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Results 41451-41460 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
414511780 Feb. 5. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
On Wednesday, the second of Feb. We took Post for Paris, and on Fryday the 4 arrived at Coué, where We lodged, but in the night it rained and froze at the same time untill the Roads were a glare of Ice, so that the Postillions informed Us, it was impossible for their Horses which in this Country are never frosted to go. We passed by Angouleme Yesterday Morning and encircled almost the whole...
I take the liberty, to address myself to your Excellency, about a project I have send to Mr. Franklin the 20. of Septr. last; which contains in short the following. I propose that if I could have the honour to be admitted into the Service of the United States, with the Commission of Major, to form a small Corps of Artillery, consisting in 300. Men, divided into 6. Companies; all the...
When I was Advised of your Arrival at Corunia I had the Pleasing hopes that Your Destination Was the Court of Madrid and Accordingly porposed myself the happiness of Paying you my devoirs there in the month of Aprile. I Also Presumed on taking the Liberty of Writing My Banker in that City Messr. Peter Casamayor & Co. to Make you a Tender of their Services in my Behalf, and to Supply you with...
Copy: Library of Congress Mr. Torris informs me that eight of the Prisoners formerly brought in to Dunkirque by the Black prince an american Privateer are desirous of serving under Capt. Ryan in the fearnot, and that the said Captain knowing them, and placing Confidence in them, is desirous of having them in his service; I do hereby request that you would be pleased to deliver the said Eight...
Copy: Library of Congress I received yours of the 29th. past, am glad to hear that your Health is re-established, and that you have got a Vessel that you like. I send by this post the Commission you desire, to which I make no doubt you will do honour by your Bravery and good Conduct: I send also to The Commissary, my Request that he will deliver to you the eight Men you ask for. No regard...
41456[Diary entry: 5 February 1780] (Washington Papers)
5th. Wind at No. West & cold—frost very severe. In the evening the Wind shifted to the Southward & moderated.
41457General Orders, 5 February 1780 (Washington Papers)
A reserve Pickett of one Captain, one subaltern, four serjeants, four corporals two Drums and Fifes & fifty privates to mount daily in each brigade. These Picketts will assemble at troop beating every morning on the Grand Parade where the officers of the day will inspect them, after which they will retire to huts that are to be appropriated for the purpose in each brigade. The old guard will...
I beg leave to tell to your Excellency that Having Heard one of your most essential reasons against my promotion—was that I was a very young officer in france —your Excellency must Have Been miss informed, for I am in the kings gards with the rank of a Captain since the beginning of the year 1766—and by the time of my Services, I am not far from getting the Crosse of st louis —if your...
This will be deliver’d your Exellency by Capt. Campbell of the 71st British who you will perceive by the incloased Vote of the Council of War, is recommended to you for Permission to go into New Yorke for the purposes theirin expressed; as the Officers have Subsisted intirely at their owne expence tis necessary that they should be supplyd with Cash &c. I doubt not but your Exellency will...
I think it my ⟨duty to transmit⟩ Your Excellency the inclos⟨ed Representation⟩ and Request from sund⟨ry Officers⟩ in your line, which I re⟨ceived Two⟩ days ago. The Objects a⟨re of a⟩ delicate and interesting ⟨nature⟩ and such I am persuaded ⟨as will⟩ have, if they have not alread⟨y had⟩ it, the attention they deserve⟨. From⟩ the conversation and expostu⟨lations⟩ I had with the Gentlemen who...