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Results 41431-41460 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Two copies: Yale University Library At Glasgow the nineteenth Day of September one thousand seven hundred and fifty nine years: The which day in Presence of the Right honourable John Murdoch Esquire Lord Provost of the said City Archibald Ingram Walter Brisbane and John Robertson Baillies thereof Colin Dunlap Dean of Gild and sundry of the Gild Council of said City Benjamin Franklin Esquire...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I was Unwell with a lurking fever all the While I was writing the above letters, but they were no sooner Dispatched, than I was laid up with a very severe attack, which has Confind me almost ever since, and hinderd me from attending the Assembly, both as it was Calld by the Governor, and as it is now seting. This is the first Time I have been...
DS : American Philosophical Society; two copies: Yale University Library Apud Civitatem Sancti Andreae Secunda die mensis Octobris anno partus Salutiferi Millesimo Septingentesimo quinquagesimo nono. Quo Die Magistratuum illustris ordo et Honorandus Senatorum Coetus Inclitae Civitatis Sancti Andreae Indebiti amoris et affectus tesseram Erga virum valde generosum Benjaminum Franklin Armigerum...
ALS : Mrs. Ailsa Joan Mary Dick-Cunyngham, Prestonfield, Edinburgh (1955) Dr. Franklin and his Son present their respectful Compliments to Sir Alexander Dick, and shall attend him to Preston-field tomorrow with great Pleasure. They are extreamly oblig’d to Sir Alexander for his kind Invitation to spend some Days at his Seat in the Country, but doubt the short Stay they must make in these Parts...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I have been recovering slowly from a Tedious lurking Fever for some Time tho I do not venture to go much abroad. The frequent bile I have lately been subject to made me think it my Duty to request the Electors of this County to chuse some other person in my stead but tho’ I thot it very reasonable under my present Circumstances I have not...
AL : American Philosophical Society Lady Dicks Compliments to Doctor Franklen a good Journy to father and son, a happy meeting with Mrs. Franklin and Miss at Philadelphia, Addressed: To / Doctor Franklen Endorsed: Lady Dick with a Purse BF had probably told the Dicks of his hope to return to Philadelphia in a few months, as soon as his business pending before the Privy Council should be...
Copy: Mrs. Ailsa Joan Mary Dick-Cunyngham, Prestonfield, Edinburgh (1955) Verses by Doctor Franklin to Sir Alexander and Lady Dick many years ago wrote at Coldstream on his return to England. ——October 1759 Verses addressd to Lady Dick by Robert Alexander Esquire — October 1759 1 2 3 4 The exact date when BF composed and sent these verses cannot be determined, but it was probably during the...
ALS (fragment): American Philosophical Society [ First part missing ] of the Innocent Sort in pensylvany or the plantations will be very acceptable as also an account of what books and Tracts They have write your or Their Correspondence in This particulars will be very acceptab Let me know how I coud Send letters or Tracts to you and I shall be ready to do it an I think Them worthy and woud be...
Printed in The London Chronicle: or Universal Evening Post , November 22–24, 1759. The two prevailing motives among us, which strongly bias great numbers of people, at this time, to wish for a peace with France, let the terms be ever so dishonourable, ever so disadvantageous, or likely to prove of ever so short a duration, are Power and Self-interest. As to the First, there is a set of men,...
Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society I received yours by Captain Friend, and the Reviews sent by him, in good Order, but I shall never sell them. The Half of the first Parcel you sent me, are yet on my Hands. The Quakers, I am told, don’t like them because of some Reflections they contain on the old Proprietary, which I believe has prevented their Sale. Inclosed you have now the...
Printed in The London Chronicle: or, Universal Evening Post , December 25–27, 1759. News of the British victory on the Plains of Abraham, Sept. 13, 1759, and of the capitulation of Quebec five days later reached London October 16. Together with British victories in other theaters of operation in recent months, this conquest seemed to many observers to promise an end to the war in the near...
ADS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania  £ s. d. 1759. Enquiry concerning the Indians, 11¾ Sheets March No. 1000 at £1 3 s. 13 16 For 23½ Reams of Paper for Do. at 13 s. 15 5 6 Working Description of the Map 7 6
41443List of Franklin Birthdays, [1759] (Franklin Papers)
AD : Historical Society of Pennsylvania The Birthdays of the Children of Josiah and Ann Franklin Eliz. Franklin, Mar. 2. 1677/8. Died Aug. 25. 1759. Samuel May 16. 1681 Mar. 30. 1720 Hannah May 25. 1683 April 3. 1723 Josiah Aug. 23. 1685 Went to Sea, never heard of Ann Jan. 5. 1686/7 June 16. 1729 Joseph Feb. 6. 1687/8
ALS : Library of Congress At length I have found an Hour, in which I think I may chat with my dear good Girl; free from Interruption. The Attention you have always shown to every thing you think agreable to me, demands my most grateful Acknowledgements. I have receiv’d the Garters you have so kindly knit for me; they are of the only Sort that I can wear, having worn none of any kind for 20...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Lett not my Dear Friend Forgett that I expect Him and his Son to Morrow being Wednesday to drink Tea and afterwards to spend the Evening which will oblige his sincere friend Certainly written during BF ’s first mission to England because of the mention of WF . If the “Doctor Frankland” is contemporary, the note was written after BF ’s honorary degree...
AL (fragment): Historical Society of Pennsylvania [ First part missing ] Franklyn for the Favor of his Invitation, sho’d have answer’d his Card sooner but has been kept at Westminster the whole Day, begs Leave now to say, that He will wait on the Doctor, and in the mean Time begs his Acceptance of his most respectful Compliments. The writer has not been identified, though the handwriting bears...
ALS : New York Public Library After we took leave of you, we spent some Weeks in Yorkshire and Lincolnshire, and at length arriv’d at our House here in good Health, having made a Tour of near 1500 Miles, in which we had enjoy’d a great deal of Pleasure, and receiv’d a great deal of useful Information. But no part of our Journey affords us, on Recollection, a more pleasing Remembrance, than...
ALS : Scottish Record Office I ought long before this time to have acknowledg’d the Receipt of your Favour of Nov. 2. Your Lordship was pleas’d kindly to desire to have all my Publications. I had daily Expectations of procuring some of them from a Friend to whom I formerly sent them when I was in America, and postpon’d Writing till I should obtain them; but at length he tells me he cannot find...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania The Bearer Charles Monk calling here in his way to N York from whence he is going to England. I send by him this short Letter for which I detain him on his Journey to inform you we have nothing very new or important in America since the reduction of Quebeck. Our Forces are quiet and General Stanwix continues at Pitsburg (as I hear laid up...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This is to inform You that the associates of the Late Dr. Bray unanimously chose You a Member of their Society. The Prospect of Your kind Assistance induced them to accept of the proposal mentioned in their Advertisment, and to resolve upon opening three Schools for Negroes with all convenient Speed: They adjourned to Thursday 17th. Instant with a View to...
Draft (incomplete): American Philosophical Society On my Return from our Northern Journey, I found several of your obliging Favours; and have now before me those of June 20. July 4. 25, Aug. 9. 22, 23, Sept. 25. and two of Oct. 3. for which please to accept my hearty Thanks. I congratulate you on the glorious Successes of the [year p]ast. There has been for some time a Talk of [Peace], and...
Duplicate: Yale University Library The enclos’d are Copies of my last to you per the Pacquet: Capt. House, who talk’d of sailing two Months ago is still here, but probably will now go in a Day or two, and by him I purpose to send this Letter. Since Govr. Denny and the Assembly have at length come to so good an Agreement, I cannot but join with you in Wishes that he had been continued. But...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I received a Letter or two from you, in which I perceive you have misunderstood and taken unkindly something I said to you in a former jocular one of mine concerning Charity . I forget what it was exactly, but I am sure I neither express nor meant any personal Censure on you or any body. If anything, it was a general Reflection on our Sect; we zealous...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Permit me to address you with the Compliment of the Season; not merely as a Compliment, but with a fervent sincerity. May this Year give you a happy sight of your Native Country, and of those dear Relations you left in it; and if there is anything else wanting to compleat your Felicity, May that be added! May you enjoy a long succession of Years, fraught...
MS : University of Virginia Library At a meeting of the Associates of the late Dr. Bray called for Jan. 17, 1760, to enable the Society to avail itself of Franklin’s advice (see above, pp. 12–13), he recommended New York, Williamsburg, and Newport as the best places to establish the three Negro schools which the Society intended to found in America in addition to the one already started in...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I see I must overcome the Indolence so natural to old Men, and write now and then to my dear good Girl, or I shall seldom have the Pleasure of a Line from her; and indeed it is scarce reasonable in me to expect it. I receiv’d your kind Congratulations on occasion of the new Year; and though you had not mine in writing, be assured that I did and do daily...
DS (two copies): Historical Society of Pennsylvania On February 16 Franklin’s legal adviser Francis Eyre called upon him to receive “Instructions to sollicit the Confirmation of nineteen Pennsylvania Acts of Assembly” passed during 1758 and 1759. The Proprietors opposed eleven of the measures, including the two most important, the £100,000 Supply Act of 1759 and an act authorizing Franklin, as...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; transcript: Harvard College Library (Sparks) Since I wrote you last, I have receiv’d yours of Nov. 7. and 29, Dec. 17. and Jan. 4. the last yesterday by Capt. Monck. I rejoice to hear you and Sally and Mother are well. I have lately been much indispos’d with an Epidemical Cold, that has lain greatly in my Head; but being just now cupp’d by Dr. Fothergill’s...
ALS : Yale University Library The above is a Copy of mine per Capt. House Since which I have receiv’d your Favour of Jan. 8. but one you mention to have wrote of Dec. 2. is not come to hand. Nothing material has pass’d in our Affairs since my last, the Proprietor not having yet presented the Laws. They are at present under Consideration of our Council on both sides. You desire some Information...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. Lemar doing me the Favour to call on me, and acquaint me with his going to Philadelphia, I write this Line to acquaint you that I am now quite well of my late Indisposition, which I mention’d in former Letters. By Capt. Bolitho I send you two Saucepans, plated inside with Silver instead of tinning. I bought them at Sheffield, because I thought they...