Adams Papers

To John Adams from John Marshall, 12 September 1800

Washington Septr. 12th. 1800


Your letter of the 2d. inst. returning the dispatches from our envoys of the 17th. of May, is just receivd. I now perceive that my having omited to accompany those dispatches with a letter requires an apology.

After decyphering it, I had been engagd with the heads of departments until it became necessary to forward the package immediately to you, or to lose a mail which I was not inclind to do, & on that account, only inclosd the papers themselves, intending to write the next day.

Mr. Yznardi is here but as yet has made me no communications

I am Sir with every sentiment of respect / Your obedt. Servt.

J Marshall

MHi: Adams Papers.

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