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Results 41451-41480 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Your favor of Mar. 25. has been recieved, & the letter therein inclosed is referred to the...
Philad—April. 26th. 1806 Received of Thomas Jefferson President of the United States Eighteen...
Th: Jefferson presents his respectful compliments to Mrs. Warren & his thanks for the copy of her...
Your letter of Nov. 26. was recieved here Dec. 13. the young Sac, who was the subject of it...
Through your polite Attention to my Letter of the 20th. Instant I have received the Treasurers...
§ From Sylvanus Bourne. 25 April 1806, Amsterdam. “In consequence of the late proceedings of the...
§ From DeWitt Clinton. 25 April 1806, New York. “I enclose you certain documents in favor of an...
§ From Albert Gallatin. 25 April 1806, Treasury Department. “The Secretary of the Treasury,...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Balch whose letter of the 21st. he did not recieve...
According to Lafon’s map, which is the most minute & probably the most correct, of the Environs...
I have the honour to transmit herewith to Your Excellency Copy of my respects of the 25th. of...
Th: Jefferson returns his thanks to mr McMahon for the book he has been so kind as to send him....
25. Present all the members of the Cabinet.  All the articles of a treaty, in maximo & minimo,...
§ From Isaac Cox Barnet. 24 April 1806, Havre. “I have the honor to transmit to your Department...
§ From William Pinkney. 24 April 1806, Baltimore. “I have just had the Honor to receive your...
The absence of Mr Kuhn gains me the honor to answer your Excellencys esteemed lines address’d to...
His Excellency Th jefferson   To Isaac Cooper Jr dolls june 7th 1805— to Straining a painting on...
As far as can be judged from the maps, the road from Fort Stoddert ought to bear down South...
After delivering my letters to Dr. Jones, I recieved one from mr Thomas Strode, to whom I presume...
Some days ago a person called at my door with your account, & as I was engaged in business with...
Your two letters of Apr. 9. & 15. were recieved together on the 21st. inst only. I am sorry you...
Your last letter bears date on the 12th. February. Those of 18 Octr. 11. 26 Novr. 11. 23 Decr. 28...
I have the honor to make known to you that by a nomination of the President with the concurrence...
§ From Isaac Cox Barnet. 23 April 1806, Paris. “With my respects of the 26th. Ulto. I had the...
§ From John Dawson. 23 April 1806. “I call’d to see you on this morning, but you were engag’d. I...
The Petition of John Adams, humbly Sheweth, That your petitioner hath been convicted at the...
I have the honor of proposing for your approbation the following promotions & appointments in the...
I have laid my Petition before the Senate in behalf of the Heirs of Captn. Carver praying for a...
Have the goodness to cause the Book containing proceedings of the Senate in their risen capacity,...
Presuming too much upon Mr Jeffersons polite attention to me while I resided in the United States...