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Results 4141-4150 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
D r Waterhouse having long had “ a concern of mind “ to visit the shrine of S t James and S t Thomas, is come this far on his pilgrimage; and wishes only to know if this be the proper time to pay his devotions? DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
I have lately received from my friend Mr Halkett a copy of the accompanying work and one for Mr Hunter—Believing that you will read it with interest I send Mr Hunters copy to your care and will request the favor of you after perusing it to direct it to Mr Hunter or retain it for him untill he may renew his visit to you—congratulating you Dear Sir upon the prospects of your university and upon...
on my arrival here, I found two letters and a bill of lading from Gowan and Marx, concerning the books you have already received. His letter does not apprise me, whether the two shipments of books he mentions, completes the order. a copy of a letter from Bohn to Marx, mentions also, a small box of books consisting of additions, omissions &c. to that part of the order to be executed in London....
From a letter recently received, from a young gentleman now in Richmond, Mr Holbrook, I learn that I have been greatly mistaken, as to your intentions, relative to my occupying the station of “ Serjent ” at the University; & perhaps, am, thereby, subjected to censure for not having written to you the second time—. You will, probably recollect that I observed, when I first conversed with you...
Your letter of the 13 th received yesterday, on my return from Lynchburg, imposes on me a very unpleasant duty— I have been acquainted with judge Dade, for ten or fifteen years, and for a part of that time very intimately—We have been actors on the same theatre, and have been together. under circumstances, which have produced a strong, and I hope durable friendship between us—Not to concur,...
I inclose you the Report rendered by mr Gilmer to the Visitors on his return, together with the Catalogue and cost of the books purchased for us . as also the Catalogues and cost of the apparatus purchased and the balance of £ 163–1. sterl. left undrawn in the hands of the banker at our order, balances his account for the 1800. £ sterl his compensn for time, services & expence on the mission...
I arrived at this place yesterday, on my return from Lancaster and have to-day had an interview with M r Loyall, in the course of which he shewed me the copy which he had received of your circular of the 13th ins t relative to the nomination of Judge Dade as Professor of law in the University. Considering it unnecessary to defer writing till my return home some two or three weeks hence, and...
I have heard with the deepe s t regret of your present, or late indisposition, & agreeable to your request, have this day deposited in the post office ½ lb Gum Arabic, to your address, which I hope will reach you safely—Hoping soon to hear of your entire restoration, remain MHi .
Permit me to introduce to you our young friend M r George B Bibb, of Alabama, the only son of Doctor William B. Bibb deceased late governor of Alabama, M r Bibb is on a visit to our university, and wishes to call & pay his respects both to you & M r Maddison. with high Considerations of respect & regard y r mo obt MHi .
When I wrote to you last about the claim of Mr. Bonnycastle, I had not the least conception of the light in which he viewed the case, nor of the necessity of some speedy decision on it. I supposed there could be no occasion for you to act until the forfeiture was claimed, or I should certainly have taken a more immediate interest in his behalf. The letter I wrote contained my recollection of...