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Results 41411-41420 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
The patriotic exertions of the Magistrates and inhabitants of this state in compliance with my late application to them on the subject of provisions have a claim to my warmest acknowlegements and to the particular consideration of the public. The crisis which dictated that application was of a very delicate nature, and the worst consequences might have ensued had it not been for the assistance...
Since mine of yesterday, I have been favd with yours of the 27th ulto I am happy to hear that the Fire, in the Garrison, has been suppressed with so little damage. The Officers, who lost their Cloathing, may have the liberty of drawing what Articles they may find suitable in the public store, at the prices fixed by Congress, which are, one half more than such Articles sold for in the year...
The two Connecticut Brigades march this morning. I think you had best detain all the Men of that line, who are already down, who are cloathed and in other respects fit for duty—The others may be sent up under Officers to do Camp duty. I am &c. Df , in Tench Tilghman’s writing, DLC:GW ; Varick transcript , DLC:GW . See GW to St. Clair, 1 February .
I received your Excellencys favour of Yesterday but was at New Ark when the Messenger arrived here, and as it was Night when I returned; detained him untill this Morning least I might have something to communicate. The Intelligence I obtained at New Ark was of little Consequence—but the Person repeats that the Numbers upon Staten Island and at the Hook are as he before informed from all that...
I am this moment favored with your letter of this date. The detatchment which I mentioned as to march this morning, owing to some causes that have unavoidably intervened, does not leave camp till to-morrow. With regard to the enterprise you have in view—should circumstances make it eligible in your opinion, I have no objection to your trying the experiment. I am Dr Sir Your obt & hble servt LS...
The Attack upon Buskerque as we have digested it, will be conducted in the following Manner—Colonell Hazen with two hundred pickd Men will pass at Halsteds Point and march across the Country, avoiding if possible every House, untill he arrives in the Rear of Donglasses House, which is, as we are informed, near the lower part of the Cantonement, and is to make the Attack—Colonell Willet with...
I have received Your 2d Letter of this date. As I wrote You this forenoon I leave the Enterprize in view entirely with You—and the execution to be attempted or not as You may judge proper from a full consideration of all circumstances—the intelligence you have received—and the characters of the persons who gave it. If it should appear to You that there is a strong probability of it’s...
I have advanced upwards of Two Thousand pounds for the use of the Gun factory under the care of Mr. Dick and myself, and Money daily wanted which I shall continue to furnish untill a supply can be obtained from the Treasury; Majr. Alexander Dick informs me that he shall shortly return to this place and has promissed to bring up any Money you will please to send me, about Ten Thousand pounds...
Copy: Library of Congress I received The Letter you did me the honour of Writing to me The 8th. past. This is the first good Opportunity I have had of answering it. All the Circumstances you mention considered, if you think you can have leave to pass by New York I see nothing amiss in your attempting it and I heartily wish you a prosperous Voyage. As to Conveyances from hence, they are very...
L : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Wee the American prisoners Residing at forton Prison Take the Liberty of Informing you by a Couple of Gentleman from this place the Situation Of the prisoners on this side the Atlantic and the Bad Consequences that attends the Neglect of them. We have Wrote to you on the Subject by the Conveyance Of Mr. Newsham but for fear of its Miscarrying we Beg Leave...