 20. Decr. 5 and 8, and Jany. 18, with a Postscript of Feb. 5. Your prudent Conduct in my Absence, with regard to the Parties, as well as in every other respect, gives me great Satisfaction. If I do not correspond so fully and punctually with you as you expected, consider the Situation and Business I am in, the...
Although your favour of March 28th accompanying the " History of the Bank " has been so long on hand, the continued inroads on my health, have not permitted me even yet to do more than glance at the Contents of the volume. From that I perceive that it comprizes information which must be extensively acceptable; particuarly to those engaged in political & historical researches. I sincerly wish...
30 August 1804, Virginia. “The President having thought proper to avail the U. States of your services as Judge of the District Court for the Orleans District I have the pleasure of informing you that a Commission for that purpose has been forwarded to N. Orleans under cover to Governour Claiborne.” Draft ( NhHi : Hubbard Manuscripts). 1 p. At the foot of the page, JM wrote: “D. A. Hall. ☞...